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  • so you want to know why I left everything to go to China and Japan well

  • let's go back

  • 2020 was certainly the strangest of all the years I spent in China and Japan but

  • this story goes back a lot further than that

  • whoa did you see that like I really went to

  • work in the editing room there yeah but all that stuff like the music ah come on

  • yeah come on that was cool all that was cool well I had fun making

  • it and I've been making little videos since I moved abroad so many years ago

  • but the question presented here today is why did I move well it wasn't because of

  • a boy it's not because of Japanese anime it's not because I couldn't get a job in

  • my own country it's not because I wanted to come here and party all the time no

  • it's none of that I just really like adventure and I like to document it as

  • well hello that's what my camera looks like if you were wondering what my

  • camera looks like that's what it looks like usually without this it's really

  • small I love it it's perfect for what I'm trying to do is way less

  • intimidating than some of those giant cameras that people carry around looks

  • like they're coming in with a full camera crew I just got this little thing

  • and it seems to work out pretty well just go that way go that way that way

  • uh it went in my ear get out well new youtuber here give me a break

  • one of the benefits of being a new youtuber is that I have stockpiles of

  • old footage I've been in China and Japan for many years but I haven't released a

  • lot of the videos that I've made over the years so I can just dish those out

  • slowly and I put pictures on Instagram sometimes that were from like five years

  • ago and nobody nobody knows the difference so when I look at these old

  • videos in old photos I can't help but laugh at myself sometimes like the first

  • time I ever came to Japan I was living in Beijing I spoke fluent Chinese I

  • could read Chinese characters and about the only thing I could read was the

  • Chinese characters around here and I went to a Japanese language school that

  • was in West Shinjuku and every day after class was over I would walk around

  • Shinjuku and go exploring and go look for stuff to take videos of and I was

  • looking for flashy stuff stuff that looked cool and somehow ended up in the

  • red-light district and couldn't read the signs so I didn't know what I was

  • looking at and I was taking selfies next to these like hostess clubs just because

  • I like the flashy lights and I didn't realize what it was so I looked pretty

  • ridiculous but I really did not know Japanese at that time

  • when I went back after that month in Tokyo... I went back to China I enrolled in a

  • Japanese language school and that was after passing HSK6 which is the

  • highest level on the chinese proficiency test and chinese and japanese are

  • similar enough that knowing one will really help with the other it's kind of

  • like buy one full price get one 25% off and that was my experience so

  • especially with the writing Chinese was very helpful in learning Japanese and

  • then I wanted to stay in China and go to grad school to get into Fudan University

  • and by 2016 I had applied and I was just waiting and waiting and waiting and

  • waiting for the results and not getting them and calling the school and asking

  • and by the time my contract with the English school ran out I was like well

  • my choice is to sign another contract or leave and I just felt kind of rejected I

  • felt like the school didn't want me that my whole goal for going to China just

  • fell through and I wasn't gonna get to go to grad school I was just really

  • disappointed so I said forget this I'm leaving China

  • I had already visited Japan multiple times by that point I just said forget

  • it I'm gonna move to Japan and maybe see if I'll apply again later I was just mad

  • I was like fine china you don't want me I'm gonna move to your neighbor maybe

  • they'll take me and I ended up going back to Japanese language school again I

  • had already studied for a year at that point in China but then I got to study

  • intermediate Japanese all the way to advanced and then the worst thing

  • happened the very first day that I moved to Japan I had moved my bank account all

  • my money was taken out of my bank account I moved all my stuff I got rid

  • of my apartment I got a new apartment in Japan I got rid of my old job I got a

  • new job in Japan and then the very first day I came my friend in Beijing said

  • Yeah some school sent a letter to you I got it here and

  • sure enough it was my acceptance letter into the university in China and I had

  • already moved and I was in a bad position I was like oh no crap now what

  • do I have to move back Oh what do I do it was really really nervous about that

  • and I ended up working it out with the school and delaying enrollment one year

  • and I did spend that year in Tokyo studying Japanese at the Japanese

  • language school and then teaching English on the side and after one year I

  • finally entered the grad school in China and that was 2017 when I went back to

  • China spent another two years there in Shanghai studying and then I ended up

  • going right back to Japan to study at Waseda university and then I'll end up

  • going back to Shanghai when this is over and go back again I kinda just go back

  • and forth between China and Japan and I always try to get the best of the

  • country that I'm not in and try not to forget Japanese while I'm in China and

  • try not to forget Chinese while I'm in Japan so the result of that is I have a

  • ton of Chinese friends in Japan and I have a ton of Japanese friends in China

  • it's like wherever I am I'm missing the other place I'm trying to reconnect with

  • the other place and that's just kind of a weird thing so that's why my life is a

  • little bit strange

  • I'm so lucky to live near here I don't have to

  • bosozoku can you shut up shut up for five seconds so I can make the video

  • gosh it's not even a long video I'm so lucky that I live really close to this

  • beautiful area it's not always very quiet but I don't have to take a train

  • to get here which is wonderful because I've been avoiding the trains like the

  • plague recently that's not snow those are flower petals oh it's so pretty

  • they're just flowing down can you shut up why you're messing up my video

  • Ok, they're done I'm not doing another take I did enough takes of that every 5

  • seconds they're revving that engine man that's the difficulty of filming in a city

  • you got to deal with that background noise it's really hard and wind

  • Making the decision to move to China or Japan is one thing but staying for 8 years or

  • longer is an entirely different thing would you believe that after the very

  • first year I gave up and moved back to America well it's true and after I moved

  • back it wasn't more than about 10 months before I was itching to get back to Asia

  • and I was on an airplane again so I did move back at one point I found that I

  • really enjoyed being over here and that's not just the reason I moved

  • it's the reason I stayed it would be impossible for me to sum up the last

  • eight years in a 10 11 12 minute video so if you want to hear more about my

  • adventures abroad please stay tuned and watch some more because there's gonna be

  • more to come we are far from finished with this alright see you next time

  • welcome to Waseda

so you want to know why I left everything to go to China and Japan well

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