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  • hang tough.

  • Morning.

  • Welcome back, Animal Crossing Toss Boy has the old jacks up the guy hat right now.

  • And of course, I have my dirty May queen dress on.

  • I heard a Khushi Khushi a second ago.

  • Directions that go here, it's over here.

  • Get a toss.

  • Everything's all Oh, Japanese cherry blossom looking now.

  • Way off.

  • He keeps shooting toss, You'll get it Eventually tossed.

  • Oh, boy, What'd you get?

  • Tossed my bunny day wardrobe.

  • It's got a bunny day wall clock on the bunny day bed and they're stone eggs on earth eggs.

  • Animal crossing.

  • Really fucking weird now itself and ties, boys toast about.

  • I know you want this bite.

  • I know you wanted by.

  • Come on, it tastes good.

  • It got worms on it.

  • Come out.

  • Yeah, over fish or fish is going to be a or fish.

  • It's an egg.

  • There's an egg, not a vision.

  • Should I deal with it?

  • We have a couple of things that we get to do with this episode because in my spare time, I played it a little bit on, found something amazing.

  • There's so many things to dig up now.

  • Pretty it is.

  • Wow.

  • Tom looks really been working on hell trying to make it look nice.

  • All these all these sacrifices.

  • Oh, everyone's island was look amazing.

  • Now her island called Sacha Rambo, I think.

  • Yeah, which means, like, it's like Cherry Island and soccer guys are like cherry blossoms.

  • It's perfect.

  • Damn it.

  • So jealous.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I also caught a dragon fly, which I had never seen before.

  • I think those are new.

  • So side news, everybody.

  • I didn't catch a sturgeon, I think.

  • Yeah, it marriage was the last time you can catch a surgeon.

  • I didn't go.

  • What are we going to do about it?

  • I don't know.

  • Probably cry into our pillow.

  • Four killed, Jerry.

  • Either way, I'm fine with either crying murder.

  • Those are good emotional coping mechanism.

  • There's so much happening on my island today.

  • Give me more eggs.

  • What?

  • I get the eggs to sell them.

  • The fuck is that?

  • The fuck is that?

  • A person in a bunny costume.

  • You have any hole?

  • What do you know, buddy?

  • Day is April 12.

  • Promised bones right on back to this island on that wonderful.

  • Wonderfully.

  • In the meantime, you skipper, don't tell anyone you're ready.

  • It'll be a funny booties.

  • A prize?

  • The Easter bunny who?

  • I need to kill you.

  • I told everybody I killed the Easter Bunny.

  • Yeah, OK, lots of plans today.

  • Toss man has been very busy.

  • I also bought some shit in here that I'm gonna show you guys.

  • I want to sell eyes.

  • Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • I want us.

  • Oh, I don't really have anything to sell.

  • Oh, e I could buy these for 10 bells passes these fossils.

  • Yo, Hopefully it's not ones that I have.

  • Whatever.

  • You talk a lot.

  • I thought I was the talker.

  • Okay, make a donation.

  • Thing is what we see What I had.

  • What?

  • I didn't owe a quetzal torso.

  • I could have donated my Dragonflies.

  • Well talking.

  • It's not talking.

  • I'm a bit busy here of ladders.

  • It's Easter time.

  • Easter Bunny is not gonna kill himself.

  • Our goal today is to get Sherry off my island.

  • That's not the right one.

  • What did they get?

  • No miles for fossil assessment.

  • 30 Fosse's.

  • It's whatever.

  • I'm just pretty good pretty dope.

  • Oh, that was cute.

  • You want to go back asleep?

  • But I got some stuff I got some upgrades.

  • All right?

  • Cleaning day, new upgrades.

  • I got a pet.

  • You guys wanna meet my pet?

  • There is.

  • I got a turtle.

  • His name is Tortellini, and you guys have to treat him nice.

  • What's up toward Lini?

  • He gonna just sits around, though.

