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  • Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

  • We Speak. I'm Feifei.

  • Neil: And I'm Neil. Hi everyone.

  • Feifei: Is everything OK, Neil? You sound

  • a bit annoyed this morning!

  • Neil: Yeh, I'm OK, I'm just a bit frustrated.

  • I spent a few hours organising all of the

  • books on my bookshelves last weekend,

  • but then my wife decided

  • to clean the shelves

  • and put the books back in a mess.

  • They're all out of order again now!

  • Feifei: Oh, that is totally out of order!

  • Neil: Yeah, they are now totally

  • out of order.

  • Feifei: I'm talking about your wife,

  • not the books.

  • Neil: Eh?

  • Feifei: What I meant is that

  • it wasn't fair that all your hard work

  • went to waste - she

  • should have been more considerate.

  • Neil: Ohhh, I see. You mean 'out of order'

  • in a different sense! My books are out of

  • order because they're disorganised,

  • but my wife was out of order

  • because she was inconsiderate.

  • Feifei: That's exactly right! Let's listen

  • to some other examples of how you could

  • use this alternate meaning.

  • The referee in Saturday's football match

  • was totally out of order!

  • I couldn't believe he sent off

  • our best player - he was obviously biased!

  • A passenger on the train this morning

  • started shouting at me. She said

  • I pushed her! I thought

  • she was really out of order! I couldn't help

  • it. The train stopped abruptly.

  • Who took my pen from my desk?

  • It's the fourth time this week -

  • this is out of order!

  • Feifei: This is The English We Speak

  • from BBC Learning English and

  • we're talking about

  • the phrase 'out of order'. This phrase

  • often means that something

  • is disorganised or in the wrong order,

  • but it is also used in spoken English to

  • say that someone has been unfair

  • or inconsiderate. Could you give us

  • another example of this, Neil?

  • Neil: Well, I wrote a script last week which

  • you said was rubbish! I thought that was

  • a bit out of order!

  • Feifei: Oh dear! I'm sorry if I offended you,

  • Neil, but I think you might

  • have misunderstood what I meant!

  • When you printed it out and gave it to me,

  • I couldn't read anything - there

  • was ink all over it. Perhaps

  • the printer was out of order?

  • Neil: And that's a third meaning

  • of 'out of order'.

  • Feifei: Yes. 'Out of order' also means

  • broken! Well, that's all we have...

  • Neil: Oh dear, it seems Feifei's mic

  • is out of order! What she was

  • trying to say was that's all we have

  • time for this week, so join us again next

  • week for more The English We Speak.

  • Goodbye!

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

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