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  • *intro*

  • S: how many of you are feeling that nostalgia swimming up you plums-

  • M: looking at us standing in our kitchen

  • S: I know, standing beside each other

  • we're gonna talk about culture today, ladies and gentleman

  • M: if you're new to our channel, we used to do this segment in Korea called TL;DR

  • which meant 'Too Long; Didn't Read'

  • S: what we're gonna be talking about today are some common mispreceptions (misconceptions) we've seen about Japan

  • so we wanna kinda talk about those and dispel them as much as we can

  • (M and S: dispel them~) (S: David Blaine~)

  • M: Also, big ups to my Torontonians! Raptors! #1

  • S: I like how you got Lowry because he's the short one

  • M: ok well I didn't get him because he is a short one

  • S: It's because he puts his body on the line for the Raptors and I love watching him play

  • M: second of all- S: we are talking about Japan and not Toronto

  • /////////

  • S: Kowai ( ?) , we don't say that name in this household anymore

  • first misconception that we need to dispel is this idea that "you need to learn Japanese when you come to Japan"

  • M: we just don't believe that at all

  • S: in the least bit

  • M: yeah, recently we came back from visiting Spain, and before that, last year we went to Italy

  • and we did not take a crash course on suddenly learning Italian and Spanish just to go visit a country for vacation

  • S: it's an unreasonable expectation

  • Japan has like 30 million visitors in a year

  • I think it's the 11th most visited country in the world

  • M: the world-- S: you're expecing 30 million people to have a working knowledge of the language before coming here?

  • that's unreasonable

  • M: I really wish I was a genius and could learn the language-- S: if I could, I would

  • M: if I was a vampire, I would spend so much time learning languages

  • S: if I was a vampire, I'd learn how to DJ

  • M: huh that would be amazing S: right?

  • M: DJ of the night

  • S: DJ Suck Your Blood (SYB)

  • M: haha DEMONITISE

  • so just to ease your mind a little bit more about this

  • because Japan is such a visited country

  • especially like you know Tokyo and Kyoto, like they know that visitors are coming

  • we've sen a million different types of menus available

  • there are ones with Japanese, they have English, they have Chinese

  • we've seen Russian, we've seen just tons of languages S: Many!

  • S: Back around the year of 2008 when we lived in Korea

  • it wasn't really that used to accomondating foreigners yet

  • it was still pretty new at the time, the tourism boom hasn't really kicked off

  • a lot of people were like "what were you doing here, why are you here?"

  • kind of like if someone walked into your house and like "hey, you're... why? wait why are you here?"

  • M: I remember the first few times that we would start riding the bus

  • the buses were completely in Korean

  • so they didn't tell you like the stop name in English nor did they show the signs

  • so you had to learn Korean so fast and when you saw another foreigner on the street

  • you would literally go like this (⊙_⊙)

  • and you'd like run at each other and you'd always like greet them

  • and say "hi, like I'm Martina--"

  • yeah but you know it changes is the point

  • it's that big cities grow and they change

  • and so Korea now can definitely handle a lot more tourism coming in

  • I'm sure if you go to a shop, they're no longer like "I can't speak English"

  • they're just kind of like "so what, it's a foreigner"

  • and we see that comfort here you know?

  • S: yeah in Japan, especially in Tokyo, there is not that discomfort with foreigners, there's none of that fear

  • none of that shock, you can definitely get by without speaking Japanese here

  • M: and one rule of thumb is that this rule never applies to any countryside anywhere in the world

  • M: if you go to the Korean countryside, have fun, if you go to the Japanese countryside, they're gonna be like "what the heck"

  • S: but if your in the major tourist destination of the city like Tokyo is a really big city

  • you're definitely gonna be fine

  • M: that being said, we always think it's great to learn a little bit of the language

  • especially if you're trying to like unlock something a little bit special

  • like you guys have heard us talk a lot about us going to ramen shops like on our podcast

  • and these ramen shops don't have a lick of English to them

  • and the vending machines were all in kanji

  • so in that case it can be a bit more of like a fun gamble

  • like "what I'm I ordering?"

