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  • This is the British Museum.

  • It's the world's largest world history museum

  • and it draws millions of visitors every year.

  • Inside, it holds more than 8 million cultural and historical artifacts from all over the world

  • which cover 2 million years of human history.

  • If you follow the museum's recommended list ofDon't Missitems, you'll see its star pieces.

  • Like this Easter Island sculpture that's

  • about a thousand years old.

  • Or this bronze sculpture of the Hindu God Shiva.

  • But there's a problem hidden in the museum,

  • and we can see an example of it along this route.

  • Out of those 12 pieces, nearly half have disputed ownership.

  • The British Museum claims those pieces belong there, on display for the world to see.

  • But in recent years, many have been fighting to get them back to where they came from.

  • "The list of disputed museum treasures keeps on growing"

  • Should cultural artifacts be returned to their home countries or be left in western museums?"

  • "The subject of intense debate as to who should now own them

  • Let's start with some context.

  • In the late 1600s, the British Empire began expanding across several continents.

  • It became the largest empire in history, controlling about a quarter of the world's land and population.

  • During its centuries-long rule, the empire

  • took precious resources and wealth from countries all around the world,

  • Including thousands of cultural and historical artifacts.

  • Many of which ended up here, in the British Museum

  • which was founded in 1753 and kept growing to accommodate all the new pieces

  • in its collection.

  • Lots of the items in the museum were legally acquired

  • and are completely undisputed, like this one.

  • A 2,000 year old roman vase sold to the museum by a Duke in 1945.

  • The problem is with the pieces that are disputed.

  • Like the first item you see as soon as you walk in.

  • The Rosetta Stone, taken by British troops

  • from the French in what is now Egypt.

  • Or further in, the Parthenon Sculptures.

  • Removed from the acropolis in Athens by a British Lord, and sent to the British Museum.

  • Or, over here.

  • On the floor dedicated to African Art.

  • The Benin Bronzes.

  • Some of the most contentious items in the museum.

  • The Benin Bronzes are kind of hard to categorize,

  • because they include such a huge range of items.

  • From engraved ivory tusks

  • to brass sculptures

  • to plaques.

  • But they were all produced here, in the Kingdom of Benin in present-day Nigeria.

  • This wealthy and industrious kingdom produced

  • thousands of objects and art pieces starting in the 1500s.

  • A lot of the items adorned palace walls and were used for religious rituals.

  • But they weren't just decorative...

  • They were visual archives of the kingdom

  • in a society that did not develop written script as we know them.

  • That's Professor Chika Okeke-Agulu, an art historian and professor from Nigeria

  • who teaches at Princeton University.

  • They told their history, how they narrated the histories of kingship

  • of the kingdom. Its political and social life.

  • But in 1897 would lose thousands of these cultural pieces.

  • At the time, European colonial powers were

  • expanding south, in what was called theScramble for Africa”.

  • They split up the continent into spheres of influence for financial exploitation.

  • All these pink areas were the British ones.

  • Benin, over here, was in Britain's sphere of influence.

  • But the kingdom didn't comply with Britain's trade demands.

  • And in January of 1897 it led to what was

  • called the Benin Disaster.

  • Where Benin guards killed seven British emissaries, plus their many guides and servants.

  • In response 1,200 British troops embarked

  • on a mission called theBenin Punitive Expedition”.

  • The British wanted revenge, but the mission was about more than just that.

  • There were reports of these vast treasures in the palace of the king of Benin,

  • and that if they could retrieve these treasures, sales from it could offset the cost of the invasion

  • This was all well planned.

  • And so the punitive expedition, in other words, was also an economic enterprise.

  • The British soldiers armed with machine guns

  • conquered the city and burned it to the ground.

  • But not before carefully taking thousands of artifacts.

  • They piled them up neatly, photographed them

  • and even labeled themloot”.

  • This photo, taken at the Benin palace after the raid,

  • shows soldiers with the dismantled plaques that were brought to the British Museum,

  • and sold all over the world.

  • And after hundreds of years,

  • the once prosperous kingdom was gone.

  • The region fell under full British colonial

  • control until 1960, when Nigeria, including the City of Benin, gained independence.

  • But even though they were finally free,

  • their historical artifacts were still spread all over the world.

  • Locked up in western institutions, like the Leipzig Museum of Ethnology in Germany

  • and the Quai Branly Museum in Paris.

  • And, of course, the British Museum.

  • 1995.

  • In London.

  • That was my first time seeing an original ancient Benin artwork.

  • Yes. At the British Museum.

  • Being in the presence of these magnificent objects

  • and knowing that I had to travel all the way from Nigeria

  • to see these objects for the first time...

  • It was a mixture of pride.

  • At the achievement of these ancient artists.

  • And anger. Mixed with a sense of loss, at what could have been

  • if I only had to travel a few hundred miles.

  • But at this point, you're limited to those

  • privileged like me who could get a visa to travel all the way from Nigeria to England

  • to encounter these objects.

  • Most Nigerians will never see them.

  • In March 2000, Benin's royal family tried to change that.

  • They officially requestedall cultural property illegally takenbe returned to

  • the rightful owner

  • But for the most part the British Museum has ignored any requests.

  • The museum is restricted by a government act that prevents it from returning objects.

  • But it has also made its stance clear.

  • In July of 2020, the British Museum told Vox:

  • We don't restitute but we are absolutely committed to lending as widely as possible,

  • including to Nigeria. The Museum's foundational value resides in its breadth, scale, complexity,

  • and unity and as such is a true library of the world.”

  • Chika doesn't see it that way.

  • The British Museum still behaves

  • like a colonial museum.

  • You cannot claim to be...

  • an encyclopedic collector of stolen objects.

  • But some are starting to reckon with this history.

  • In 2014, the grandson of this British soldier from the 1897 Benin Expedition,

  • returned these two items he inherited to the Benin royal family.

  • And in 2007, the Benin Dialogue Group was formed.

  • Western museums and the Nigerian government have been discussing solutions ever since.

  • But as of today, none of their Benin Bronzes have been returned.

  • But this is just one story.

  • This legacy is bigger than the Benin Bronzes.

  • There are hundreds of similarly contested objects in the British Museum,

  • with their own rich historiesand with original owners trying to retrieve them.

  • But the problem is even bigger than the British Museum.

  • It's a legacy of centuries of colonial power that repeats itself again and again.

  • With different artifacts, in different museums.

  • Because these requests aren't just about items,

  • they are also about cultural and historical identity

  • and who gets to own it.

  • This is a long term project.

  • It may last beyond my own lifetime.

  • But the point is that it's now to start the process.

  • We cannot wait any longer for a next generation to even begin

  • the necessary task and project of cultural reconstitution.

This is the British Museum.

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