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  • hello and welcome to News Review I'm Neil and joining me is Georgina hi

  • Georgina what's our story today so our story today is all about Beyonce's new

  • song at Black Parade okay let's find out some more from this little clip from BBC

  • Radio 1 Beyonce released a surprise new song on Friday just because she can

  • because she is Beyonce she's released a surprise new song titled black parade

  • shortly after announcing a project by the same name to support black owned

  • businesses beyonce chose Juneteenth a holiday celebrate in America Tamar the

  • official end of slavery and she released the track on this day so the song is

  • called Black Parade it includes very powerful lyrics about black history

  • police brutality and the George Floyd protests Beyonce has released a new song

  • called Black Parade and it was released on

  • Friday the 19th of June and this day is called June 10th this is the anniversary

  • of the end of slavery and is celebrated across the United States soon after she

  • also announced a new project also called Black Parade which is there to support

  • black owned businesses oK you've been looking at this story on the various

  • news websites you've picked out some interesting vocabulary what have you got

  • yes I have and they are spotlight benefit and in honor of spotlight

  • benefit and in honor of let's hear your first headline then please with that

  • word spotlight so the headline is from PopSugar and it is Beyonce drops

  • Juneteenth Jam Black Parade to spotlight black owned businesses spotlight draw

  • attention to an issue yes and it is about SP o t li ght and in the headline

  • is being used as a verb but you're probably more used to hearing it used as

  • a noun so a spotlight or the spotlight so imagine you are the star of a new

  • musical and you walk onto the stage and a big light or beam

  • comes on you and you are in the spotlight well in the headline is being

  • used as a verb and it means to draw attention to an issue so in this case

  • the song Black Parade is helping to spotlight or draw attention to black

  • owned businesses okay and as you say here it's a verb

  • normally the word spotlight is a noun it's that beam of light that highlights

  • a person it's also used in a couple of expressions to be in the spotlight or to

  • put the spotlight on someone yeah that's true

  • okay let's have a summary of that word

  • time now for your next headline please Georgina the next headline is from

  • Vanity Fair and it is Beyonce releases surprise benefit track for June teens

  • accompanied by curated list of black businesses benefit describe something

  • which raises money for a cause yes and it's felt B en e fi T and actually in

  • the headline is being used as an adjective but it's very commonly used as

  • a verb or a noun for example you may get extra benefits at work and they may be

  • things like extra holiday Day or health benefits and that means in all of the

  • context it means brings good things so benefits means to bring Goods bring

  • benefits means to bring good things yes I benefits are good things as a verb it

  • means to bring good things here it's being used though as an adjective isn't

  • it yes so in the headline it's used to the context is benefit is used to talk

  • about the music track which has been created to help black businesses okay

  • and we hear this word used like this there are a couple of common

  • combinations we hear about benefit concerts yeah exactly so you could have

  • a benefit match a benefit concert or even a benefit rally so for example the

  • star organized the benefit match for victims absolutely ok let's have a

  • summary of that

  • if you would like to watch another story about music and music related things we

  • have one for you don't we Georgina about music festivals yeah we do it's called

  • covert 19 the end for live music and to watch this you just need to click on the

  • link below perfect okay let's have your next

  • headline okay so the next headline is from insider and it is Beyonce surprises

  • fans with a new song called black parade in honor of Juneteenth weekend in honor

  • of to show admiration or respect for someone or something exactly and so it's

  • actually three words in I n honor H o n0 r and the third word is of o F now in

  • British spelling it is actually spelled H o n

  • you are so honor the middle word will be spelt with an with an you as well and

  • and it means to show respect or admiration for some one so for example

  • in the headline the song was released to show admiration and respect for the

  • black community now we often talk about things in honor of so for example the

  • Taj Mahal was built in honor of the venn Emperor's wife and there's also a statue

  • a statue outside the BBC which was put up in honor of George Orwell who wrote

  • very a lot of famous a a lot of famous writings yes he he worked for the BBC he

  • has a reputation as a very important writer and so in order to show respect a

  • statue was put up in honor of George Orwell used in the same way as in the

  • headline there yeah exactly okay let's have a summary of that

  • time now for a recap of our vocabulary please Georgina yes so we have spotlight

  • draw attention to an issue the second one was benefit describes something

  • which raises money for a course and the third one in honor of to show admiration

  • or respect for someone or something I bet you would love to test yourself on

  • that vocabulary well you can do on our website BBC learning stay

  • safe

hello and welcome to News Review I'm Neil and joining me is Georgina hi

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