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  • Hi.

  • Welcome to

  • I'm Adam.

  • Today's lesson is going to be a bit of a mix of grammar, and vocab, and writing - all of

  • the skills you need together because we're going to be looking at suffixes; and more

  • specifically, we're going to be looking at seven words that can also be used as a suffix.

  • Now, first of all, what is a "suffix"?

  • A "suffix" is a piece of something that you add to the end of a word.

  • It's a word ending.

  • Right?

  • Now, most of you might be familiar, for example, with if I add "ly" to the end of an adjective,

  • I can change it into an adverb; or if I add "ment" to the end of a word, I make it a noun.

  • Now, these suffixes change words in terms of parts of speech.

  • I change a verb to a noun or a noun to a verb, etc.

  • What these do... what these specific suffixes do is they change the meaning of a word completely.

  • Now, the reason it's important to know these and the reason I mentioned writing is because

  • these are not used enough by writers; especially those of you taking tests, like IELTS, TOEFL,

  • CAE, etc. - you need to have your vocabulary range.

  • Right?

  • That's one of the things they're scoring you on.

  • You want to have nice words, but nice words don't have to be big words; they just have

  • to be words that are not commonly used.

  • And a lot of people do not use words that include these suffixes, and they're very useful

  • words.

  • Okay?

  • So we're going to look at some of them.

  • So, when I add "hood" to the end of a word, for example... now, the word "hood" by itself,

  • if you have a hoodie, if you have a sweatshirt with a hood that goes over your head; or if

  • you think about in your kitchen you have a... you have your stove, and above it you have

  • a hood with a fan to take all the steam and oil, or whatever you're cooking - the smells.

  • Your car, the front of your car, over your engine has a hood.

  • So, think of a "hood" as covering everything.

  • But as a suffix, it's basically the state, condition, or quality of something.

  • So, now, for example, when I speak of "childhood", I'm talking about the whole time of being

  • a child and everything that is included in that.

  • So, "childhood" includes going to school and having friends, and playing outside, and having

  • toys, and having... playing video games, and innocence.

  • All of the ideas we think of: "What is a child?" are included in the childhood; so it's a period

  • of time where you're a child.

  • The opposite: "adulthood" - the time of being an adult; of having a job, and having a family,

  • and responsibilities.

  • Okay?

  • A "neighbourhood" is the area where all the people are neighbours; where all the neighbours

  • live together and share a small community.

  • Okay?

  • "Likelihood".

  • "Likely" means probably will happen.

  • The "likelihood" means the chance of something being likely; the chance of it being... or

  • the condition of it being likely.

  • So, the likelihood of this guy winning the presidency is very low.

  • But turns out that the likelihood was not as low as everybody expected, for example.

  • Right?

  • Now, the reason I mentioned these: I've seen so many IELTS and TOEFL essays that do not

  • use this word that should use this word.

  • Right?

  • People say: "Oh, the time that a person is a child... the time a person is a child",

  • right?

  • You have seven words when you could have said all of that with one word.

  • If you can use one word, don't use seven words.

  • Okay?

  • So now we're talking about coherence and cohesion, which includes brevity.

  • These suffixes give you a lot of range in terms of vocabulary.

  • Learn how to use them properly.

  • Lots of words like this.

  • If you Google: "Words that end in 'hood'", you'll see a whole bunch of them.

  • Okay?

  • "Like".

  • So, "like" has many meanings, but the one we're going to look at is similar to; so something

  • is like something else.

  • But I don't have to separate it into a whole sentence; I can use this as a suffix.

  • I can talk about things, attitudes, behaviours, but you have to be a little bit careful.

  • Okay?

  • Now, if somebody is "childlike" means he is like a child.

  • But what does that mean?

  • It doesn't mean that he's small or whatever; it means he behaves like a child or he thinks

  • like a child.

  • So, we're not talking about physical; we're talking about mental or even personality-wise.

  • And we're going to talk about "wise" in a second.

  • "Businesslike".

  • So, in my company, I don't allow jeans.

  • Everybody has to dress in a businesslike manner; everybody has to come with a businesslike

  • attitude - they have to be like a business.

