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  • everyone Jennifer from tarle speech with your two for Tuesday we have two words


  • today pronounced exactly the same sale to exchange for a price or a reduced


  • price for some merchandise and sail the material that we use to catch wind on a


  • ship these two words are pronounced exactly the same three sounds we're


  • gonna start with that s sss to do this tip of your tongue is either behind your top

    會開始與S S S S S做這個舌尖 要麼在你的頂部後方。

  • front teeth or slightly pointed down air keeps moving out keep your lips kind of


  • in a smile you don't want to pucker if you pucker Shh it's gonna sound like

    在微笑中,你不想皺起,如果你皺起 噓,它會聽起來像。

  • that so keep those lips pulled back for sss the next move to the long a and to do


  • this open your mouth wide and then move to a smile and then end with the l by


  • touching the tip of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth sale sale


  • sale I've been getting a lot of questions lately about the l sound I


  • suggest that for the L at the end of the word that you do try to touch the tip of


  • your tongue to the back of your top front teeth the reason for this is is


  • that many of my students say an O or another vowel instead and it gets very


  • confusing so if you just focus on that touching the tip of your tongue to the


  • back of your top front teeth that will help a lot so let's try those words


  • again sale sail and in a sentence the captain bought a new sail on sale


  • the captain bought a new sail on sale so give it a try people are going to notice


  • the difference he found this helpful we'd love a like a share and subscribe


  • go to tarle speech comm see all of our product options that are available on

    請到Tarle Speech comm查看我們所有的產品選項,這些產品可在以下網站上找到

  • iTunes Google Play Kobo and teachers pay teachers we also have on-demand classes

    iTunes Google Play Kobo和老師付老師我們也有點播課程

  • on udemy and one-to-one options as well thanks everyone take care okay


everyone Jennifer from tarle speech with your two for Tuesday we have two words


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