  • He don't move all that much.

  • Door lady, Don't move that much.

  • But I love him My little bit aren't expected with your lady.

  • He's pretty.

  • Dae gyu.

  • All right, Toure.

  • Lady, you gotta smile for the camera.

  • Don't.

  • Okay, okay.

  • Smile for the camera.

  • Your lady.

  • Look over here.

  • Charlie.

  • Hey.

  • Hey, boy.

  • There we go.

  • He's my best friend.

  • I got myself a little bit.

  • He's not days, Orlean.

  • He's not date.

  • Tell him you're not a move your head a tiny bit.

  • He's moving these pages and small, little bit.

  • That's enough to show the heat I date.

  • Okay.

  • He's very, very live.

  • He's so alive.

  • Even he breathes air.

  • I don't know if we need water night.

  • I don't know the rules when you cook the tortoise birds and turtles.

  • I just got him on the one hand.

  • All totally need to me.

  • He's not food.

  • Okay, um, we also got some cute stuff about a popcorn machine.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • Eka, make popcorn.

  • I got a velvet stool.

  • Robin sent me a coffee maker.

  • So shadow to Robin, But a legend.

  • He said that I needed the coffee because I really, really love coffee.

  • Of course.

  • I'm the coffee man.

  • Really loves his coffee type board.

  • Located 30 babies in the morning.

  • Type lawyer is not going to function.

  • And don't talk to me or my my book Tuesday until I got my Baines in the morning.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • OK, Torre.

  • Lena, You guys take a bite of people Don't cause we're going out.

  • We're going to do so all right.

  • Or, lady, you don't talk much.

  • I got myself a sweet saxophone around.

  • Tortellini really loved my music.

  • Watching Danes tortellini get up, Show your days Move That little fucker really know how to dance, Okay, He's all over the place.

  • He rolled on his back.

  • He spent around here, do some fucking breakdancing.

  • That's just snapping, Turtle, But he ain't got no more Snapple after him.

  • So what I did if you guys can see you guys know what this means?

  • Are you seeing what I'm doing.

  • Can you see it?

  • I got a nook miles ticket.

  • I went looking for a different place to just catch some different types of fish.

  • Ended up finally finding a, uh, emperor Butterfly Island.

  • And they just kept spawning.

  • So I caught as many of them as my inventory would allow.

  • I even got rid of all my tools except for the bug net and made them again because I just needed to pack up all of my inventory.

  • So we go to make some fucking money today, Tom, look.

  • Thank you.

  • He coming out here, he could be like, Oh, you got a fucking load of 100 $98,000.

  • Not anymore, bitch.

  • I got some fucking head for butterflies to show you.

  • All right, so we got to put some stuff away.

  • Um, maybe I should use this.

  • Learn that.

  • Okay.

  • I learned today I want a recipe for a bloody bold A clog.

  • Some people turn to drugs to get their money.

  • So if he even started real estate Todd Todd boy, he fucking turned.

  • He turned the butterflies.

  • A lot of people you know how you know Joe exotic is the tiger king ties boys that birth like.

  • All right.

  • What have you little fuckers I would like to sell?

  • I have 44,000 bells right now.

  • I would like a 1,000,000,000.

  • I want a good price for my fucking butterflies.

  • Okay.

  • How much?

  • How much?

  • Come on.

  • Big money.

  • Big money.

  • I How much you guys bet?

  • I don't know how much these so four.

  • I don't know how much I put in.

  • Just put a random number in shot right now.

  • How much do you think it's going to be?

  • 10 Kate knows Will be way more than that.

  • It's gonna be like 80 100,000.

  • 80,000.

  • 32,000.

  • Give it a go.

  • What's going on?

  • Hey, about 20,000 bills.

  • Way got 15,000 miles out of that male.

  • 57 males going once, going twice.

  • Hold How many bells?

  • Hey, I was fucking right.

  • 80 fat, big ones.

