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  • Hello. Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin.

  • Today...

  • Urgh...

  • - Last time we did a musical IQ test from Harvard. - From Harvard, yeah.

  • Ahahahahaha. We're both so low.

  • ****ed it.

  • Sorry, can I just say like...

  • That last IQ test, I found it so questionable.

  • If you're watching this and

  • you're one of the researchers at Harvard University...

  • You gotta like define your criteria for judging out of tune.

  • is it more...

  • Decibels out or had more notes out of tune?

  • Yeah, and then also

  • what frequency that were you measuring it against.

  • You can't expect someone to calculate...

  • All right, I'll give you a perfect example, right?

  • Do Re...

  • Mi!

  • Fa...

  • That's one really out of tune note, versus...

  • Do re mi fa...

  • There are four notes out of tune, but...

  • - They're in tune with each other. - Yeah.

  • So, how are you gonna grade us?

  • Anyway...

  • And there's another one,

  • I think will be very interesting to try.

  • Well, that's gonna be easy for me.

  • Yeah, the tone-deaf...

  • Test.

  • So, of course...

  • - Eddy wants to do this video. - Oh...

  • - So he can flex... - Yes.

  • Flex his pitch on me.

  • Perfect pitch gang.

  • - Urgh... - Make sure to hit the like below.

  • Now, we only have one laptop here today.

  • - Brett's gonna do it first. - Yup.

  • And then we're gonna compare our results.

  • Yeah. Ohhh!

  • - I need to get changed to merch. - Get glamorous.

  • Guys, check this out.

  • Oh my god. I'm so proud of our whole team.

  • You know what TS stands for?

  • I can't think of a joke.

  • So I'm gonna go.

  • - Yeah, too soon. - Bye.

  • Too... Too soon.

  • Of course the guy with no pitch has to go first.

  • Do you think you are tone-deaf?

  • Um...

  • I'm not sure if I'm tone-deaf.

  • How good do you think your music listening skills are?

  • Ahh...

  • I'm doubting myself.

  • So maybe I'll just go much worse,

  • so everything looks better.

  • Okay, to be honest, I've had a bit of training,

  • so I'm just gonna go here.

  • How old are you?

  • Oh... Don't show my age, just blur it out.

  • I am old, blur it!

  • Do you think you have perfect pitch?

  • No, I definitely don't have perfect pitch.

  • So what do you think you have perfect pitch?

  • You just gotta listen to it, you'll know.

  • Listen to blah, what?

  • Turn up...

  • Until the calibration tone's at

  • a loud but comfortable level.

  • For this game, you will need to use the D and U keys.

  • Try to answer as fast as you ca-

  • Oh my god, there's speed.

  • Here we go.

  • Mmm...

  • Down.

  • Two seconds...

  • Dude, I was so slow.

  • I'm questioning myself.

  • Oh man, that's way up.

  • 0.8 seconds!

  • Can I beat that?

  • 0.3 seconds! Oh!

  • Ah! I bit my...

  • Can't go too fast cause I bite myself.

  • No, I know it went up.

  • Oh, why did I **** that one up!

  • You're doing awesome - No, I'm not.

  • I wasn't supposed to mess that one up.

  • It's cause I was trying to react too fast.

  • Stop being stupid.

  • The test is going to get harder now, oh god.

  • That sounded the same.

  • That one went down by a 1/32nd tone.

  • Didn't really hear it, I felt like the timbre went down a bit.

  • That took me six seconds. Holy moly.

  • That went up a bit, I think.

  • I need to focus.

  • That sounded the same, mate.

  • Urgh, 1/64th.

  • I can hear the 1/32nd ones.

  • 1/64th, oh, I'm getting it.

  • Woah...

  • Oh! Dang... Okay.

  • Hey, at least, it's a first shot.

  • Good to know my ears are okay.

  • All right, I wonder what Eddy gets.

  • My turn!

  • Represent the perfect pitch gang.

  • I'm gonna ace this exam.

  • Do you think you are tone-deaf?

  • No, I'm definitely not tone-deaf.

  • How good do you think your music listening skills are?

  • Boom!

  • The superior perfect pitch gang.

  • Can you tap in time with a musical beat?

  • Ahahaha I failed this one.

  • Ahahahaha.

  • Apparently not.

  • Do you think you have perfect pitch?

  • Yeah.

  • Perfect pitch gang.

  • All right. Oh dude, I'm nervous.

  • I didn't know this would be reflex - Reaction time.

  • Dude, I have slow reflex though.

  • Doesn't mean I'm tone-deaf, I'm just slow.

  • I'm probably gonna press the wrong thing.

  • Because I'm uncoordinated.

  • One second? I'm so slow.

  • 0.7 -

  • Come on.

  • What if my internet is just slow, you know?

  • Australian wi-fi.

  • Dude, I need to hit 0.5.

  • It's cause I was trying to react too fast.

  • Stop being stupid!

  • 0.7.

  • All right.

  • You're doing awesome.

  • Cheers, mate.

  • Heads up, the test is gonna get ha - Uh oh.

  • See, this is what I don't like,

  • if you're not sure, it's okay to make a guess.

  • So I could literally fluke the test.

  • It's like a bunch of 50/50 coin toss.

  • 0.9, oh dude...

  • I'm nervous.

  • 1 second, oh, I'm getting slow.

  • 0.7! Yeah, let's get it!

  • Yeah, I knew it was up, but I questioned myself.

  • Oh, that's obvious.

  • Easy.

  • Easy.

  • Dude, I have - I need to hit 0.5.

  • 0.6!

  • Oh...

  • Ohhoho.

  • All right, Brett, I'm done.

  • Oh, s***! What did you get?

  • - All right, we gotta reveal at the same time. - Okay, okay, okay.

  • 3...

  • 2...

  • 1...

  • Bang!

  • Oh, you got the top part.

  • - No! - Perfect pitch gang!

  • - No! - Oh!

  • Hey, you did pretty well though.

  • No, to be honest...

  • One, I freaked out

  • - Yeah? - Because I was trying to go for fastest reaction time.

  • - Oh, you pressed the wrong thing? - I pressed the wrong one.

  • So I would have got 30, but that's about it.

  • You're also not using headphones, right?

  • Nah, I didn't.

  • Yeah, I think headphone is important for this.

  • - I'm just making excuse for you. - Yeah.

  • Hehehe.

  • I can imagine it would be though, the 1/64th is so small.

  • I just feel the sound difference.

  • - Yeah. - I don't really hear the actual pitch change.

  • What does the graph mean though?

  • Oh, I guess it's percentage.

  • That's right!

  • 2% of participants!

  • - Download an image of your scores to share. - Are you gonna frame it?

  • Those of you who question the perfect pitch gang.

  • To be fair, this test is more objective.

  • The other one is - I'm still salty about the other one.

  • Yeah.

  • I will say though, the whole reaction thing's stressful.

  • It's stressful.

  • And I start - I'm like f***.

  • No! It's obviously low, why did I click it?

  • Yeah. Anyway...

  • Please like and subscribe. Check out our merch.

  • I'm totally not just showing my legs up.

  • - Yeah. - Yeah.

  • - Check it out, guys. - All right, peace.

Hello. Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin.

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