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  • I don't think psychedelics are the answer

  • to the world's problems,

  • but they could be a start.

  • What is going on in your brain when you're tripping?

  • I was with three friends.

  • We were driving in the middle of nowhere.

  • My friend was, like, "I've got two hits of acid."

  • I don't remember anything other than

  • he handed it to us, and we just went

  • I don't feel anything.

  • These mushrooms don't work at all.

  • It's always when you say, "I don't feel anything."

  • It's usually the tipping point.

  • Do I feel anything?

  • What is feeling?

  • Very quickly, I entered this psychedelic realm.

  • Everything is coming alive.

  • Like, the grass starts talking to me.

  • Sting!

  • -Sting! -Sting!

  • There's a 90% chance I'm going to drown,

  • but it's feeling good to be one with the Earth.

  • And I felt like, "We're part of everything.

  • Everything is connected."

  • When I laid into the bed,

  • my body became the bed.

  • No lie, a rainbow shot out of my dick.

  • And it had a sound with it, like


  • Drugs are a laugh riot,

  • until they're not.

  • My cymbals were melting.

  • You can take too much, and that's a mistake.

  • It turned the world around you

  • into an opera

  • -of your nightmares. -Yeah.

  • Everybody is trying to kill me.

  • Things get scary.

  • That's why it's important to remember

  • you're high. It's not reality.

  • We gained a lot of insight

  • about the way I view reality.

  • What the psychedelic experience does,

  • is the entire universe

  • is cracked open.

  • I took acid once. Maybe even didn't need to.

  • Probably could've just watched this documentary.

I don't think psychedelics are the answer

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