  • Oh, actually, it was hoping it would be a little bit more than that.

  • 80,000 bells sold to the little man who has a twin brother that he never lets talk.

  • 124 k bells with a You guys want to talk, boy terms.

  • Yes, I'm the great 198,000 had 48 thousands, whatever in.

  • And then it was like for your 48,000 bells we can offer you 240 bells Interest.

  • No need to call us a hero.

  • Let's deposit.

  • How much should we deposit?

  • Let's deposit the 80,000 we just got here.

  • It is better that nice.

  • So we're on our way to paying off for long?

  • Yeah.

  • Tom, it's your knees.

  • I'm going to come for next week.

  • Bye.

  • A garden gnome.

  • Oh, I don't Likeem star.

  • Why would I ever want that on my property?

  • Ah, Oh, oh, I kind of love it.

  • Who?

  • It's pretty good that fits perfectly and tossed.

  • Boys hold aesthetic Pross boys.

  • Aesthetic is keeping you on your toes.

  • When you think toss what is going to go one direction he goes the other direction.

  • When you think that he had figured out his aesthetic and his style Oh, he changes over hell, yeah.

  • Get that order.

  • You know what?

  • I'm gonna send it as a gift as well.

  • I'm writing.

  • The tooth is out there.

  • Everyone really likes X files.

  • All right.

  • By anything in your box.

  • Wavy tyre wall?

  • Hell, yeah.

  • I don't have anything for my walls.

  • That's fucking cool.

  • What's up, your lady?

  • He wasn t wolves.

  • I got us a new vault is whatever.

  • Yes, Yes.

  • I feel like I live in the sad.

  • I feel like I'm I'm no Windows anymore for leaning where the windows go.

  • Celebratory.

  • Okay, I got a silver mike on a high end stereo, so we're gonna put that shit in our house.

  • All right, we'll put that down.

  • Whatever.

  • Like a whole music thing?

  • No, that's not what I should do.

  • Because, you know, Tom's boy is all about music.

  • He's trying.

  • T has a budding music career that he's trying to get going.

  • It's kind of hard when you live in hell to get music going, but Taz boy is going to do it.

  • Okay, this is the karaoke section.

  • So you wanna come by singing some Yoki?

  • You can, um, leave you there.

  • Something feels off.

  • I can't turn on my stereo guy.

  • Fuck.

  • Hold on.

  • That looks better.

  • Idea.

  • Your saxophone looks better from the side than it does from the front or the back.

  • You know, whenever anybody thinks about us.

  • I would think about a saxophone.

  • It's always about that sweet curd B s.

  • You know that plays a song there.

  • Tortellini linking decaying capitalism.

  • I kind of want the gnome.

  • Damn it.

  • Okay, let's go get some wood.

  • I need a shitty your ax, though.

  • I don't chop down my trees by accident.

  • Maybe just do a little chop.

  • Give me.

  • Give me the wood.

  • That's exactly what I needed.

  • Thank you.

  • I know that toss.

  • Well.

  • You can't smack that one.

  • That's your workbench.

  • Not a real tree.

  • Silly ding dang.

  • Yes, The home it is Mine.

  • Place are gone out here.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Tonight.

  • No.

  • This way.

  • Okay, You can flick it that way.

  • Hold on.

  • No, there we go.

  • Morning.

  • I mean, this one's still better because there's a piercing sound, you know?

  • Hell, yeah.

  • Gong of morning to you ladies.

  • I put my smoker out and opening.

  • You gotta open it up, toss.

  • You can't just leave it.

  • Closed that point with them.

  • No.

  • Come on, toss.

  • I got him.

  • What is it?

  • Yes, I called and I agree.

  • Is butterfly.

  • I wonder if it finds me.

  • There's a greatest A bowl.

  • Is this Why you went to hell?

  • Toss too many ponds and it feels like it probably is.

  • You figure out what I could do with these eggs.

  • Sahara again.

  • Hello?

