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  • -Welcome back to "The Tonight Show."

  • We are here with one of our favorites, John Cena!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • In the studio with us with us, John.

  • John and I are about to face off in a new game

  • called "Toss It Over."

  • ♪♪

  • ♪ -Toss it over

  • -Alright, here's how it works.

  • As you can see, John and I have this wall between us.

  • Each of us will be given four mystery items

  • that we have never seen before.

  • One at a time, we're going to the mystery item over the wall,

  • and then it's the other player's job to try and catch it.

  • But here's the thing.

  • Neither of us will know what we're catching

  • until it's flying right at our faces.

  • The person who can catch the most items wins.

  • John, are you okay? Can you hear me?

  • -I can, Jimmy!

  • -Wow. [ Laughter ]

  • Feels like we're doing a magic act.

  • We've never met before. Is that correct?

  • Alright, alright, John, you will be the first --

  • our first guest, you'll catch first.

  • Are you ready for this? -You damn right I will.

  • -I'm ready. -Okay, alright, here we go.

  • Alright, let's see the first item.

  • Okay, yeah. Alright.

  • [ Grunting ] Alright, dude. Ohh.

  • How do I pick this up?

  • -I'm eagerly waiting.

  • -How do I throw -- How do I throw it? I don't know how to --

  • -I have a feeling this is gonna be so fun.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -It might get a little...

  • nasty! [ Drumroll ]

  • [ Ding! ] -[ Laughs ]

  • -Did he do it? -Yes! Yes.

  • -Ah, it was a beach ball. That was easy. That was easy.

  • -You're a good sport. -Alright.

  • John, it is your turn to throw.

  • Here comes your item.

  • -Alright.

  • [ Drumroll ]

  • I have to [Grunts] navigate --

  • It's like like trying to manipulate the Big Show.

  • Hold on.

  • Okay. -Yeah.

  • -Are you ready, Jimmy? -I hope so.

  • -In three --

  • -Ooh!

  • [ Laughter ]

  • [ Ding! ] [ Cheers and applause ]

  • That counts, right?

  • That counts! I like this dude.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • I got to bring him to my girl.

  • Gosh, he's growling at me. Alright.

  • Alright, it's my turn. Let's see what I got this time.

  • Here we go.

  • [ Laughs ]

  • -I'm ready.

  • It's gonna be great.

  • Toss it over!

  • -[ Chuckles ] Dude, this is serious.

  • Like, serious.

  • We had to have your agent sign off on this.

  • [ Drumroll ]

  • Alright, buddy?

  • You just got to trust me and just go for it, okay?

  • [ Grunting ] 1, 2, 3.

  • [ Grunts ]

  • [ Laughter ] [ Buzzer ]

  • [ Laughs ]

  • Did he even try?

  • Did he try to get that?

  • Did he try? Are you okay?

  • -I am. -Alright, good.

  • -A piece of me died on the inside.

  • -Alright, alright, perfect.

  • -Thought you were throwing a cinder block at me.

  • [ Laughter ] That's fair. That's fair.

  • Alright, alright, it's gonna be like that.

  • -Yeah, it's your turn. Here we go.

  • -It's gonna be like that? Okay, alright.

  • It's gonna be like that. Alright, okay.

  • Alright then.

  • [ Drumroll ]

  • -Whenever you're ready.

  • -Oh, no, I'm ready.

  • The question is, are you ready, Jimmy?

  • [ Rhythmic clapping ]

  • Anticipation builds.

  • -I can hear --

  • [ Laughter ] [ Ding! ]

  • -Well worth it!

  • [ Laughter ]

  • Well -- I can't see you.

  • And I was slightly affected by my throwing motion,

  • but it's well worth whatever happened.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -You want it back?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • Gosh. Alright.

  • See, this is why I didn't wear a suit.

  • [ Laughs ] Oh, my gosh.

  • Okay, let's see what I'm throwing.

  • You're kidding me.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -I'm gonna catch this. -This is the --

  • This is insane. -I'm going to catch this.

  • -Now I understand how you agreed to do this game.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • Are you kidding me?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • Alright, ready? -Yes.

  • -[ Laughing ] 1, 2, 3.

  • [ Laughs ]

  • Sorry.

  • Sorry, John, I threw the wrong one.

  • I'm sorry, John.

  • -What are you throwing over?

  • Oh, [bleep]!

  • [ Laughter ] [ Ding! ]

  • -Yes! -He got it? Alright. Good.

  • -Yes!

  • -Alright, John, it is your turn. -[Bleep]

  • -I threw the wrong thing. I apologize.

  • -I think we may have to subtract some points

  • for throwing the wrong --

  • Was that -- Did you throw my item over at me?

  • -No, no, no, that wasn't me. That was --

  • -That was another pie? Okay, fair.

  • -No, it was -- someone else ran in.

  • -It's dirty pool, Jimmy Fallon. It's dirty pool.

  • Alright, alright.

  • -John, it's your turn. -It is.

  • [ Drumroll ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ] [ Laughter ]

  • ♪♪

  • And away...we...go.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • [ Buzzer ] [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Stupidest game I have ever played in my life.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • I mean, and I thought "Fish Slap" was bad.

  • I thought "Fish Slap" was bad.

  • Alright, John, for this final --

  • Seriously, you got a unicorn piñata.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • John, for this final round,

  • we're both going to throw at the same time.

  • This is worth 1,000 points.

  • Let's see what we'll be tossing over.

  • -A thous-- Okay, fair enough. Fair enough.

  • -Yep. Whoever wins this wins it all.

  • -Alright.

  • [ Drumroll ]

  • Throwing at the same time?

  • -Well, hold on a second.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Now, you said we're gonna be throwing at the same time?

  • -What's that? Yes, we're throwing at the same --

  • Do you want to count down 3 to 1?

  • -Yeah, or is it 1, 2, 3 or is it 3, 2, 1?

  • -Alright, I say it's 1 -- [ Laughs ]

  • -You say it's 1, 2, 3?

  • -It is 1...2...3.

  • [ Laughter ] [ Ding! ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Yeah! -That was for you.

  • -Eww! -That was for you!

  • -Ah! -He caught it.

  • Alright, good, then I got to say the winner --

  • Then I must say the winner -- [ Laughter ]

  • The winner is [Laughs] John Cena, everybody!

  • -How? How do I win? [ Dinging ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Stick around!

-Welcome back to "The Tonight Show."

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