  • and we did that a lot when we visited Japan when we lived in Korea

  • S: but even you don't know what you're reading, there's a--

  • even if you picked something from a vending machine around the shop

  • it's gonna be amazing

  • so you don't hav to worry about messing up

  • but if you're like "ooh, I really feel like having a little bit of this or feel like having a little bit of that"

  • then learnin some of the language is gonna help out

  • we're not trying to discourage you from learning Japanese before coming here

  • if you want to, by all means go right ahead

  • but don't feel like you have to

  • don't put that pressure on yourself, don't feel like you can't come here unlesss--

  • no it's gonna accomondating for you

  • so be a little bit kinder to yourself

  • you're gonna have a good time

  • M: it's gonna be a great vacation

  • S: now apart from trying to ease these exaggerated expectations you have for yourself

  • we wanna address people crushing certian expectations before you come to Japan

  • M: falsely at that

  • S: we see some people say "oh Japan isn't all anime and manga and Pikachu and Pokemon"

  • M:. don't expect to come here and find people dressed weird and now--

  • of course, Japanese bussinessmen and women aren't walking around wearing anime costumes and throwing chains at each other

  • tossing Pokeballs

  • S: throwing chains?? M: like if you're in like some kind of anime

  • S: you should have said ninja stars or swords M: no, well I read mangas , I don't know

  • they have different kinds of--

  • S: they beat people with chains?? M: YES

  • S: I want to see, I'm calling you out on this shit M: no you don't!

  • S: alright, what manga do they beat each other with chains? M: write it down below in the comment section

  • S: oh you're expecting them to bail you out M: they are gonna bail me out, they know

  • the point is, everybody knows even if you haven't visited Japan

  • that Japanese bussinessmen and women wear normal clothing and grandmothers wearing normal clothing

  • like people aren't running around actually cosplaying all the time

  • the reason why people feel excited to visit Japan for pop cultures, because it's something they had in their country

  • but it wasn't on a full scale, it was imported into their country

  • S: and only in small speciatlty shops

  • M: for us, when we were growing up at least, like managa was not as available as it is now

  • I had to go to like a specific mall all the way in Brampton

  • because it was the only comic book store that imported manga

  • S: driving all the way to Marcompf for the Pacific Mall to get some of that stuff

  • that was a journey

  • M: it was a journey and so pardon me, if when I come to Japan

  • there's just a bookstore loaded with all of these kind of stuff that I enjoy reading

  • and it's not like they made that shop up for tourists

  • it's a Japanese store because people really do love manga here

  • S: people really dig Sailor Moon

  • there's Sailor Moon fanclubs and concerts

  • S: why are you wearing that wig?

  • M: I'm not wearing a wig, I came this way

  • I'm modern Sailor Moon

  • S: what are you doing as modern Sailor Moon

  • M: I'm going to the Sailor Moon 20th anniversary and club party

  • myself

  • I am Sailor Moon No. 1789

  • I got my single serving ticket to the venue

  • I opened up everything and touched everything

  • I have like an hour to kill before the event starts

  • S: you will find it here in Japan a lot easier than you will outside of Japan

  • M: which makes just so much sense

  • imagine going to a country to get stuff from a coutnry that makes it

  • like why is this such an offensive thing to people

  • S: I mean there are people who travel to France because they want to learn how to be chefs

  • does that mean that every single person in France is walking around with a baguette and a chef's knife?

  • no obviously not, we're not setting up that strumming and you shouldn't think that about Japan as well

  • but it is really commonly available

  • it's a lot easier to get here

  • so if you do want to come here for anime or for manga or for Sailor Moon or for whatever the hell you wanna come here for

  • don't let aybody shame you for that alright?

  • M: you got this nerd so mad, he's like literally yelling at the camera right now

  • S: LOOk HeRE SONY 873, I'M SICK OF YOUr SH@@ OKay?

  • M: ThErE's NoThIng WrOnG WiTH LikING FINAL FAntasy

  • S: not the only reason but one of the things that really drew me to Japan is I love FF

  • it's my sh@@

  • M: what's this Simon?

  • this is an old FF noodle cup set with Sephiroth on it because he was like, we'll just keep one or two

  • S: what's this? M: it's a tiny bowl of ramen

  • we always wanted to get those when I was in Japan

  • what's this?

  • it's Pikachu, he's wearing a very small beret because this is a special limited edition feature with the beret

  • S: oh wait we got this in Japan didn't we because it's so easily available here

  • M: oh Godzilla S: omg no there can't be Godzilla stuff

  • you go to that theater in Shinjuku and there's a huge Godzilla there!

