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  • the study cycle is a five step process you can use to improve your studying and become a better learner.

  • Overall, Maggie uses it for a variety of her college courses.

  • The study cycle goes through the following steps.

  • Preview a 10 class review study and check it before going to class.

  • Maggie previews the material.

  • She skims the chapter, looking for any key terms and ideas.

  • This will give her a basic foundation of what's going to be covered so she could get more out of the lecture.

  • Then Maggie will attend class.

  • This may seem pretty obvious, but there's more to it than just showing up.

  • Maggie.

  • Make sure that she's attentive and focused, and because she previewed the material, she knows what to take notes on after class, Maggie briefly reviews her notes while the material is still fresh in her mind.

  • This isn't a long study session.

  • Just a quick recap.

  • It gives her a chance to mentally summarize the main points and explain them to herself.

  • This will help her to identify any gaps she may have or questions to address later on.

  • Maggie takes time to actually study the material she'll spend time reviewing her notes from class as well as any assigned readings.

  • These study sessions don't have to be particularly long.

  • Ah, focus.

  • 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Session might be enough.

  • After some study sessions, Maggie will check in with herself.

  • She'll wanna ask questions like, Are my study methods working?

  • And do I understand this enough to teach it to others?

  • This will help her to assess how effective her studying has been and how well she understands the information.

  • Then she loops back around to the preview step for the next class, and the cycle starts over.

  • All of these steps may seem fairly obvious on their own, but the reason the study cycle works is because of how they interact with one another.

  • Each step feeds into both the previous and following steps.

  • For example, during the preview step, Maggie may encounter a term or idea that seems a bit confusing.

  • Then, when she attends class, she knows to focus on this and ask questions if she doesn't fully understand it.

  • Or maybe after studying Maggie is checking in with herself and realizes that her methods aren't as effective as they could be.

  • This will allow her to both alter her study habits for her next class, her topic, and could change how in what she previews.

  • It will also help her to realize what material she needs to spend more time with from the previous class.

  • If used regularly, the study cycle can not only prevent procrastination, but also improve your memory and your attention.

  • G c f global creating opportunities for a better life.

the study cycle is a five step process you can use to improve your studying and become a better learner.

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