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  • -Give it up for Kevin Delaney!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Nice to see you, buddy. Thank you.

  • Kevin -- Kevin, welcome back to the show.

  • It's always good to see you, buddy.

  • -You, too. -What are we doing first here?

  • -Do you like fireworks? -Yes. We all do.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Yes, of course!

  • Do you like s'mores?

  • -Do I like s'mores? Yes! Of course.

  • -Okay, we're gonna combine the two.

  • So, go ahead, and -- You got those on?

  • -Yes. It's great. -Oh, you look very cool.

  • -Thank you. -You look like the Terminator.

  • -I'll be -- No, I won't. I won't say that.

  • -Yeah. [ Laughter ]

  • So, I'm gonna ask you to hold the s'mores.

  • -Okay.

  • -And I've got the marshmallow here.

  • So, what we're gonna do, I have a sparkler back here.

  • -Uh-huh. -Okay, so I'm gonna

  • light the sparkler, and I'm gonna use it

  • to roast this marshmallow.

  • So, this is a titanium sparkler,

  • so it reaches about 600 degrees Celsius,

  • or if you're in to Fahrenheit, it's over 1,000 degrees.

  • -Yeah, I'm into Fahrenheit. -Really, really hot.

  • So it should be able to -- [ Laughter ]

  • Yeah, yeah. Me too. Me too, man.

  • So it should be able to toast this really well done.

  • So, are you ready? -Yeah, let's --

  • -All right. [ Lighter clicking ]

  • Here we go.

  • -This is fantastic.

  • This is perfect to do in the summer.

  • -It's about 8 feet tall, give or take.

  • [ Audience "Oohs" ]

  • -[ Laughs ] Yes! Yes!

  • That is the way to do it right there.

  • Look at that -- perfectly done.

  • [ Cheers and applause ] -Okay.

  • So, now, do you want to get a s'more?

  • 'Cause I'm gonna get the popcorn.

  • -Yeah, I'll get a s'more ready to go there.

  • Here you go. -We wanted to have enough so.

  • -Perfect, thank you very much.

  • -Here, you want to -- -Just put one on top of there.

  • -Yeah, yeah. -Yeah, that's perfect.

  • Thank you, Kevin. -There you go.

  • -Wow, you really did it perfectly.

  • -Don't eat it. It's full of titanium.

  • -Oh, thank you! [ Laughter ]

  • Appreciate that. Thank you very much.

  • I'll have one of these. Can I eat that?

  • -We have some more sparklers -- You all right?

  • -Yeah, I'm not eating anything.

  • -Did you eat a plain, raw marshmallow?

  • -I did, but, yeah, that's -- -I think that's safe.

  • -Okay, I didn't come to rehearsal.

  • -All right. [ Laughter ]

  • That's okay, that's okay.

  • So, have you seen --

  • There's a movie called "Titanic" that's about this boat.

  • -No spoilers. -Okay, yeah.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -That's more than enough. -The "I'm flying" scene,

  • where Jack and Rose are on the bow of the boat.

  • and, you know, there's beautiful music playing.

  • -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • -And he asks her, "Do you trust me?"

  • And what does she say?

  • She says, "I trust you, Jack." Right?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is unbelievable.

  • -Do you trust me, Jimmy?

  • -I trust you, Kevin.

  • -We're gonna re-create the scene, all right?

  • So I need your arms out at a 90-degree angle.

  • -Oh, my God.

  • -Imagine you're looking out at the beautiful ocean.

  • A researcher's been deceived by a woman, an old woman.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • Okay. -That's right.

  • -It's "Titanic." -Yeah, of course.

  • -Okay, ready? Light the titanium.

  • [ Cheers ]

  • -Wow!

  • Yes!

  • Near, far

  • Wherever

  • That was unbelievable.

  • -How are you doing? -I'm great.

  • I'm not on fire, am I?

  • -How's your heart? Did it go on?

  • -My heart was gonna go on. -Okay, good, good, good.

  • So, we were able to do that. So, why didn't it burn you?

  • -I don't know why.

  • -There was not enough heat energy

  • in a little tiny spark to burn your skin.

  • -Because it did the marshmallow. -Right.

  • -So had my hands been closer to it?

  • -Right, because heat is a product of an object's mass

  • and its temperature.

  • So a larger object like the marshmallow,

  • with all that heat concentrated on it, cooked the marshmallow.

  • But just a small amount of heat on your skin

  • didn't hurt you at all. -Fantastic.

  • -But don't try this at home. -No, no, no.

  • Do not try that at home. -Yeah.

  • So, I was a pinewood derby champion...

  • -Ha ha! Nice. -...when I was a kid.

  • Thank you very much. [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Thank you very much. -Yeah.

  • -So, we have some pinewood derby style racing cars here.

  • But because -- Come on over here.

  • We're people of science, so we have some little

  • CO2 cartridges in the back to power them.

  • So, what we're gonna do is, I'm gonna --

  • Put your hand there. -Yep.

  • -And you want to pull out the pin,

  • but don't let it go until I say so.

  • -Okay, sure. -So on the count of 3, let go.

  • All right, ready? -Yes.

  • -Three, two, one.

  • [ Gas hisses ] -Whoa!

  • -Awesome! -Fantastic!

  • Can we see it in slow motion? Awesome!

  • You got me. You took me.

  • Yeah, you're the champ right there, bud.

  • -That's okay, that's okay. [ Applause ]

  • Okay. So, I know you like racing on the show a lot.

  • -Yeah, I do. -Wouldn't it be cool

  • if we had human-sized versions of these sort of cars?

  • Wouldn't it be cool? [ Cheers and applause ]

  • I agree.

  • Tariq, do you want to race against him?

  • -I thought you'd never ask. -Come on down.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • ♪♪

  • -Really? -You're gonna want to put on

  • these gloves 'cause it's gonna get cold.

  • -Really?! -Oh, now it's getting serious.

  • -All right. -What do we do?

  • -Follow me. We're gonna go out into the hallway.

  • -All right.

  • -All right. -You mentioned something about

  • the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing?

  • -Right, right. And so, pretty much,

  • this is the same way that, like, we move objects around in space.

  • So, it's a large, you know, throwing mass behind a craft.

  • Right? Moving it in the opposite direction.

  • So, pretty much what we're gonna do is the same thing.

  • So, down here, we have two karts that have been modified,

  • kind of upscale from the pinewood derby type cars.

  • -Oh, my gosh. Yes!

  • -Pick your cars. There you go.

  • And you've got helmets to put on.

  • -I like to make a choice.

  • -Now, these red tanks are fire extinguishers, right?

  • And they're CO2 fire extinguishers

  • that have been modified to really allow

  • all the pressure to release.

  • And we should be able to get a nice propulsion forward.

  • So once you're ready, we'll begin the race.

  • Now, you want to go down the hall, around,

  • and back into the studio,

  • and the first one to the finish line is the winner.

  • -You ready? -I'm not answering that.

  • Let's go. -All right, three, two, one.

  • Ready, set, go!

  • [ CO2 hissing ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • ♪♪

  • -Whoa-oh-oh!

  • [ CO2 hissing ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • [ Bell dinging ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • [ Laughing ]

  • -You sprayed me with smoke! -Smoked you, man!

  • Smoked you! Smoked him!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Kevin Delaney, everybody!

-Give it up for Kevin Delaney!

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