  • They have to act or their attitude has to be business; not casual.

  • Right?

  • I want everybody to be very businesslike when they meet clients.

  • Don't pretend like they're your best friends; be businesslike, get the job done, move on.

  • Now, if you want to compare physical things, right?

  • So, everybody knows what a sweet potato is - okay, or a yam.

  • Okay?

  • Do you know a yam?

  • A "yam" is a potato-like vegetable.

  • So, it's similar to a potato, but it's not a potato.

  • It's different, but very similar; starchy, you can bake it, you can eat it with sour

  • cream.

  • Very delicious.

  • Okay?

  • So, all of these things - again, Google: "Words that end in 'like'", you'll have a whole list

  • of these.

  • Good to know.

  • And again, you don't want to say something in five words that you could say in one.

  • Okay.

  • "Wise".

  • So, everybody knows "wise": "Oh, smart person".

  • Yeah, well, that's an adjective and we can use that in a different way than we can use

  • the suffix.

  • As a suffix, it means in the direction of or regarding, in regards to.

  • So, when I want to turn "clockwise", I want to turn this direction; "counterclockwise"

  • - against.

  • So, in the clockwise, in the direction of a clock; counterclockwise, the opposite direction.

  • I'm not sure if this translate.

  • Clockwise; counterclockwise.

  • Okay?

  • "Lengthwise".

  • So, you have to cut the fabric lengthwise; not widthwise.

  • So, if you have a piece of fabric and you need to cut it, but you're not sure which

  • way: Lengthwise - along the length.

  • Now, if somebody is "street-wise", this doesn't mean the direction of or regarding; this means

  • smart.

  • And this hyphen tells you that this is now a compound adjective.

  • This actually means smart, like wise; has wisdom.

  • If somebody is streetwise, he is smart; he knows how the streets work, and he knows how

  • to get along on the street.

  • So, don't mix the two; two different meanings.

  • Okay?

  • So, "streetwise", "clockwise", "lengthwise".

  • "Some".

  • Now, "some"... if I have some friends, but that's not the "some" that we're talking about

  • here as a suffix; it means characterized by.

  • Sorry, it's got a little... i must have walked into that.

  • Characterized by or of - there's a little bit of a difference.

  • When we talk about "wholesome", so when we speak about a person who is wholesome, this

  • person is characterized as being whole, which doesn't really help you.

  • A "wholesome person" means very good, very generous, likes to help other people, doesn't

  • swear, doesn't say bad words; very pure, very clean, very good person.

  • "Wholesome", complete person.

  • Right?

  • But when I say "twosome"...

  • "They're a very handsome twosome".

  • "Handsome", of course, means pretty, but like pretty but for a guy we would say.

  • "Handsome", the "some" doesn't really go with "hand"; it's just a word that goes together.

  • It's not a suffix necessarily.

  • A "twosome" means of two.

  • A "threesome", a "foursome", a "fivesome" means a collection of whatever the number

  • is.

  • Now, "awesome".

  • Everybody loves this word.

  • This word is "awesome", but actually it's not because "awe" doesn't mean amazing or

  • good.

  • "Awe" means, like, shocked, surprise, sometimes fear.

  • Like, if you're awed by something, you're a little bit in fear of it; you're shocked

  • by it.

  • So, something is characterized by the awe that it inspires in people.

  • So, even though people use it wrong all the time - go ahead and use it, like: "amazing",

  • "great", but just understand that it's characterized by awe, and understand what "awe" means.

  • Okay?

  • I got three more for you - let's get to those.

  • Okay, so now we have three more.

  • Some of these I think are very common.

  • For example: "able".

  • "Able" means able to do or able to be done.

  • So, when we're talking about something that is "preventable" means that this thing could

  • have been prevented or can be prevented, depending on the context.

  • Now, the reason it's important to know this one - again, if you can say something in one

  • word, don't use three.

  • So, this was the...

  • "The dilemma or the problem was not able to be prevented."

  • First of all, why use a passive?

  • And second of all, why use so many words?

  • "The problem was unpreventable."

  • Put the "un" in front to make it negative, "preventable" - couldn't be-okay?-prevented.