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  • Simon: America, you should be ashamed of yourself

  • S: because Japan has just out-America'd you

  • S: with the American cherry pie frappuccino at Starbucks.

  • Martina: It has an actual pie crust

  • M: for a lid.

  • M: You have to like...

  • M: beat your way through

  • M: the cherry crust

  • M: to get in to the American cherry pie.

  • S: So this is a limited edition frappuccino

  • S: that was all over social media last week.

  • S: It just came out today.

  • S: I'm gonna try it out. M: Was it all over the sowsh meeds?

  • S: The sowsh meeds.

  • M: The smowsh meeds.

  • S: So I watched how they made it.

  • M: Okay.

  • S: They first scoop in some of this cherry stuff

  • M: Mhmm

  • S: and then they make their basic frappuccino

  • S: and then they scoop in something which

  • S: from the bin

  • S: said P C fifteen A C.

  • S: So I'm not sure what that is

  • S: but I think that adds some crunch.

  • M: (laughs)

  • S: They put some more cherry on top

  • S: they cover that with whipped cream

  • S: and then they pull out these-

  • M: There's whipped cream hiding under this?

  • S: Yes, there's whipped cream hiding under here.

  • S: And then they get these little pie crusts

  • S: and they put them on top.

  • S: Do it!

  • M: Heuh

  • S: Look, bang it hard.

  • M: Argh!

  • S: There you go.

  • S: Isn't that satisfying?

  • M: Oooohoohoohoohoo S: That's so satisfying.

  • S: Oh yeah.

  • S: Ooh yeah, you like that don't cha?

  • S: Pump it in and out. M: Oh my god, I can see the whipped cream.

  • S: Pump it in and out.

  • M: I won't. S: Okay.

  • M: I won't be part of this shenanigan.

  • S: Ready to try this? Here we go.

  • M: Mhmm

  • M: First I got a hunk of pie crust.

  • S: Mhmm

  • S: Oh wow.

  • M: Okay, so this is the caffeine free one.

  • S: Yup.

  • M: Wow.

  • S: Super sweet.

  • S: Does it taste like cherry pie though?

  • M: Okay.

  • M: It's the vanila cream frappuccino.

  • S: Mhmm

  • M: And then they've added

  • M: kind of like

  • M: you know when you get that really

  • M: super cheap like $2 cherry pie.

  • (cue Simon struggling music)

  • M: And when you cut into it it's unnaturally red.

  • M: like when you have a danish.

  • M: (laughs)

  • S: A cherry was plugged

  • S: and I sucked too hard

  • S: and it popped up really hard.

  • M: You popped a cherry?

  • S: I popped my cherry.

  • M: Right in your mouth?

  • S: Yeah I popped a cherry in my mouth.

  • M: Mmm, it's actually really good.

  • S: I know.

  • M: Oh, the crunch in there

  • M: is graham cracker.

  • S: Ohhh.

  • M: They've scattered it inside.

  • S: So I think the best way to enjoy thi-

  • S: Oh sh*t!

  • S: Never mind.

  • S: I was gonna say,

  • S: the best way to enjoy this is to break this up

  • S: and then to spin this around in here

  • S: so you get some crunch in here. M: This is a very dangerous situation.

  • S: This is a very dangerous-

  • S: this situation.

  • M: Well since I'm not a barbarian

  • M: I'm gonna actually try-

  • S: Just eating it?

  • M: the crust on its own

  • M: and see what it actually tastes like.

  • M: Mmm.

  • M: Oh my god.

  • S: What is that?

  • M: Do you know what it taste like?

  • M: Passion flakie.

  • S: Mmmmm.

  • M: This tastes like

  • M: a passion flakie.

  • M: Oh nooo. (laughs)

  • M: I didn't do that

  • M: on purpose. It's the dome shape.

  • M: (laughing) When you bite it.

  • M: (laughing) When you bite it.

  • M: It's science.

  • M: (laughing) It creates an effect.

  • S: I know what you did.

  • S: You made me bite it

  • S: and then you mushed it into my face.

  • M: I didn't.

