Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Ahhhhhh! **EAR RAPE FOR YOUR EARS ENJOYMENT** It's the kind of video that you might think it's a joke, *laughs* IT'S NOT!! PHOTOSHOP! You suck at it, I've seen you guys' work. It's goddamn terrible, and it's time for you to learn. MY GOD! Before I did YouTube, I was very active on "anime forums" (nothing wrong with anime xD) *pewds cringes a little bit*` That's right. I would get really interested in making these anime icons or aa-avatars and signatures, and I didn't really know how to make them, I just saw other people having them. And I'm like "That's really cool!" I wish I could do those cool anime avata- *Pewds Cringes so hard the colour in the video dies ;3* So, I picked up Photoshop (def not cracked) and uhhh... It was a great thing. I really love photoshop. It's one of my favorite tools. I think it it- brought me so much in life. I don't think I would be as big on YouTube as- if I didn't know how to use Photoshop So here I am hoping to spark a little bit of interest in case you're interested in Photoshop by showing you how to make a decent looking YouTube thumbnail. *YESSSSSSSSSSSSS* No joke. Okay. Look at this by the way. All of them are gone. This one I was so proud of, The Miku one. I won a competition, Because of that one you know how much time it took to animate those goddamn things And when you don't know how to make a gif Look, I got the second place in this competition, how about that? First of all, you want to get the aspect ratio right... okay? Width: 1920 - Height: 1080 Put 300 (Resolution) if you're gonna print that bitch (you probably wont print a thumbnail xD) That's all you need to know. (Click) Create. There you go. See, so many of you, Plebs, have the wrong god damn aspect ratio. Now, I know this is a lot to take in, my man Don't you worry, this is what you want to look at.. o-kay? if you- if- iff If It doesn't look the same as me just calm down, take a deep breath We're gonna go to "Window" and we're gonna make sure we have Layer, and.. tools, and History, I am by no means a Photoshop expert. Okay. I'm just... we're we- gonna try and keep this nice and simple What kind of thumbnail should we make? How about a... Jacksepticeye? (sounds good) Now, We need a good quality picture. Okay, all right. How about this? That's a good quality (picture), copy that bitch and Paste it into the Photoshop. Okay. Now. We have our first layer, Wow, incredible. First of all, we want to adjust the size hit CTRL+T Now, we can move that bitch around okay... Hold down SHIFT to keep the aspect ratio Hit one of the corners and drag that bitch if you don't hold SHIFT. You're gonna end up like this Okay, what I what? I tell you about aspect ratio. Let's go. That's right. Don't... fck it up is this too fast for you hotcakes? Try to keep up. what we're going to do next is crop that mother flippa That's right. There's many different ways to do this. This is the thing what Photoshop? There's there's so many different ways to get through different things that you want to do a wel- I see a lot of people do this They use the lasso tool, and they just drag a bunch of plebs a bunch of goddamn plebs look at that that looks terrible, okay What you want to do is you want to use the goddamn pen tool, okay? I know people are scared of the pen tool, but it's the best tool, and if you're good like me And if you're a Photoshop God like me it works out pretty simple we're gonna start by putting down a dot Look at that if you want to get rid of that. You gotta hit delete okay You can't just dot and then start doing other things, okay? That will fuck you up you once you've dotted you can't un-dot Unless you hit delete of course the pen tool that sort of curves the lines for you, and it makes it smooth It is a little weird once you start off, but basically we'll pick a point here that Doesn't look good right, but if you hold down your mouse button and you can drag and look at that now I haven't just curved this line I've also already thought about where the next line is gonna be with this thing so if we hit here. It's gonna be nice and Easy to do another curve coming up By better pep easy it takes a little bit of practice. You really don't have to make it perfect It's gonna look nice anyway Just make sure here for example that you go inside of the hair rather than too much on the outside If you do something you don't want you can always just go back in history. Is this just too much for you hotcakes? So you can do it relatively quickly the thing that you got to make sure though is that you connect them at the end So you get a little circle coming up from the pen tool Boop that means. It's ready to connect there you go We have our thing what I usually just do is right-click On the thing here hit make a selection you can add a feather, but that's for pussies I rather do that later now we have selected his face, but how do we delete the background? I'll just hit delete Felix. Nah fam. Look what you did get away from here controls Zed that bitch We got to inverse the selection by hitting ctrl shift. I done now you can hit delete Isn't that right you're wrong only plebs. Delete directly Okay, you gotta hit the mask button And if you do the mask button you didn't even have to inverse you can just hit it BAM Bam's should say I'm on a lamb look at that now we have the mask selected there look huh now we have the picture selected mask selected picture selected mask selected picture selected if I select the mask I Can paint and shit all over and look at this I can paint back all over Wow you don't need to know any of this actually