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  • -John Legend, I'm so happy that you are back.

  • I want to say thank you again

  • because you were one of our first guests

  • to come on our at-home shows not knowing

  • we'd be going this long from home,

  • but I appreciate that, man.

  • It's really cool of you to do this, take the time.

  • Thank you. -Well, it was fun doing it

  • at the beginning. Who knew what, you know --

  • what the quarantine had in store for us?

  • But it was, you know, at the very beginning,

  • it was -- Everybody was just trying to figure out

  • how to adjust, and you were doing the shows from home.

  • I was doing all my interviews from home.

  • I'm home right now.

  • I was doing a lot of performances from home.

  • So, yeah. -Has anything changed

  • production-wise for you? Do you have a new camera?

  • Do you have the same laptop, or what is this?

  • -I have the same laptop,

  • but we've been trying to step things up.

  • I shot a Father's Day special where we had full production.

  • We just had everybody -- -I thought that was great.

  • -Thank you. We had everybody wear masks

  • and we did a lot of it outside.

  • So we tried to be as safe as possible.

  • But, you know, everybody's kind of easing back into

  • using full production, but just doing it

  • with more precautions now. -Yeah, tough.

  • I saw your dad on there, too. That's pretty cool.

  • -Yes. -That's pretty cool.

  • -Yeah, he was great. It was nice.

  • It was heartwarming to talk with him and just let him know

  • how much I appreciate him and the example he set for me

  • and my brothers and my sister and how, you know,

  • as a dad I try to emulate him as much as I can.

  • -Yeah. I was going to say, me, too.

  • But I don't mean your dad, but -- probably,

  • but my dad as well is what I was saying.

  • -Yeah. Absolutely. -I'm not imitating your dad.

  • -It's good when you have a good example, you know,

  • in your life on how to treat your kids.

  • -Exactly. How are your -- how's the family?

  • Did they enjoy Father's Day with you?

  • Did you get to enjoy it at all? -Yes, Chrissy surprised me.

  • She set up a dinner date on our deck

  • and somehow I was able to not see it the whole time

  • while they were setting it up, and it was a true surprise.

  • I thought we were just going to go in the backyard

  • and take some photos and go out to somewhere else.

  • -Yeah. -But she set it all up

  • in our backyard, and it was a really lovely dinner date.

  • And they made me feel like a king on Father's Day.

  • I appreciated it. -You have to give her my best.

  • -Yes. -She's one of my favorites, man.

  • -Of course. -She is so -- she's so real.

  • -Yes. -And that's why everyone

  • loves her. I was like,

  • "Dude, that's what you -- That's what you get, man."

  • -She is real. She's funny. She's creative.

  • -Oh, yeah. -She's a great person to be

  • stuck in the house with. -Exactly. And how's the babies?

  • What are they into these days? Are they into "Frozen"?

  • -They are still into "Frozen," "Frozen 2" especially.

  • Miles even is singing every single song on "Frozen 2."

  • He's 2 years old, but he's pretty good

  • at all the lyrics now. And he is very into "Frozen 2."

  • You think it's more of a girls thing,

  • but Miles is into it, too.

  • -Yeah, my girls are into like one song from "Frozen 2."

  • I forget which one, or one or two.

  • -"Into the Unknown" or "Show Yourself" or...

  • -"Show yourself." -I know all of them.

  • I have seen all of it. Luna is a connoisseur.

  • She's actually more into Scooby-Doo

  • than anything else, though. -Dude! What's going on?!

  • I'm not kidding. What is happening?

  • 'Cause my kids are into Scooby-Doo

  • like crazy right now.

  • -And the Scooby-Doo franchise is prolific.

  • They -- Warner Bros. has cranked out so much Scooby-Doo

  • like straight-to-DVD content, that they are all these

  • randomly themed Scooby-Doo movies.

  • They have a like "WrestleMania" one.

  • -I just watched the vampire one. They want to watch it.

  • It's called "Vampire, the Musical."

  • They watched it over -- -Yes.

  • "Scooby Goes to Mexico," "Scooby goes to Hawaii,"

  • "Scooby goes to Japan."

  • It's like Scooby has gone everywhere

  • and solved every mystery in the world.

  • -Hey, I want to talk to you about you do so much,

  • you give back, you're very very socially active.

  • -Yeah. -You have a thing called

  • Free America organization. -Well, back when I --

  • When Common and I wrote that song "Glory" for "Selma,"

  • and I stood up on the stage when we got an Oscar for it.

  • I said, you know, America's the most incarcerated country

  • in the world and this issue is particularly affecting

  • the black and brown communities of this country

  • and we need to change that.

  • And so I organized my team around figuring out

  • how we could add to the conversation,

  • bring light to the activists and organizers

  • who have been working on it for a long time,

  • and we have set about doing that.

  • We founded Free America back then,

  • and we went around and spoke to lots of people,

  • people in jails and prisons, corrections officers,

  • district attorneys, legislators,

  • people who were formerly incarcerated,

  • and just tried to understand the issue better.

  • And then we spent a lot of time getting to know

  • a lot of the activists and organizers

  • from state to state who were trying to make change,

  • and then we've been trying to amplify their work

  • and help change the system.

  • -You know, obviously, it's been --

  • it's rocking the whole globe right now, but --

  • -Yeah. -I think everyone's realizing

  • that we do need change. And you know,

  • the policing needs change. -Yeah. Policing.

  • The fact that we use police and jails and prisons

  • to solve far too many social issues

  • that could be solved in other ways.

  • That's something a lot of people are looking at now,

  • and I think it's important that we do that.

  • And I think, you know, out of the tragedy

  • of losing George Floyd and other people,

  • there's really been a movement that's been enhanced

  • and been, you know, buoyed by outrage

  • and by concern for our communities.

  • And hopefully we can, you know, in this moment,

  • seize that momentum and really make serious change

  • and hold our leaders accountable for serious change.

  • -I want to talk about your new album.

  • This is -- -Yeah.

  • -I love that you -- honestly, we didn't know when it was going

  • to come out last time I talked to you.

  • -Yeah. -I'm not sure --

  • we were almost close to mixing and finishing?

  • -Yeah. -I want to get into all that

  • because -- it's called "Bigger Love."

  • It's available now on Spotify.

  • Get it off of Apple, wherever you listen to your music.

  • Download it -- but for real. Don't bootleg download it.

  • For real download it. Stream it.

  • -Who needs to bootleg now?

  • We got every way you need to listen to music is out there,

  • and most of it's free. So, no need to bootleg.

  • -No, no, there is no need. No, no, no, please don't.

  • "Bigger Love," I want to talk about what when we come back.

  • More with John Legend, everybody.

-John Legend, I'm so happy that you are back.

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