  • Did you require rugs for your naked floors?

  • I would.

  • Very much like a road, please.

  • Small runs, $1000.

  • Meeting rose 1500.

  • Largest 2000.

  • But I don't know what The Army large drug.

  • Wait, I just give you money for a random roll.

  • Save five tickets.

  • You can trade from mysterious wallpaper or mysterious floor you bought in our drug.

  • So that means three tickets are yours.

  • I should just keep buying drugs.

  • Um, I feel like you're swindling me.

  • Security monitors wall.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I absolutely fucking love it.

  • This is the greatest.

  • This is amazing.

  • I can't.

  • I have a camera toe every single square inch of this island.

  • I can see everything.

  • Oh, you can't hide from me now, bitches is like when Neil went to see the architect in The Matrix.

  • Oh, yes.

  • Oh, yes.

  • This is awesome.

  • I fucking love it.

  • Quite simple.

  • Cloth wall.

  • Really?

  • Really.

  • Oh, Security wall only.

  • Yes.

  • That's so good.

  • Uh, place, place horizontally.

  • Wait.

  • It's dirt.

  • Luke, do you have any Borden's?

  • Oh, where the wind is clear the ocean, vast.

  • I will leave a sign of your dark past cheek.

  • Do we ever need any more proof that Sherry was an evil bitch?

  • This is proof right here.

  • Where the wind is clear, the ocean vast.

  • I will leave a sign of your dark past.

  • What does that even mean?

  • I want mysterious flooring.

  • Give me some.

  • Good.

  • Give me something good.

  • Something good?

  • I'm good.

  • I'm good.

  • What did you give me?

  • Dirt flooring.

  • I got feeling flooring and dirt floor.

  • This is just toss.

  • Boys.

  • Look, Can't catch a break is because of what I'm wearing.

  • It's better than the field flooring.

  • I'll give it that a little better, but not a lot.

  • I like how, Derek?

  • It isn't here now, though.

  • But let's see what our rugs air.

  • Um, the larger purple Persian rug so that it just went down on the ground.

  • Look.

  • Well, if that's not the shittiest thing I've ever seen Oh, hey, Shari.

  • How is it going?

  • What did your note me?

  • What did you book bouncing off your heads?

  • Even though you know boats are attracted to pieces of shit.

  • Right?

  • I could.

  • Please.

  • You have fleas.

  • You You're on my island spreading fleas, everybody.

  • You know, other animals get fleas.

  • I can't really am a human having freezes pretty bad.

  • But on the bright side.

  • Now, I know I'm not allergic to these rad closed, but thanks for the SS.

  • Cheeky.

  • Didn't want assist you.

  • God.

  • Dirty.

  • You knew.

  • What do you I got a common blue bottle.

  • I put it in a rare green jar.

  • Juno, Shari has please had fleas.

  • I had to get rid of them.

  • Honor.

  • So gross.

  • Okay, you don't care.

  • Whatever, man.

  • I think she's the worst.

  • I think it's time that we got rid of her.

  • Who?

  • Who?

  • That's a different shit.

  • What if What?

  • Yeah, Yes.

  • Cherry, Go away.

  • Those you have, Please.

  • Oh, no.

  • It's the same one.

  • All right.

  • People say if I just smacked her on the head and make her angry, then she'll leave.

  • I don't talk to her again.

  • No.

  • I'll be seeing you, Shari, in a grave in Rome.

  • Turn around and leave.

  • Leave this island.

  • Sherry.

  • Big gun.

  • No one wants you here.

  • You're the worst.

  • What is wrong with you.

  • I'm not in the mood for this today.

  • Oh, she's mad, all right.

  • Never ever talk to her again, ever.

  • If I see any of you talked to sheriff off a big your brain, I have a brand new lighter.

  • Was everything gave it?

  • I don't have the recipe to make one.

  • And if I do, I don't know where to find it.

  • So she just gave me one.

  • And now they go up here.

