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  • Ahhhhhh!


  • It's the kind of video that you might think it's a joke, *laughs*

  • IT'S NOT!!

  • PHOTOSHOP! You suck at it, I've seen you guys' work.

  • It's goddamn terrible, and it's time for you to learn. MY GOD! Before I did YouTube, I was very active on

  • "anime forums" (nothing wrong with anime xD)

  • *pewds cringes a little bit*`

  • That's right. I would get really interested in making these anime icons or aa-avatars

  • and signatures, and I didn't really know how to make them, I just saw other people having them. And I'm like "That's really cool!"

  • I wish I could do those cool anime avata-

  • *Pewds Cringes so hard the colour in the video dies ;3*

  • So, I picked up Photoshop (def not cracked) and uhhh...

  • It was a great thing. I really love

  • photoshop. It's one of my favorite tools. I think it it- brought me so much in life.

  • I don't think I would be as big on YouTube as- if I didn't know how to use Photoshop

  • So here I am hoping to spark a little bit of interest in case you're interested in Photoshop by showing you how to make a

  • decent looking YouTube thumbnail.


  • No joke. Okay. Look at this by the way. All of them are gone. This one

  • I was so proud of, The Miku one. I won a competition,

  • Because of that one you know how much time it took to animate those goddamn things

  • And when you don't know how to make a gif

  • Look, I got the second place in this competition, how about that?

  • First of all, you want to get the aspect ratio right... okay?

  • Width: 1920 - Height: 1080

  • Put 300 (Resolution) if you're gonna print that bitch (you probably wont print a thumbnail xD)

  • That's all you need to know.

  • (Click) Create. There you go.

  • See, so many of you, Plebs, have the wrong god damn aspect ratio.

  • Now, I know this is a lot to take in, my man

  • Don't you worry, this is what you want to look at.. o-kay?

  • if you- if- iff

  • If It doesn't look the same as me just calm down, take a deep breath

  • We're gonna go to "Window" and we're gonna make sure we have

  • Layer, and.. tools, and

  • History, I am by no means a Photoshop expert. Okay. I'm just... we're we- gonna try and keep this nice and simple

  • What kind of thumbnail should we make? How about a...

  • Jacksepticeye? (sounds good)

  • Now, We need a good quality picture. Okay, all right. How about this? That's a good quality (picture), copy that bitch and

  • Paste it into the Photoshop. Okay. Now. We have our first layer, Wow, incredible.

  • First of all, we want to adjust the size hit CTRL+T

  • Now, we can move that bitch around okay... Hold down SHIFT to keep the aspect ratio

  • Hit one of the corners and drag that bitch if you don't hold SHIFT. You're gonna end up like this

  • Okay, what I what? I tell you about aspect ratio. Let's go. That's right. Don't... fck it up

  • is this too fast for you hotcakes? Try to keep up.

  • what we're going to do next is crop that mother flippa

  • That's right. There's many different ways to do this. This is the thing what Photoshop?

  • There's there's so many different ways to get through different things that you want to do a wel- I see a lot of people do this

  • They use the lasso tool, and they just drag a bunch of plebs a bunch of goddamn plebs look at that that looks terrible, okay

  • What you want to do is you want to use the goddamn pen tool, okay?

  • I know people are scared of the pen tool, but it's the best tool, and if you're good like me

  • And if you're a Photoshop God like me it works out pretty simple we're gonna start by putting down a dot

  • Look at that if you want to get rid of that. You gotta hit delete okay

  • You can't just dot and then start doing other things, okay?

  • That will fuck you up you once you've dotted you can't un-dot

  • Unless you hit delete of course the pen tool that sort of curves the lines for you, and it makes it smooth

  • It is a little weird once you start off, but basically we'll pick a point here that

  • Doesn't look good right, but if you hold down your mouse button and you can drag and look at that now

  • I haven't just curved this line

  • I've also already thought about where the next line is gonna be with this thing so if we hit here. It's gonna be nice and

  • Easy to do another curve coming up

  • By better pep easy it takes a little bit of practice. You really don't have to make it perfect

  • It's gonna look nice anyway

  • Just make sure here for example that you go inside of the hair rather than too much on the outside

  • If you do something you don't want you can always just go back in history. Is this just too much for you hotcakes?

  • So you can do it relatively quickly the thing that you got to make sure though is that you connect them at the end

  • So you get a little circle coming up from the pen tool Boop that means. It's ready to connect there you go

  • We have our thing what I usually just do is right-click

  • On the thing here hit make a selection you can add a feather, but that's for pussies

  • I rather do that later now we have selected his face, but how do we delete the background?

  • I'll just hit delete Felix. Nah fam. Look what you did get away from here controls Zed that bitch

  • We got to inverse the selection by hitting ctrl shift. I done now you can hit delete

  • Isn't that right you're wrong only plebs. Delete directly

  • Okay, you gotta hit the mask button

  • And if you do the mask button you didn't even have to inverse you can just hit it BAM

  • Bam's should say I'm on a lamb look at that now we have the mask selected there look

  • huh now we have the picture selected mask selected picture selected mask selected picture selected if I select the mask I

  • Can paint and shit all over and look at this I can paint back all over

  • Wow you don't need to know any of this actually nevermind now

  • We have a jacksepticeye look at him look at him go very happy very pleased with this crop

  • Hey beauty, what's the next step finding a nice looking background? What should we go for something?

