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  • There's no such thing as being too cool.

  • I have beautiful skin.

  • I don't care where you from what you've done.

  • Come, come, come.

  • I'm saying, John, I'm gonna show you how to do it.

  • First things first.

  • You got what?

  • Your face.

  • You gotta get your Facebook.

  • I who?

  • It's simple.

  • Watch, right.

  • I'm not done washing my face.

  • Obviously, in this way, first thing I start with this.

  • It's a gentle exfoliant, so you could really do it for a while.

  • I like laughing in my place.

  • I like knowing for a fact, but I'm doing myself love.

  • Self love happens in a mirror and a shower by yourself.

  • You know, what's the myth?

  • Guys who were too tough to take care of their skin that said, there don't exist.

  • They sound dumb.

  • I really didn't take a long time ago, cause I really do sincerely genuinely love myself.

  • Don't forget your neck too.

  • Anybody else?

  • We just a not sure why.

  • My mom's object e don't know the difference between a pat dry rub and enduring all over your face.

  • You got sensitive skin.

  • You ain't gonna take your time.

  • The second order of business.

  • This is rose hip oil.

  • If you've never seen it before, take a look at that because I've been traveling your skin or your dry because you're traveling whenever you in different altitudes, different temperatures, different climates.

  • Oh, this is the consistency of it.

  • It's not.

  • Is this order always rub up?

  • My mom told me that my mom said You have to fight gravity wrap up.

  • So I wrote because I don't want to figure out what happens if I don't listen to my mom.

  • She said about she got great skin.

  • If it's not enough, just double back for a generous amount.

  • I'm not your skin.

  • You got to know what you need.

  • They can't tell you what to do on the bottle.

  • They never seen your face.

  • They never wake up next to you.

  • How do you know how much you need?

  • They give a general prescribing mouth and then you gotta figure out what's best for you.

  • My skin feels amazing.

  • And then his last thing.

  • Because if you really love yourself, you never neglect vitamin C.

  • Vitamin C, You will save you a misery tears and I'm staring at old pictures.

  • You won't be staring at old pictures talking about.

  • We used to be sexy.

  • You don't wanna do that.

  • I'm not even doing too much because vitamin C vitamin C has a frightening element.

  • Meaning if you put too much of something like this on it, naturally, it'll brighten your skin.

  • That's not the intention.

  • I just wanna make sure my skin gets hydrated.

  • Just put a drop, literally.

  • Just hit it with a drop.

  • Oh, you too tough.

  • You too, masculine.

  • And put a drop the vitamin C around your auto bones.

  • You don't wanna be sexy in real life, you're gonna be half sexy.

  • I don't believe in that.

  • I believe is be sexy or go home when I ain't been home in a long time.

  • And plus I know the trick.

  • Fan.

  • I know it's this finger.

  • Girls don't tell you it's this finger.

  • You gotta use this one because this is supposed to be the one that applies the least amount of pressure.

  • So when you just tapping it like this because of skin underneath your eye, it is the most sensitive skin on your entire body.

  • There's no such thing as being too cool.

  • I have beautiful skin.

  • I don't care Where you from?

  • What you've done bumpy, greasy, beaten, broken ruffle skin.

  • That ain't what you really want.

  • I don't care what you looking at, Mary.

  • Tell yourself I know what you really need to know what you really want.

  • You probably all these in vitamin C.

  • You're gonna need some rose hip oil.

  • And plus you're gonna need next rolling.

  • I'm tired.

  • I've been on a lot of planes, trains and automobiles.

  • I wanna go to bed, but e forgot to shut you up.

There's no such thing as being too cool.

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