nevermind now We have a jacksepticeye look at him look at him go very happy very pleased with this crop Hey beauty, what's the next step finding a nice looking background? What should we go for something? Psychedelic perhaps, oh wow this is really trippy. This looks skin copy that shit paste it now. We have it on a new layer Oh my god, two layers. I know this is pretty hardcore stuff. What did we learn mmm-hmm? What do we learn? How do we just decide that's right ctrl T. That's right? That's right, and what else did we learn that's right? Never fuck up the aspect ratio hold on hold down shift and drag it Border full, but I can't see Jack. I no calm down Just drag the layer Underneath Jack there you go now It has this sort of vortex sitting in the middle right so we kind of want it to be there But oh no, we have all this space here to the left. What possibly could we do simple trick my man press M Okay, which makes the square selection? Select this bit all right Hit ctrl J. Which makes a copy of your selection in a new layer hit ctrl T and Then no shift this time Pham Just drag it over Just drag it over. No one will know anything It will be our little secret now. We have two layers doing the same thing we want to merge them Click on one hold down ctrl click onto the other right click merge layers BAM It's one unified son of a bitch now. What a lot of youtubers. Do is they add this like? Background right eh everyone met everyone messes with the FX this little button down here so select the jacksepticeye layer, and then hit FX everyone does this outer glow look at look at that wow it's so glowy and nice But today we're going to do something a little different pull that range fam to the bottom Okay, then may adjust the size Like that make it Make it not very spreaded about 84% look at that that looks pretty interesting now. We're gonna do a drop shadow Are you ready BAM and then hit okay Looks pretty cool. Looks pretty interesting. You know it makes it different. It makes it pop. It makes it good now We're gonna add a text go to Dafont okay They have old free fonts. It's really good. You want something very bold easy to read and Kind of like this you ready, is this too advanced for you, that's right you hit T You click with your mouse you select the font up here. Look I have Bebas ready I suck look at that hit ctrl a to mark your font select the color You can just click on his stupid hair and there you go We have the same one now press V to move that bish around adjust the size Maybe maybe going the edges to change How it it's tilted and stuff ok press ENTER And then we have a pretty neat looking looking font that is if you're an idiot of course We're gonna add effects on that bitch now We already added effects on Jack so we can cheat a little bit We can hit alt and then drag the outer glow to the I suck and same thing with the shadow look at that We didn't even have to do any work my god. I actually don't really like the outer glow I think it looks too much, so we're just gonna double click on the drop shadow to edit it and Then just decrease it a little bit. Just let just a little bit now we're gonna ctrl T Right click and warp and then just drag and make it a little bit more interesting. Okay go with the flow you know Anything to stand out these days everyone is doing thumbnails you gotta make them right you gotta make the details This is advanced stuff This is only for the pros But I'm telling you the secrets because I know you can keep up press Enter god damn that looks good But I'm thinking it misses a little bit of glow, so let's go to outer glow, and yeah, yeah That looks good remove the sass a little bit. You know what I'm feeling crazy. Let's add a shadow again How many shadows can I add as many as I goddamn please mom and then let's make it spread a little bit This is details This is deep test hits ctrl + - zoom out ctrl + zooms in control - zooms out now We can look at it. We need to judge from a perspective. Oh look at that I can read the font from the thumbnail how about that minor adjustments? We're almost done hit ctrl T Adjust that son of a bitch and just that son of bitches a little bit more That's right same thing with this bitch basically what I like to do is find Fine-tuning touches when I'm done with my thumbnail. I'll create a new layer, and then I hit ctrl alt shift E Which basically merges all your layer and creates a new layer for you, so you have that here. It's really. It's really useful Zoom in a little bit ctrl + Ctrl T. And then I like to adjust it the cropper Little bit make it a little bit more interesting and there you go We're done with the beautiful thumbnail if you're a moron. Ctrl U add up the saturation Make the kids want to click on that bitch, and then okay look at that Saved we just did a thumbnail. Oh *hallelujah (Jack Doesn't Suck) hallelujah hallelujah* Was this useful Listen I just see all of you make really ugly thumbnails And I hope this helps maybe a little bit if you have any questions. Let me know in the comments I'll try and answer some of them Photoshop it there's a million tutorials out there of Photoshop It's really the kind of thing that you can easily easily Self learn it by watching tutorials, and it's really fun to learn it's really fun to create stuff. I really recommend it There's a 30 day free trial or you can just torrent it. I mean it's fucking crazy expensive. Let's get real here That's all for me for now leave it like if you enjoyed. I know this is different and in there I don't know. I don't know maybe maybe most 99% of people won't even care, but thank you for watching anyway and squad fam out