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  • Yeah.

  • 7 a.m. waking up in the kitchen.

  • Gotta get fresh.

  • Gotta get a mind Gotta go upload my new video.

  • See everyone.

  • I gotta get going.

  • Yeah, I'm in order, but I'm Russian.

  • Got to get down to the fruit Stop.

  • Gotta tell sometimes to my friend's parents in the fried seat Passions in the back seat I'm gonna make my mind up Which seek can a day It's Friday Friday Gonna t g i.

  • Friday's everybody is looking for a napkin Napkin Friday, Friday catching up on Friday Everybody is looking for another an Afghan party and party and party and party.

  • And why aren't the brakes working anymore?

  • 7.

  • 45 are flying through this guy cruising so fastest you can find Find fun Think about fun You know what it is?

  • I got lips you got left e got lets you got lips There is on the ponies and passions on the rear end Gotta make my mind up which she can I d o annoying orange uranium from the froth Switching lanes is at the limit.

  • All right, No two carats Head kit.

  • In my way.

  • Gotta get fries.

  • What can I say?

  • My Tomnitz Friday.

  • It's a weekend we're going to strike.

  • Gold hits Friday, Friday Got to catch up on Friday.

  • Everybody is looking for a napkin.

  • Napkin Friday, Friday, catching up on Friday.

  • Everybody is looking for another Afghan party and party and party and party.

  • And everybody is looking for another nap camp.

  • Yeah, e just don't get it.

  • Why are those two criss cut fries wearing the clothes backwards?

  • I know.

  • Did they get dressed in the dark?

  • It looks so dumb.

  • Hey, what's up, guys?

  • Why is your shirt on backwards?

  • It is e got dressed in the dark.

  • Hey, look backwards, Brethren.

  • Hey, guys.

  • Hey, guys.

  • Hey.

  • What do you want?

  • Yo, we're twins.

  • Actually, we're twins.

  • No, no, no, no, no.

  • I mean, we're twins because we all got dressed in the dark this morning.

  • Get it?

  • We didn't get dressed in the dark.

  • Yo, wait.

  • You're closer on backwards on purpose.

  • Totally.

  • We meant to do this.

  • Yo, back off.

  • Wow.

  • What a couple of yo yo's wow things.

  • Kitchen is the perfect place to write.

  • Chris Cuts next hit album.

  • Yo, where?

  • Yo, let's get started.

  • Yeah, I'm feeling that video.

  • Wait, Hold up yo, that loser oranges standing in my creative zone.

  • Oy.

  • Huh?

  • What's he saying?

  • Yo, I don't know.

  • Yo, soy.

  • That doesn't make any sense.

  • You're just totally disrupted my creative process.

  • This orange is straight up with any with any rag.

  • Yo, what did you say about my wig?

  • Get lost!

  • Yo, Hey!

  • Wakey wakey!

  • Back.

  • Uh, come on, focus up, bro.

  • We gotta write some fresh new lyrics.

  • How about this, Chris?

  • Cut Will make you don't.

  • Yeah, that's so wicked.

  • E yo, Totally wiggy.

  • Great work, guys.

  • Yo, why are you still here?

  • Why do you keep saying that?

  • Yo, because it's yo backwards.

  • Oy.

  • Oh, I get it.

  • Yo me to yo, Oy is yo backwards.

  • I never thought of it that way.

  • Before you, we might have underestimated this orange.

  • He's really backwards.

  • Yo, soy right.

  • Oy, Totally.

  • Oy, Yo, You wanna be on our rap album?

  • I've been waiting to hear those words my entire life.

  • What's your name?

  • Yo, Orange.

  • Like the fruit?

  • No, I mean your emcee name.

  • Yo, if you're gonna be on, Chris cuts out when you gotta have a cool EMC name like I'm emcee Chris Cut.

  • This is my twin brother, EMC cut Chris EMC cut Chris can I BMC Butkus Emcee, But kiss I love it.

  • Yeah.

  • Could you kiss with your front and your butts on your rear?

  • That front back dichotomy is exactly what Chris Cuts Next album is all about Joe Speaking of the album, we should get back toe work.

  • I love this guy.

  • Let's get the work.

  • Alright.

  • Show me what you guys got so far No sweat Quick Gonna make it God, Chris cuddle naked dio Chris Goodall Make it go Chris cuddle naked Dio What do you think?

  • Uh, that's all you have.

  • That's pretty much the whole song.

  • Yo, Yeah, We were just going to say that like, 50 times and call it a day.

  • Well, it's just I don't get it, Chris.

  • Cut will make you dunk.

  • What?

  • You gonna make me dunk?

  • Everything.

  • Yo, Chris cut will make you dunk basketballs and hopes Chris cut will make you dunk your friends in the pool.

  • Chris cuddle make you dunk.

  • French fries in to catch up.

  • Uh, yeah, I guess I could work too.

  • It's a little weird and ominous, but sure, Yeah, I don't get it.

