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  • with heart pounding action and superheroes fighting for justice.

  • Comic books are full of epic tales to inspire us, peek behind the curtain and meet the real heroes that bring these beloved stories.

  • Toe life thistles.

  • Batman, This is Superman.

  • You know them because you love comics.

  • Well, this is Ghost World on eight ball on David.

  • Boring on their comics, too, and their creator is really important.

  • So pay attention because you're about to watch a really great story about one of the most influential people in the world of comics.

  • Oh, and is narrated by Woody Harrison.

  • Okay, this is the cover of the 2010 graphic novel Wilson.

  • I started the endearingly cantankerous main character when the story was adapted into a movie.

  • Wilson's authors, Daniel Clouds Dan, is many things His work would go on to change the trajectory of comics and popular culture as we know it.

  • Dan was born in Chicago on April 14th, 1961 coming of age in the 19 seventies.

  • Dance spent his formative years surrounded by his hippie classmates.

  • But while they were listening to the Grateful Dead in Jefferson Airplane and was dedicating himself to different pursuit to be into comics when I was in high school was like the lowest thing you could possibly be into.

  • I mean, I can't think of anything that would have been more pathetic.

  • He felt like an outsider like you truly laid claim to it in a way no one else did.

  • Drawing was his outlet.

  • Dan graduated from high school in 1979 and the camping to New York City to attend art school.

  • His very first published comic was arguably a disaster.

  • The sales got low enough where the publisher said, You know, I think we're just gonna We're gonna cancel this comment I felt like, Okay, I had my shot.

  • That's it.

  • It would be a second comic that would change dance career.

  • It was 1989.

  • Dan released eight ball collection of comics of varying genres, lengths and drawing styles.

  • Readers loved it.

  • No one had ever seen a comic told like this.

  • You know, I was doing the kind of comics I always wanted to read, and I thought, There's got to be other people like me, And it turned out that I wasn't such a strange person after e mhm.

  • That's me, Thora Birch.

  • And that's a clip from the movie adaptation of Ghost World.

  • As this tale of teenage doldrums made its way from comic to film, it became the work that brought Dan's name recognition to the level of occult celebrity.

  • E felt like I had sort of gone to a different level where people took me more seriously, you know, it was more than just the guy.

  • Address comics beyond what it did for Dan.

  • Ghost World helped to change the perception of graphic novels and comics as a whole.

  • Publishers were struggling, and all of a sudden people were doing graphic novels in the soil.

  • These were actually selling.

  • And so it just became this kind of weird boom time for graphic novel, Post Ghost World.

  • Things got busy.

  • His work has been translated into over 20 languages.

  • His writing would go on to be adapted into two more movies.

  • Art School Confidential and the aforementioned Wilson and what helped make all this possible?

  • And what made Dan so beloved among so many people are his characters.

  • Whenever I read somebody talk about all these characters air, sad losers, anything, really are they?

  • I've always felt that your goal when you're doing a story of real characters is that you have to find a way to love them, no matter who they are, with proper social attack forever eluding them.

  • They're endearing outsiders.

  • Justus Dan Once Waas I don't know what what's going on, What the future will hold it all.

  • I never think about that stuff.

  • I just hope I can, you know, keep scribbling away.

  • For a few more years till the Alzheimers kicks and three year was 1946 radio was king and the Adventures of Superman ruled the airwaves.

  • But with fascism vanquished, the man of steel set his sights on a different foe.

  • This is the story of how Superman busted the Ku Klux Klan.

  • Because unless we stop this fiery cross clan now, they'll get you no matter where you go.

  • The story starts with Stetson Kennedy Ah, journalist who infiltrated the clan for the Anti Defamation League.

  • He wanted to melt the cultural glue that held the clan together.

  • Thanks, Rick.

  • No problem.

  • That's Rick Bowers, B o.

  • W.

  • Wrote this book Superman versus the Ku Klux Klan.

  • But what does Stetson Kennedy have to do with Superman?

  • Remember the last son of Krypton needed a new enemy.

  • The producers of the radio show on a very bold gambit, decided Superman would take on real life.

  • Hate groups on the creators of The Adventures of Superman used Kennedy's research to produce a 16 part series called The Clan of the Fiery Cross, where a great secret society pledged to purify America.

  • The Superman producers went to the Anti Defamation League and said, Authenticate our script, provide us more information.

  • It was a way to get the message out that no one else could get out just by telling horror stories.

  • I'm the Grand Scorpion of the clan of the fiery cross Grand Rachael mean it exposed.

  • The Klan is hate mongers, but it also exposed the clan as a money driven organization.

  • I'm running a business rigs, and so are you.

  • We deal in one of the oldest and most profitable commodities on earth.

  • Hate.

  • It was a breakthrough in American broadcasting.

  • Not only have they done this great public service, but they elevated themselves to the number one radio show for kids on air.

  • Well, they're cowardly Gangsters who operate at night, hidden behind sheets and hoods.

  • Their minds are diseased with hate.

  • No one is safe from them.

  • E guess you could say that the white robe stood no chance against the man of steel.

  • Everybody knows Spiderman.

  • Everybody knows Superman.

  • Everybody doesn't know.

  • Harriet Tubman.

  • Demons, Layer.

  • I wanted our focus to be diverse titles.

  • We are actively working to make sure we have books that you just may not see another shops.

  • My name is Arial Johnson, and I'm the owner and operator, a k A.

  • Head nerd in charge of Amalgam comics and coffeehouse, a comic bookstore devoted to diversity.

  • When I was about 11 or so, I was introduced to the X Men.

  • I really connected with Storm because she looked like me white hair and white, either side.

  • It was out of my love of her character that I got into comic books.

  • Once I graduated, I did struggle with finding my place in the world.

  • It wasn't quite happy in my career, and after a conversation between my sister, my brother in law, they gave me that extra push that I needed to do the thing that I get excited about.

  • Fast forward and we're here.

  • And we've been here three years in building amalgam.

  • I wanted my comic book sort of focus on diversity because I know what it's like to not be represented.

  • We also take steps to make sure people know that they're welcome here.

  • From the books that we stock with Michelle's from the people that I have working here, everything about the space is diverse.

  • I know the creators have had stories about dealing with stores, and publisher is getting their work published or in a store.

  • And sometimes it is just very much like, Well, this is too different from what we normally sell, so we don't want to take a chance on it.

  • But Malcolm Well, Shauna Lien is an indie creator who has been a long time supporter of amalgam.

  • We have carried his books in the past, and currently we're carrying his line of T shirts with the name of my comic book is The Almighty Street Team is a collaborative urban superhero martial arts comic book.

  • Usually the comic books that I create stay close to the stuff I grew up loving, but she was like the urban street characters.

  • I did have some trouble placing the book in stores, but we found a home in Amalgam right away.

  • She got the idea, she got a vision and she connected with the book.

  • When I see the support to the indie comic book creators, it makes you feel like, Hey, yeah, I can continue to make a living doing this.

  • When I opened the shop, so many people said, This is what we've always needed I've always wanted Ah, place like this.

  • We have had an overwhelmingly positive response from our local community, the geek community beyond the blurred community.

  • Who your geek community people are excited that this space exists.

  • And if you have something that you want to see in your community, my challenge would be Thio do the work to see if it's something that you could dio.

  • I don't think that people should keep waiting to be saved by someone else.

with heart pounding action and superheroes fighting for justice.

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