  • Hey, brand new trees.

  • I already got flowers from another island over these trees.

  • They just give you the same types of wood.

  • I don't like that.

  • I wish the game hides like I heard wood tree, a softwood tree, a regular wood tree.

  • And then it change the rarity off them.

  • It's so annoying that every tree just has the same three types of wood And that no matter how they look also peach trees, cherry trees, orange trees they all look the exact same.

  • Come on, animal crossing.

  • What is this for camp?

  • Oh, come on, Bays.

  • No, quick.

  • I was done by Waas.

  • It's not about Look, toss, I'm just saying it looks pretty good.

  • Perfect.

  • Nice nights or you were differently for a Jesus.

  • Oh, my God!

  • Oh, my God!

  • It's here, Harry.

  • Where the sky is clear on the ocean, Vast!

  • I'll leave a sign of your dark past.

  • Oh, no.

  • Sharon knows the toss boy did to get into hell.

  • She's coming.

  • This is this shit is ramping up.

  • Sherry is in full on murder mode.

  • She's going to kill me really quickly if we don't get her off the island soon.

  • What are you gonna do, Toss?

  • Sit in it, Can you know it's talking ominous, dude.

  • Sure.

  • He's the worst.

  • Everyone's like, What is Shari?

  • Every due to you?

  • She's threatening to kill me.

  • Release Rat me out to the authorities.

  • What would you do?

  • That poor old toss man?

  • We're all in hell.

  • Sherry.

  • You've also done some dark shit in your past.

  • Cooler wheel is this is gonna be another egg.

  • Is everything gonna be egg themed for the entirety of April?

  • No.

  • God damn it!

  • Babies Just gonna close.

  • Oh, God.

  • He killed me.

  • Big fish, little fish, cardboard box or fish or fish?

  • Think.

  • Or fish or fish or fish or fish?

  • Come on, Come on, Come on.

  • Finicky fuckers.

  • Come on, Come on.

  • Yeah!

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah!

  • Oh, baby, I will shoot It existed, but yeah, I knew it.

  • I knew I felt it.

  • Holy shit.

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, yes.

  • I got myself an orgy.

  • I gotta Nor vision.

  • I hope I catch more fish.

  • That's it.

  • That's it.

  • My fishing career is done.

  • I never have to fish in this game again.

  • I did it book.

  • Did it first see fish?

  • We go after today.

  • I didn't even need any bait.

  • They knew it.

  • Toss, boys.

  • Thick ass is bait.

  • And off they did it.

  • Hell, yeah, is the most exhilarating game of all time.

  • We show it off.

  • Yes!

  • Fuck you!

  • Get hard, boy.

  • I caught an orb.

  • A bladder, bladders, leathers.

  • You'll never guess what I just did.

  • Brothers ladders.

  • Wake up, Weathers, wake up.

  • How do I fit in that tiny bag who wear this is a nor fish.

  • A little more excitement their bladders know might interest you in your fuel.

  • Fascinating facts.

  • Yes.

  • Wonderful.

  • I would love nothing more.

  • Your officials along like fish that couldn't supposedly reach up to 36 feet in length.

  • My name is about 38 because it's cooler than everybody else's.

  • Whatever they appear in various legends is things like messengers of the gods.

  • It seems to me a creature like that could explain the myth of massive ship crushing sea serpents.

  • It is, of course, well documented that people tend to exaggerate the size of the one that got away.

  • Just like I exaggerated the length of mine.

  • Fine.

  • Nice.

  • Nice.

  • Hell, yeah.

  • Announced today.

  • So for if you actually sell them, I give you my fleas.

  • Actually.

  • Sherries, please.

  • I'm showing you this so we can get rid of her.

  • Yeah, I got my or fish on my football fish.

  • Fuck, yeah.

  • So cool.

  • I'm so proud of our fish.

  • It's so cool looking at you.

  • Guys like it.

  • Submarines here.