  • Well, then, if you don't get it, maybe you shouldn't be on the album after all.

  • What?

  • How Being on a rap album has been my life dream since, like, 30 seconds ago.

  • Yo, I knew this guy wasn't wiggy here that you're off the album Emcee, But kiss Now leave us alone.

  • And what if I don't wanna leave?

  • Then Chris Carr will make you dunk.

  • Dunk?

  • Oh ha ha.

  • You remember the lyrics to our song Chris Cut will make you leave.

  • That's what we're saying.

  • No dunk dunk, huh?

  • Uh oh, wait.

  • Thats is so wicked.

  • Wicked way Talk about wicked EEO o e.

  • I guess that's a wrap on that album, huh, Man, it's a wrap.

  • We just put these outfits together.

  • Great.

  • E missed out on another short lived fat story of my life.

  • Epic rap battles on kitchen re midget apple, right Biggie fries Biggin Look like small fry here Got elected the fall guy type of tall gotta drop bombs, Apples appalled by taking on fast food Many Merkel's it last Do call You made it till you make your face.

  • Regardless, if that's rulings in life supersized relative in my face Ladies Digger my flavor because big is more hot Potato, my gravity strong.

  • You too small to repel it.

  • If it was, your whole fellow new ones have no more than a something burger terms little apple The M words messed up compared to mind your rounder tasted, Perhaps he should catch up.

  • Kenny Lady itsy bitsy shrimp.

  • My party before we're gonna take one to cut this apples pork with Nice for How do these ones come to be so easily?

  • I don't know.

  • Now return a territory more, but bidding Idaho lyrics as topic as any apple seats I and I look in a little fried their prize.

  • Best step aside.

  • Hi, my little little fried While you look all our little you, bro.

  • Here's the world's tiniest fiddle.

  • Yo, all McGriddle image ribs.

  • This kid you told the wobble over Taylor which you actually win.

  • Bad news for you, schmuck.

  • You're losing your suck.

  • That's what happens when you pick the fattest viruses.

  • Stuff off civilians.

  • Consider yourself among them.

  • You more?

  • No showing them your friend Drive through.

  • Come again coming apples to oranges.

  • I'd rather we saw whose linguistic skills read superior your nest pas artificial flavors your so fake.

  • It's absurd.

  • You call yourself a French fried dude, you don't speak a word.

  • Biggie Biggie.

  • Biggie Can't parlay.

  • You're keeping doctors in business.

  • I keep doctors away.

  • I hope I got your eyes.

  • See and read every last one.

  • I also hope you make your piece of luck.

  • Who won?

  • Who's next?

  • You decide on Epic Crip Metal Kitchen?

  • What Fruit Etudes?

  • I'm the host with the most orange and I'm the host with the second most fair.

  • And this is another banging episode of Hot Thio.

  • It better not be.

  • We'll see today crazy, but Productions wants to know how to make McDonald's fries take it away.

  • Orange.

  • Thanks Fair.

  • So it sounds easy, but it's not McDonald's fries.

  • They're like no other fries on the planet.

  • Well, I heard they got their secret recipe locked away in a super high tech buff.

  • So Step One is to plan and implement an intricate heist to open the vault and retrieve the recipe without being detected.

  • It won't be easy, though.

  • They've got pressure sensitive Florence, Brother Meqdad and purpose guarding the entrance, Hamburgers on on.

  • And I'm gonna stop you right there.

  • Really, Dude, Lasers ropes the Hamburglar.

  • It's a very important recipe pair.

  • Why can't you just give the people a recipe for fries and call it a day?

  • Fries won't be the same pair.

  • Everybody knows McDonalds Fries are better than normal fries.

  • You can't fake that kind of thing.

  • You need the actual recipe.

  • You can't compare.

  • You need the real thing.

  • Why would you blame me?

  • Okay, fine.

  • So assuming people aren't gonna be able to steal the recipe from on high tech facility, what should they do instead?

  • Now we're talking.

  • You have step one, fails, move on to step to plan and implement an intricate heist to steal actual McDonald's fries without being detected.

  • McDonald's fries are kept in a high tech facility, though, so be careful.

  • You'll have to get past the laser grid.

  • Hi, guys.

  • Garden after you have a smooth Alright, that's enough orange.

  • Why do people need to steal McDonald's fries when they could just buy them?

  • Wow, That would make more sense.

  • And fries are cheaper than buying laser guided mirrors and stuff.

  • Great.

  • Glad we settled it.

  • Step one of one.

  • My fries.

  • Like any normal person.

  • Would we all good here?

  • I don't know.

  • I just feel like it was too easy.

  • What do you mean?

  • Way Forgot about the Hamburglar on the roof way.

  • What the heck happening?

  • Here, Take this.

  • If I'm not back up, get but the Oh, okay.

  • Alright.

  • Sorry.

  • Orange.

  • But I will not be blowing up the kitchen today.

  • I will, however, be chowing down on this spread.

  • How?

  • Mm hmm.

  • Whoops.


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