  • (cue detective music)

  • M: ...passion flakie.

  • (intense music)

  • M: (slow-mo) Ohhh noooo.

  • (music continues)

  • M: (super slow-mo) Oh nooo. (music continues with clapping in the background)

  • (cue sad music)

  • M: I swear to you, I didn't.

  • M: You know how I swear to you how I didn't?

  • M: Because it happened to me too when I bit into it

  • M: I booped my nose.

  • M: But yo- I was trying to warn you to

  • M: to be more gentle.

  • S: You were trying to warn me

  • S: with what?

  • S: Telepathy?

  • S: Where were your actual words

  • S: like a big girl, to tell me?

  • M: I thought you'd bite hard

  • M: and you'd break it in half.

  • S: This is.

  • S: Passion flakie.

  • M: Passion flakie

  • S: in liquid format.

  • S: Are passion flakey supposed to be cherry pies though?

  • (ticking)

  • M: Mmm..

  • (ticking continues)

  • M: Woah.

  • M: I never thought about that before.

  • S: I mean what is it that-

  • M: What IS a passion flakie?

  • S: Is that a real thing that happens in, like, baking?

  • M: Okay.

  • M: I somehow managed to get, like,

  • M: frappuccino in my eyelashes

  • M: and on my nose as well.

  • S: Okay breaking apart the pie crust

  • S: is not the way to go.

  • S: Ohh, that is such a passion flakie.

  • M: This is freakin' delicious.

  • M: This is waaaay different than the Starbucks frappuccino.

  • S: Have to say it's my first meal today.

  • S: These are all the calories I'm gonna have.

  • M: (robot voice) It is also my first meal of the day.

  • S: Girl, what'd you eat?

  • M: (robot voice) I...

  • M: (robot voice) did not consume anything.

  • S: If you had ramen you're in big trouble.

  • M: I didn't have ramen.

  • S: What'd you eat?

  • M: (mumbling)

  • S: What'd you eat?

  • S: What?

  • M: (mumbling)

  • S: A little submarine-what?

  • M: Ahh (mumbling) Salmon onigiri.

  • S: You had a salm-

  • S: A salmon onigiri.

  • M: I did have a salmon onigiri.

  • M: This is a luxuriously

  • M: delicious dessert.

  • M: I don't usually go to Starbucks for like cakes and pies.

  • M: I wanna go there for, like,

  • M: ripe turn cherry blossom season.

  • M: instead of them just doing a cherry frappuccino

  • M: they came up with like a cherry pie one.

  • S: A cherry pie frappuccino

  • S: for cherry blossom season.

  • M: I personally like this a lot.

  • M: I would order it again if I didn't want my calorie count due

  • M: restricted to a frappuccino for the day.

  • M: It might sound lame to suggest you visit a Starbucks when you come to Japan

  • M: 'cause you're like "I have a Starbucks from where I'm from".

  • S: I have six of them right around the corner.

  • M: I can just guess that

  • M: even if I don't know if you live in North America

  • M: or Europe or wherever-

  • S: Wherever!

  • M: you probably have one round the corner.

  • M: But, Starbucks Japan does some really cool things.

  • M: So definitely swing in and check to see what they have goin'.

  • M: And if you're here within the month

  • M: get yourself an American pie frappuccino.

  • S: Girl, you got a crumb on your lip.

  • M: I have so much.

  • S: (sings)

  • S: See how loving I am

  • S: that I get the crumb off your lip

  • S: while you just leave me with cream on my face.

  • M: Okay- it was funny.

  • M: I was gonna get you a napkin S: It was funny.

  • M: and I couldn't 'cause you were too busy being like...

  • S: I WAS gonna get you a napkin

  • S: but then I realised

  • S: that you look stupid, so I just left you with it

  • S: and I laughed at you.

  • M: Yeah, it was funny.

  • M: I had a napkin in my bag if you had just waited

  • M: but now your nose tastes like whipped cream.

  • (music: love is the moment)

  • S: Mmmmm. M: Yup, whipped cream.

Simon: America, you should be ashamed of yourself

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