  • M: HOT TIPS for those that want to nerd out the way that we do when we came here

  • S: just to be clear because it is easily available here doesn't mean that it's equally distributed

  • there are some pockets in which it's a lot easier for you to find if you're really totally wanna geek out

  • M: our number 1 choice is actually Nakano Broadwway

  • and that's actually west side Tokyo like where we are

  • so a lot of people don't go there because it's out of their hotel area

  • because they're used to staying downtown in the core

  • a lot of people go to Akihabara instead which I'm sure you've heard of that

  • but for us Nakano Broadway has a lot more of like vintage things and

  • you can like find collectibles and plastic toys

  • and there's like a really dope camera section, that's where you go to get your stuff

  • whenever you walk in, they're like "this guy again"

  • S: I go to Nakano Broadway for the camera stuff

  • M: now Akihabara is the one that you've undoubtedly heard of before

  • it actually has a lot more new and modern stuff so if you're really into like manga and anime culture

  • and you're up to date on it like you're not like me who's like "I'm gonna look at stuff from the 80s"

  • if you're actually looking for something modern, Akihabara is gonna have it


  • S: ay you shut it


  • M: just like olden days when Meemers would meow through our whole TL;DRs

  • hopefully you can't hear him from now since our microphones have gotten better


  • S: it's hard to focus with a meowing cat


  • S: b@@@ if you want your own youtube channel then get your own camera

  • there are many different things you could do here

  • Japan is very very diverse with lots of different subcultures in it

  • M: huuh arcades~

  • like towers in Akihabara has just like old fashioned arcades

  • S: we met a guy in one of our favourite coffee shops because he wanted to come to Japan just for a coffee experience

  • he had his little map and he went to a whole bunch of different coffee shops

  • sure not everybody in Japan is as into coffee as he was

  • but that is his little pilgrimage

  • so whatever you wanna do in Japan

  • you follow your vision, there's not one right way to experience it

  • there's not one right version of Japan

  • find the things that you like and pursue that

  • and Japan's a great place for you

  • M: and it's time for the S&M nerdy quiz

  • what is something Simon, about Japan that is really nerdy that you absolutely love?

  • S: I love how much they love jeans here

  • M: what??

  • S: like there's some shops that realllllyyy take denim super duper seriously

  • M: I know what you're speaking about

  • S: I'm not that into jeans myself but

  • I love seeing that passion that they have and I'm amazed at how expensive some of them are

  • M: another misconception bout Japan is that people only eat Japanese food here

  • for example I might meet somebody at a store in Canada and they say to me

  • you know "oh what's it like, do you eat sushi for breakfast?"

  • like they don't really understand the types of foods available in Japan

  • and that's fair I suppose because they did not subscribe to our youtube videos *busted*

  • where if they had smashed and like that subscribe button

  • they would have learned a lot about Japanese food S: they'd be so much better informed

  • M: now we're not mad or annoyed or anything that people think that people in Japan eat Japanese food

  • that's totally fine

  • what we're mad about is that you guys might miss out on some really foreign food

  • now this sounds very weird but Japanese people make different cultures' food

  • some of them are quite accurate like we've had some really good high end French food

  • like it tastes like food that we've had in France or better

  • S: very good high end Italian food that was even better than some of the stuff that we had in Italy

  • M: ooh dare we say

  • but they also make their own version of things

  • like for example, I recently did that video on purin

  • which is pudding and everybody was like "so you're saying it's flan"

  • the comment section is like "is it flan????"

  • S: NO IT's Not FLaN

  • it's PURIN

  • M: it doesn't taste the same

  • I know that it looks the same, I know that it seems similar

  • but when you come here, if you go to a convenience store

  • and you see it, try it, it's gonna be so different

  • and that goes for a lot of other foods as well

  • S: another great example is Coco Curry

  • whenever people think about curry, their first thought is usually India

  • "it's Indian food, I don't wanna have Indian food in Japan, I wanna have Japanese food"

  • but Japan makes their own version of curry that's very distinctive from Indian curry

  • and if you were to skip out on Coco Curry then there's just no point of you coming to Japan

  • because it's just the most important thing to do here

  • number 1 rule, Coco Curry!