  • Now, tonight.

  • Interact with any of this.

  • Do you just get these because you get the or fish in the football fish?

  • That's awesome.

  • Nice.

  • Now I'm not behind like everyone else that they don't have a surgeon in her string fish.

  • But there's lots of people who don't have them.

  • Now.

  • There's my watts.

  • It took a lot of experience and talent to get there.

  • I took a lot of injuries to get theirs.

  • Watch but it actually turned out pretty good because now everybody jellies.

  • Yeah, just don't look at my wow.

  • Look at all my butterflies.

  • Oh, that's so cool.

  • Oh, it's so pretty in here.

  • I said don't look up my dress.

  • Don't do it.

  • There's not enough there like an action main.

  • It's 4 20 please.

  • Sorry, but if I say I got to go smoke some weed you you You know there's the fleas.

  • Those are much bigger than actual fleas.

  • All right, What else should we do today, Zipper?

  • Go away.

  • So creepy.

  • You could make a horror game out of that guy, ma'am.

  • Have you seen him?

  • He's a little bit blinky.

  • Not gonna lie right now.

  • I caught the or fish.

  • I feel like I just won an animal crossing.

  • I don't know what to do with it.

  • Excuse me.

  • Sarah, I hear an airdrop coming in.

  • Yes, Yes, yes, yes, yes!

  • Faster, Sahara Faster.

  • Time is money or tickets or a therapist.

  • Whatever the fuck you wanted to be.

  • I see it.

  • Sahara.

  • Wait the night guy that I get walling instead of flooring o k c 1 30 above sky.

  • Who it is really locally quite chocolate, though, does it?

  • Let's stupid.

  • Nothing is ever going to be better than this wall.

  • Nothing.

  • Shari still here?

  • Is that her trying to catch bugs?

  • When you leave?

  • Let's see if she gets it.

  • I don't wanna be an Internet clown.

  • I want to be an Internet cry, baby.

  • Hell, yeah, we need to change our photo, though it's not up to date, Let's take a new photo toss.

  • Toss.

  • No, wait, Shari did What do you I can't believe it.

  • I hit her on the hay with him neck and then she got real made.

  • She said, She's gonna be my eyes.

  • I'll believer.

  • I think that I think you're stupid.

  • Really?

  • Can I tell you a secret?

  • There's two's isn't even real now.

  • I just wear because I don't have any other teeth.

  • And if I don't have taste and then I'm trying to articulate sentences, it does.

  • Don't come out right, you know?

  • Well, people really like it.

  • So it just adds character.

  • It's character building.

  • It just it adds like a new thing to my face that people like April fool it.

  • Israel had done as by Yep, there it is the theme Internet Cry, baby toss boy.

  • Ah, we also need to update our messaging on it right fast.

  • Eat ass is good, but we have a new one.

  • Are you gonna let me put this in Nintendo?

  • I don't think they're gonna let me put it in.

  • They didn't just like folk sherry excellence was up to Or Lainie playing your music as we go, I'll play with you for a bit.

  • I love how somebody who is developing the game thought of this wallpaper.

  • They were just like, Yeah, people fucking love security cameras.

  • I want you think, Uh, that's how you do it.

  • Okay, let's go grab 10 pills.

  • I shake him out of the trees.

  • You took money out of that tree.

  • Give me more money.

  • That pet pet pet.

  • Fuck your eyes.

  • Patterns for pet.

  • What should I do?

  • Wait.

  • You should start by building a bridge.

  • Oh.

  • Oh, I didn't know he would actually do stuff like that.

  • The more I talkto, I thought that every time I came in, he would like prompt me because there's sometimes when you go in and you walk directly towards him and then he's like, Hey, it's time for this thing.

  • I didn't know you could actually just keep talking to him.

  • And he gave you stuff to do Nice and done.

  • I just sent you a recipe for a bridge construction kid.

  • You confined your find it on your nook phone.

  • Thanks, Tom.