  • Psychedelic perhaps, oh wow this is really trippy. This looks skin copy that shit paste it now. We have it on a new layer

  • Oh my god, two layers. I know this is pretty hardcore stuff. What did we learn mmm-hmm? What do we learn?

  • How do we just decide that's right ctrl T. That's right? That's right, and what else did we learn that's right?

  • Never fuck up the aspect ratio hold on hold down shift and drag it

  • Border full, but I can't see Jack. I no calm down

  • Just drag the layer

  • Underneath Jack there you go now

  • It has this sort of vortex sitting in the middle right so we kind of want it to be there

  • But oh no, we have all this space here to the left. What possibly could we do

  • simple trick my man press M

  • Okay, which makes the square selection?

  • Select this bit all right

  • Hit ctrl J. Which makes a copy of your selection in a new layer hit ctrl T and

  • Then no shift this time Pham

  • Just drag it over

  • Just drag it over. No one will know anything

  • It will be our little secret now. We have two layers doing the same thing we want to merge them

  • Click on one hold down ctrl click onto the other right click merge layers BAM

  • It's one unified son of a bitch now. What a lot of youtubers. Do is they add this like?

  • Background right eh everyone met everyone messes with the FX this little button down here so select the jacksepticeye layer, and then hit

  • FX everyone does this outer glow look at look at that wow it's so glowy and nice

  • But today we're going to do something a little different pull that range fam to the bottom

  • Okay, then may adjust the size

  • Like that make it

  • Make it not very spreaded about 84% look at that that looks pretty interesting now. We're gonna do a drop shadow

  • Are you ready BAM and then hit okay

  • Looks pretty cool. Looks pretty interesting. You know it makes it different. It makes it pop. It makes it good now

  • We're gonna add a text go to Dafont okay

  • They have old free fonts. It's really good. You want something very bold

  • easy to read and

  • Kind of like this you ready, is this too advanced for you, that's right you hit T

  • You click with your mouse you select the font up here. Look I have Bebas ready

  • I suck look at that hit ctrl a to mark your font select the color

  • You can just click on his stupid hair and there you go

  • We have the same one now press V to move that bish around adjust the size

  • Maybe maybe going the edges to change

  • How it it's tilted and stuff ok press ENTER

  • And then we have a pretty neat looking looking font that is if you're an idiot of course

  • We're gonna add effects on that bitch now

  • We already added effects on Jack so we can cheat a little bit

  • We can hit alt and then drag the outer glow to the I suck and same thing with the shadow look at that

  • We didn't even have to do any work my god. I actually don't really like the outer glow

  • I think it looks too much, so we're just gonna double click on the drop shadow to edit it and

  • Then just decrease it a little bit. Just let just a little bit now we're gonna ctrl T

  • Right click and warp and then just drag and make it a little bit more interesting. Okay go with the flow you know

  • Anything to stand out these days everyone is doing thumbnails you gotta make them right you gotta make the details

  • This is advanced stuff

  • This is only for the pros

  • But I'm telling you the secrets because I know you can keep up press Enter god damn that looks good

  • But I'm thinking it misses a little bit of glow, so let's go to outer glow, and yeah, yeah

  • That looks good remove the sass a little bit. You know what I'm feeling crazy. Let's add a shadow again

  • How many shadows can I add as many as I goddamn please mom and then let's make it spread a little bit

  • This is details

  • This is deep test hits ctrl + - zoom out ctrl + zooms in control - zooms out now

  • We can look at it. We need to judge from a perspective. Oh look at that

  • I can read the font from the thumbnail how about that minor adjustments? We're almost done hit ctrl T

  • Adjust that son of a bitch and just that son of bitches a little bit more

  • That's right same thing with this bitch basically what I like to do is find

  • Fine-tuning touches when I'm done with my thumbnail. I'll create a new layer, and then I hit ctrl alt shift E

  • Which basically merges all your layer and creates a new layer for you, so you have that here. It's really. It's really useful

  • Zoom in a little bit ctrl +

  • Ctrl T. And then I like to adjust it the cropper Little bit make it a little bit more interesting and there you go

  • We're done with the beautiful thumbnail if you're a moron. Ctrl U add up the saturation

  • Make the kids want to click on that bitch, and then okay look at that

  • Saved we just did a thumbnail. Oh

  • *hallelujah (Jack Doesn't Suck) hallelujah hallelujah*

  • Was this useful

  • Listen I just see all of you make really ugly thumbnails

  • And I hope this helps maybe a little bit if you have any questions. Let me know in the comments

  • I'll try and answer some of them Photoshop it there's a million tutorials out there of Photoshop

  • It's really the kind of thing that you can easily easily

  • Self learn it by watching tutorials, and it's really fun to learn it's really fun to create stuff. I really recommend it

  • There's a 30 day free trial or you can just torrent it. I mean it's fucking crazy expensive. Let's get real here

  • That's all for me for now leave it like if you enjoyed. I know this is different and in there

  • I don't know. I don't know maybe maybe most

  • 99% of people won't even care, but thank you for watching anyway and squad fam out