  • Coco Curry, why haven't we worked together yet

  • what do I have-- why won't you answer your phone??

  • I'm calling, I'm leaving messages, faxes', we're leaving faxes

  • M: this is Coco Curry "new fax number"

  • S: but that's Japan taking something not originating from their culture and making something amazing out of it

  • M: it's brand new, it's difficult to explain, it's not Indonesian, it's not Indian, it's not Thai

  • it's Japanese

  • other things you should try, we really recommend trying a bakery

  • the bakeries in Japan are really great and are very different

  • I especially love the quiche

  • so even if you go to like a small bakery, they have some real good quiche

  • S: really juicy and 'cause they make them with Japanese eggs, which are just divine

  • defintely try the quiche

  • M: we've done an entire livestream on Italian food from convenience stores

  • so if you see the convenience store pasta and you're like going to an Airbnb

  • or like some rental place and you wanted--

  • S: we'll tell you the best one in that livestream if you haven't seen it

  • go check it out!

  • if you love ice cream, I don't think you can get any better than Japan's cremiere

  • I dare you to try, honestly try some cremiere here and tll me if you've had any ice cream that's better

  • and then let's fight it out in the parking lot

  • M: and then I'll meet you out there and hug you really hard

  • S: 'cause you obviously been deeply hurt

  • if you don't appreciate how good this is

  • the point is no culture exists in a vacuum

  • every culture influences each other and that's good

  • try some of the other kind of foods here in Japan

  • I don't think you're gonna be disappointed

  • they're really fun M: yeah and um like mayonnaise

  • something that you think that you have back home, you haven't

  • just please don't do it Simon, please don't do it!

  • S & M: HOT TIP

  • M: the next point is gonna be controversial for some of the more angry foreigners living here

  • Hub, we're saying the word Hub right now

  • which means nothing to a lot of you and some of you just got like--

  • S: some of you have cringed on the inside M: that might have unsubbed from our channel

  • S: just open your mind for a little bit here, okay?

  • M: so Hub is a chain in Japan, thiknk of it like an Applebee's

  • or a Jackass (??) or something

  • it's just a pub and it has typical like french fries and wings and chicken nuggets and also like a British flag outside

  • and it has a stained glass kind of design

  • it's basically what I imagine Japanese people who have never left Japan

  • have imagined what a pub would look like

  • but they have only put it together from TV shows

  • S: now we're not saying that Hub is an amazing plae

  • we're not even saying that it's a great place

  • it's arguable if it's even a good place

  • but the point is we know some people that have travelled here from Japan

  • and they have extended vacations

  • and sometimes they get a little fatigued, liked it's overwhelming

  • and sometimes, you need to feel like you want something familiar

  • something from back home

  • there's nothing wrong with wanting a little bit of a break

  • M: yeah and when you go to Hub, they usually have sports games on

  • you can watch football (not the American kind)

  • you can watch the actual kind, you can watch rugby and other things

  • so it kind of gives you that feeling and the only reason why we chose Hub is because it's a chain

  • and I feel like you'll b able to find it anywhere

  • but we're extending this idea of resting yourself a bit

  • so for any kind of foreign place, like it you go to Roponggi

  • you can go into a really good beer place where foreigners hangout

  • go to a coffee shop that's maybe more familiar

  • give your brain a bit of a break by reading, eating something that you find familiar

  • you're charged and head on out to tackle Japan

  • S: don't be ashamed to try the foreigner stuff here alright?

  • be kind to yourself~

  • easy there, ah come on you angry foreigner I see you

  • step away from Reddit for a bit, go outside and talk to some real people

  • M: go meet Pikachu on the street S: you'll be a lot better alright?

  • hey, I hope that this video has ease some of your anxieties before you come here

  • okay these are some misconceptions about Japan M: Simon was nervous about this video because we haven't done this in a while

  • S: thank you for listening to our Ted Talk

  • come to Japan, have a good time and be chill

  • it's alright Weinstein(?)

  • M: also Raptors NO.1!!

  • this video is actually a lot longer

  • but we ended up chopping it to make it a bit shorter so there's two bonus videos

  • one's on "is Japan actually quiet as everyone thinks it is" and "are the Japanese people constantly offended"

  • what other burning questions you have about life in Japan?

  • let us know down in the comment section below to give us inspiration on what to do next!

  • byE!


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