  • Four log stakes.

  • So any 12 regular would just to make one?

  • Yeah, I karu I do have the clay as well.

  • I should have Clay back in my building.

  • This is giving me a lot of regular wood.

  • That's nice or not.

  • This is animal crossing base is what it's all about.

  • What's up?

  • Bam, Bam!

  • Staying away from Shari.

  • I would.

  • She has.

  • Please.

  • Fucking gross.

  • Oh, no.

  • The bees!

  • Oh, I just saw a petal.

  • Stupid.

  • Can you get a grip?

  • Let repairing you Get that.

  • I hear.

  • I hear.

  • Therefore I am noise.

  • Yes, a gift, not some stupid eggs.

  • Cherry blossom umbrella Who wear eggs?

  • I think it egg shoes had ice The times they have to go back to him.

  • Oh, I made a sleeping bag.

  • Wrong place.

  • Well, I got sworn in to see blathers for a second.

  • Hi, Bob.

  • Brothers My brothers Hi, Brothers by brothers Hi brothers.

  • That's a tongue Twister.

  • Say hi, brothers by brothers.

  • Three times fast hybrids is my brother for highbrows by blinders.

  • Hi, brothers.

  • Bye bye.

  • There's High Brothers my brothers started doing.

  • Invisalign is low.

  • Hey, Tom, allow me to begin with the basics of bridge, please.

  • Now, your bridge construction kid will require the same amount of space it takes up to set up a tent.

  • However, we're spending water here, so pick a spot on a river.

  • Some ideal place we crossed.

  • Now, if the river is too wide or too narrow, it has an odd angle.

  • We can't do construction in those conditions.

  • I'm sure your men can do it.

  • Tom.

  • Don't despair, though.

  • Soon we'll be putting up bridges, replacing them, moving that, Whatever.

  • Whenever.

  • Now just pick a spot that seems relatively convenient for everyone.

  • No, I'm making a place.

  • It's convenient for toss man.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Uh huh.

  • Egg boy, You're so cute.

  • Oh, we got to get a picture with my favorite expression.

  • Yeah, I am thinking about building a bridge like here or down further probably somewhere like here.

  • This seems like a great place for bridge because I keep going back across there.

  • It's the mo.

  • It's the place that I go across the river most.

  • Um Oh, yeah, This one.

  • You know what it looked like to pet?

  • Yes.

  • This is the spot.

  • I don't need any.

  • Anything else?

  • I think it's five for bridge.

  • Let the lad connect.

  • Wait.

  • It just doesn't go up immediately.

  • Come in.

  • He's hopping Mad Sahara.

  • Stay away from him.

  • Yeah, I had a long Locusts.

  • Or as I call it, a low goto on toss.

  • It's that it's the egg on you.

  • That's really increasing your comedy.

  • You killed it?

  • No.

  • Is that Shari know?

  • Cheri!

  • Cheri, Get away from me!

  • Jerry, stop restraining order.

  • Stop, Cherie.

  • Six feet, six feet.

  • Social distance.

  • Carrie!

  • What?

  • What is it?

  • You had fleas last time I talked to you.

  • I got something for your jacket.

  • I found an extra T.

  • I rest me for a bunny day crown when you were looking for your pensive pace.

  • Thanks.

  • Very, very cool.

  • I get the visa and the jeebies.

  • Just me talking to Sherry.

  • Sharis island wasn't hell.

  • I thought she lived on whore island.

  • Sorry, you're a toss boy.

  • Hello.

  • Hello.

  • So Did you find a good place to deploy your bridge construction kit?

  • I sure did.

  • Splendid.

  • Excellent work.

  • Thank you.

  • On tomorrow, we'll have a new bridge up and it'll be even easier to get around the now.

  • Now that that's out of the way, it's time to start in some homes.

  • Who?

  • Well, you can wait for a bridge construction to finish if you want.

  • Or just ask me.

  • What should I do?

