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  • well good morning good morning guys good morning guys greetings from lake puelo (lago puelo)

  • back in nature back in nature today we are on a day trip from el bolson we came

  • to lago puelo (lake puelo) to spend the day we actually booked a little boat trip we

  • did it's gonna happen in the middle of the afternoon at 3:00 p.m. but we're

  • here at roughly 11:00 in the morning it gives us plenty of time to hike kind of

  • appreciate the scenery on its own yeah guys let me tell you there isn't a cloud

  • in the sky the visibility like it couldn't be better today literally

  • perfect and you know it's pretty cool though today's boat trip is that we're

  • gonna be going to the border with Chile we won't be crossing over but we'll be

  • at the border hello hello come back it's gonna be fun

  • so first up let's talk about transport because even though we're doing a boat

  • tour in the afternoon we had to make our own way to lago puelo (lake puelo) and we did so

  • using the bus you did and it went well the name of the company it's called la

  • Golondrina you see it right there and it leaves from el bolson from the center of

  • town avenida san martín which is the main avenue yeah the price is 26 pesos

  • if you're going to lago puelo (lake puelo) the town yeah 30 pesos if you're coming into the

  • lake into the park so you're talking like 75 US cents to come into the lake

  • and a little bit 60 something to come into town yeah also something to point

  • out is that the bus driver did have change so you don't need to have an

  • exact fare which is nice that's sometimes you do yeah and what was the

  • most interesting thing about the journey we had to we had to change we had to

  • switch buses yeah because the town of El Wilson is in the province of Rio Negro

  • and the lake is in the province of Chu boot back into boot the bus stopped at

  • the border we all had to get off and get on a separate bus also run by the same

  • company yeah and then we continued on our way

  • obviously drivers from different provinces yeah at least that's what we

  • think pretty cool oh we didn't mention it was about a 40-minute trip took 40

  • minutes the thing is we were admiring the scenery and really enjoying the ride

  • exactly track of time I just remember we arrived

  • shortly before 11:00 and the bus picked us up shortly after 10:00 so it's about

  • 40 minutes another cost to mention is entering the park lago puelo national

  • park the price for foreigners is eight dollars and someone from the park comes

  • onboard the bus and charges you the fee or if you're coming by car you pay right

  • at the entrance we are currently on a little walk through the forest

  • these trees are something special they are called our adonis or irish honest

  • you're going for the Argentine accent and look at the color of the the bark

  • the tree trunks are like a reddish orange color almost a big coppery it's

  • pretty cool

  • and before we start hiking we figured you know if you know us it should come

  • as no surprise yeah there's like a little food stand with sandwiches they

  • have fried cakes which is kind of like a donut yeah

  • artisanal beer chocolate chips candies that kind of thing all your monkey needs

  • be here so we each got one we got one and we also got our cold water because

  • we only had only had enough water to fill up one water bottle

  • sweet everone now so in terms of pricing the sandwiches were at around 3 bucks

  • right and then the water was one dollar for the day

  • what's tasty bread feels fresh fluffy how's it gonna fortify us for the walk

  • the word surprised and hungry when it comes to you is it a little bit hard a

  • bit of a stretch

  • redhead in the wild this is the time of day when Samuel must strip and begin

  • applying sunscreen oh my otherwise the redhead suffers he burns

  • he peels he screams oh my the sun is attacking me

  • we have chosen a trail I sure have nice to get a little bit of shade - it's

  • really warming up this afternoon oh yeah yeah so this one is called middle or the

  • lago puelo which means lago puelo lookout point yeah so it's gonna be

  • steep it's gonna be upwards yeah all right this is intermediate on the

  • intermediate fitness it's gonna take 40 minutes

  • it's 949 150 meters long and there's also I forget the scent we are ascending

  • anyways it's it's kind of a perfect way for us to spend this time because we

  • still have like two hours and 20 minutes before our boat right yeah so we'll do

  • this we'll probably get back down check out the beach a bit more maybe have

  • another bite and yeah that's all right

  • already getting some cool views of the lake

  • so guys we've just reached this little info point and I have learned something

  • new here it says a forest is a community of trees where the majority belong to

  • one or two species and a jungle has numerous species where it's a bit more

  • difficult to distinguish which ones are more abundant than others I had no clue

  • I always thought forest is more like pines you know those type of evergreens

  • and that a jungle was more tropical so a new bit of information there maybe you

