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  • next.

  • Science and fashion.

  • The artificial dyes used to make clothing are efficient and cheap.

  • They're commonly seen in fast fashion, inexpensive and trendy clothes worn for a season or two.

  • But it takes a lot of water to process.

  • Thes dies.

  • It creates a lot of waste, and it can lead to chemicals seeping into the environment.

  • Our bacteria colored clothes, a viable alternative.

  • What happens when you take a designer and place them in a biological scientific environment?

  • That's when you get a new way of thinking that can catalyze innovation.

  • Bacteria produced pigment.

  • I became very interested with microbes that seep it out because that seemed like a very low tech way off.

  • Actually accessing that color structure.

  • My succeeded colors an organism that's normally found in the soil.

  • It gives beetroot its flavor.

  • It's smell of rain just before a thunderstorm and produces this beautiful sky blue pigment.

  • We quickly discovered that it could die textiles with about 500 times less water than what ordinarily happens in industry.

  • We're at the Department of Biochemical Engineering at University College London, so researchers here are looking at how synthetic biology the design of living systems can offer US nature driven ways off doing the sorts of things that chemicals normally different.

  • Stripped of my see the color producers color within seven days, it can ferment in a liquid broth off nutrients, and that's when those cells start to divide.

  • After a certain point, something is triggered.

  • It starts to produce that pigment.

  • You can grow the organism directly onto the textile.

  • Andi.

  • If you start to direct where those organisms are, you can start to design patterns on Prince to start to design with biology in quite a compelling way, we can create a range of different colors by tweaking the pH low pH results in more blue colors towards the purple spectrum.

  • On Do Something that's a slightly higher pH is going to deliver bright, vibrant pinks and even reds.

  • I think what's so fascinating about textiles is that they have always bean artifacts that are beyond this material that might look nice.

  • They tell us about where we are with our technology.

  • If we look at what knitting was in the 19 hundreds, compared to what you could do now with three D forms, massive leaps have happened.

  • There are new space is opening up for designers to invite this interdisciplinary sharing ideas.


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