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  • Why is Jacob so attractive?

  • E don't know that.

  • But thanks for asking the question.

  • Because you're a beautiful, Nice Subscribers keep subscribing both my food.

  • All right.

  • It was So, guys, this is Rafi.

  • And today I have a Q and A video for you.

  • It's been a while since the last Q and a video, And I'm actually kind of surprised that I've uploaded so Maney video since the last one, but, yeah, here we go.

  • I asked you guys over on Twitter and discord to send me some questions so hopefully it's gonna be an entertaining video.

  • And, you know, uh, maybe I'll get some revenue of it.

  • What made you want to become a foreign transfer student?

  • You know something new to experience a new culture, not to be locked in my room 24 7.

  • And, you know, maybe learn a new language.

  • E think it's a pretty cool.

  • And if you have the opportunity, you should You should do it too.

  • How tall are you?

  • Okay.

  • I've always been kind of scared of this question because I never know if you guys think I'm like, super tall or if you guys think the opposite so I'm just gonna say it on 179 centimeters, which is, like about, I don't know, 558 Probably.

  • So, yeah, I'm the average height.

  • Okay, The average height.

  • And I'm pretty satisfied with it.

  • So it's okay.

  • It's okay.

  • 5 ft eight problem.

  • Mind telling us a story about your life before you became an exchange shooting?

  • I guess.

  • Um, you know, I was a lonely kid.

  • I was always sitting on the swing.

  • No friends.

  • Now my life has been cool.

  • I have a great family, great siblings.

  • I always found a cool group of friends, even though we moved so much so yeah, it's been chill.

  • It's been it's been chill.

  • What's the first thing you'll do when you come back home to the Czech Republic?

  • Okay.

  • I don't know.

  • What's the exact first thing I'll do.

  • But I have a special announcement for this summer for my Czech and Slovak viewers that at the moment, um, second action Philoctetes shampoo.

  • Do not let him get pot Ash estate UNOS like Jeb Link.

  • Matador.

  • Poppy scoop.

  • It's just time to lasted coming to the team.

  • We must have like Yeah, OK.

  • What the fuck is that?

  • This guy just came up here and start speaking.

  • Check with ways.

  • Back to the questions.

  • Who is your wife?

  • You okay, guys, calm down.

  • It used to be seen.

  • Jo from S s s s great, man.

  • Great man.

  • Greek doma grito.

  • Uh, but now it's more Tachibana from the domestic uneconomical.

  • That's my That's my new wife.

  • You and I will protect her with all my heart.

  • Would you ever visited America or Canada for sure.

  • Canada.

  • I would love to go to Toronto and then when it comes to America, you know l a Seattle Seattle would be cool.

  • I really like that city.

  • Hello, CEO.

  • Hey, Raffi, what's your favorite enemy?

  • If I got a dollar for every time someone asked me this question, I would have more money than Mr Beast currently has.

  • But very well.

  • I decided to answer this one last time.

  • E really enjoyed watching Dora and then also became a Bachmann is a great anime.

  • And from from one of the latest ones, like from the last season, it would be like station Motorola bodyguards and paid you mean I and that's an actual that's an actual name like a title actual title of an animal.

  • This whole sentence is a title of an animal.

  • Do you plan on permanently residing somewhere once you get older?

  • If so, where in the next couple of years I'll probably live in the Czech Republic, in the capital city, Prague, and then you know who knows what can happen.

  • Maybe I'll go to Japan.

  • Maybe I'll go to Brazil.

  • Who knows?

  • Who knows?

  • That's the great firewall of China, majorly affected your online life in any way did.

  • The Internet in China is so bad, like I literally have to have a special program.

  • It's called the VPN.

  • To be able to upload this video and tweet and post instagram stories and it's like so annoying is like It's crazy man and it, like genuinely It annoys me every single day.

  • What was your first video?

  • My first video on this channel was the video when I practiced speaking 10 languages, it's now private.

  • I took the video down because even though I said in the video that I was on Lee practicing the 10 languages, some people thought that I can actually speak fluently.

  • All those 10 languages and I didn't want the video to be misleading, so I'm probably going to redo it with, I don't know, six languages in the summer.

  • Who knows?

  • Who knows?

  • But yeah, the video is not on my channel anymore.

  • How can you speak so many languages?

  • I can't even be fluent in English.

  • All right.

  • When I was about four years old, we moved to Brazil.

  • And there I learned my first foreign language Portuguese in order to, like, communicate with everyone there and to survive on.

  • I think that when you learn something that young and then you develop a passion for it.

  • It's kind of easy.

  • Thio continue, you know?

  • Then I learned English and it went up from there, I think.

  • Do you listen to K pop?

  • No.

  • Sorry, I don't I mean, I know this is gonna be disappointing for a lot of you guys, but I just don't I don't have no interest in the Korean language.

  • So, um, did you ever feel like giving up on YouTube?

  • Um, to be honest, guys, no serious answer.

  • I've never felt like I should give up on this channel because off what I've already built here of all the videos that I've done of the community that we made here.

  • It's such a great feeling.

  • And, uh, you know, YouTube is like, probably one of the best things that ever happened to me in my life.

  • So thanks.

  • Also follow me on Instagram.

  • All right?

  • What's up with the shout out?

  • Anyways?

  • I think we could end the video here on this note.

  • So thank you guys so much for watching Foreal follow me on instagram or watch any other videos and you know, I'll see you.

  • I'll see you next time.

  • See you tomorrow.

  • No, I don't upload daily.

  • What am I saying?

  • See you, like in a week in two weeks, maybe.

  • Okay, fluffy puff.

Why is Jacob so attractive?

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