  • guys learned a little something new - there's layers those layers are coming

  • off what's going on Suns coming out we're gaining altitude and yeah you got

  • a dress for all seasons when you come to this part of the world I mean it's

  • literally really cold in the morning it's warm by like late morning and it's

  • hot by afternoon

  • well this is a very nice part of the trail when in the middle of the forest

  • temperatures are a much cooler we're crossing a little creek and it's just so

  • green it's really nice I'm so glad we came out today because it's meant to be

  • a lot hotter these coming days this area is experiencing a bit of a heatwave so

  • it really is the perfect day to be out look at all this Moss growing on the

  • trees on the stones

  • we have come to the end of the trail back where we started and it is snack

  • time snack time not time for blackberries there are lots of motifs

  • there's a plant called Sat Samoa which I recognize because I mean we even have

  • this in Cordova coming down to just gonna add that

  • oh yeah walking downhill beautiful what a difference but let's pick some berries

  • come munch on so sorry Mota horrible prickly plant it has thorns it hurts you

  • even the leaves scratch you but the fruit is wonderful this is called morta

  • you know they're ready when they've turned black so sweet forest berries

  • this what they make Jam so yes you can use it for Jam cakes juice can you

  • didn't fruit salads just blackberries and whipped cream oh it's really nice

  • but as you've seen the plant it's horrible it's considered a bit of a pest

  • because it just grows and spreads and it kills all other vegetation around it yep

  • good berries

  • picking sweet so we got very lucky we found food stand that was making

  • hamburgers yep and these are some massive to be here

  • they've got him yeah and cheese lettuce tomato mayo

  • mustard ketchup and it's a regular and a regular burger patty as well regular

  • beef burger patty it's in there somewhere

  • dessert of course a corn starch I just for hard with doing to the ditch and

  • coconut for Sam got a little lemon scone jitter aid and I found some artisanal

  • beer Rojo the guy poured it rate from the straight from the top love it man

  • about 30 minutes before the bus departs the bus boat the the bus of the sea yeah

  • we're just gonna eat and be on our way

  • all aboard all aboard the trading y'all I just think the boat we keep calling it

  • bosses string the floating train yeah I mean it's gonna be incredible

  • I've just slathered on some more sunscreen the Sun is out in full force

  • it's just gonna be beautiful right I'm gonna wrap you outs aboard Oh

  • people per capita mention pizza pellucida community venimos not serve

  • and all the typical Accord Akira cantina a pelvic Anatomy

  • well guys we are now on land beginning the hiking portion of this tour the boat

  • ride was about fifty minutes just under an hour and now we're gonna be hiking

  • about two kilometers through the valdivian forests until we reach the

  • border with Chile pretty cool you can actually hike from Argentina to Chile if

  • you're doing like a camping trip bringing all your own equipment your own

  • supplies and of course you bring your passport do passport control along the

  • way but it can be done on foot now checking out some Rapids oh my

  • nearly got left behind and lost our group because we wandered off in search

  • of shade and next thing we noticed everyone's gone and we're looking what

  • that clapping we heard earlier he's probably trying to gather the group

  • that's us we're the missing do

  • so we are back from that little boat excursion yeah that was phenomenal

  • I mean her the trip itself is great the weather was even better the views you

  • can't beat that and just it was such a cold water it's like you you were fell

  • asleep of who either I did on the way there on the way back you guys know me

  • yes the time on boats so much fun hiking and you know technically going to Chile

  • mm-hmm voter passports no stamp to prove it yep towed over the line we have a

  • sign to prove it and we're just cooling down with a local drink it's called

  • paso de los toros well mellow which is like a grapefruit kind of soda so

  • refreshing sweet sour yeah just overall like an incredible day

  • here well uh-huh yeah and now we're just waiting for the bus apparently it's

  • passing by every 30 minutes now so it shouldn't be too to increase frequency I

  • guess there's increase if you can see early in the morning and around this

  • time of day yeah other parts of the day it's on the

  • hour mm-hmm yeah overall an incredible day trip I mean if you stay in Obul zone

  • you absolutely have to come here it's so close and it's just like it's a slice of

  • Tranquility

well good morning good morning guys good morning guys greetings from lake puelo (lago puelo)

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B1 lago lake bus boat chile trip

LAKE PUELO: Visiting the BEST LAKE IN PATAGONIA? Trail to the Border of ARGENTINA ?? & CHILE ??

  • 48 2
    Summer posted on 2020/07/30
Video vocabulary