  • Whatever you.

  • Yes, yes, yes.

  • Rage won't be ready until tomorrow.

  • But want to start in the homes now?

  • Now, I need to hand you some things with this next part, so come back when you can carry three items.

  • Four last pockets, boys.

  • He's a god toss boy.

  • The hell did you do to yourself?

  • I'd like to make a donation.

  • Three housing kids.

  • Whoa!

  • With the housing kids I just gave you.

  • You'll pick out plots for three homes.

  • That's why you haven't had any new Villagers because they don't have houses yet.

  • Then, of course, the zones will need furniture.

  • So each housing kid comes with the list of the furniture required for its house.

  • So be sure to read those lists.

  • You could build everything.

  • D I y so.

  • So let me just send you the recipes you'll need.

  • Thank you, Tom.

  • One time the Tom is not being an asshole.

  • All right, where are we putting people's houses?

  • Way blood.

  • We gotta put one.

  • I would too Close to the water.

  • God, how much room do you need?

  • That's a fucking big ass has Let me imagine it.

  • Let me see what it would look like.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • You gotta knock down a few trees to build a few houses.

  • I picked a spot for plot to.

  • The phone is ringing.

  • You're on with Taz, boy, What's up?

  • Hello?

  • Is that you, toss boy?

  • Yes.

  • Yes, this is Tom Nook.

  • Oh, goes your search for a housing land, guys in my day is not great ideas, but I got him a cigarette.

  • Oh, times we're talking.

  • Whatever.

  • Okay.

  • Okay, okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Is it already gone?

  • I can't wait for me to not know what I'm doing.

  • Because I skipped all that nice.

  • Doesn't anyone over there?

  • I don't care on animal crossing with 10,000 men use.

  • Hey, you know this thing that you call it once?

  • Well, here it is a 1,000,000 more times.

  • You want to see the menu every fucking time?

  • No.

  • Now I looked it up.

  • You should have caught that tossed boy.

  • We could get a house up here.

  • Who?

  • That might be fun.

  • Yeah, well, I'm going to hear all these countries.

  • I don't need to imagine it.

  • I know it.

  • It's the spot.

  • We're gonna get a sea view.

  • That part is number one.

  • That's the best part in all the rain.

  • And then we put the last one appears No.

  • Okay, thing is it.

  • My island is gonna jam packed, so I deposit what I need in here.

  • Well, construction helpers be submit items with Billy.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • I don't think I have this stuff for that yet, but we'll figure it out later, all right?

  • I'm still on a logging adventure.

  • It's timeto log on, right?

  • Mashed all these trees.

  • I think so.

  • I think I hit him all.

  • There's only one left.

  • Oh, I did.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Ding dang necks.

  • Do you hear myself?

  • Okay, I have earth eggs, leaf eggs, sky eggs, sneeze, eggs, Last craft, But 00 I can make a peach surprise box.

  • Peach chair water pumps.

  • Tom, why didn't you give me this furniture?

  • Now we can build ladders.

  • Tom.

  • You are asshole.

  • Wind flower wreath.

  • That stuff should have in mind.

  • I've been here longer.

  • I'm pumping Maur into the economy than anybody else.

  • No new people are coming.

  • Make that nicer furniture.

  • This is gonna be cute.

  • This is gonna be super cute.

  • Oh, cause he was up.

  • I'm what some people would call the Easter Boy.

  • You got the Easter Bunny.

  • But you gotta have an Easter boy as well.

  • You know, I look so heck and cute.

  • He looks so fucking adorable.

  • Oh, he needs his other hair.

  • Back up.

  • Get it, Get it.

  • Haven't tasted wanted.

  • All right, folks, that's going to do it for toss man today.

  • He's gotten some very cute outfits.

  • He's hanging out with his boy, bam.

  • But the winds of change may be dying down.

  • Now what?

  • They will rise again.

  • Very.

  • Okay, go one.

  • Whoa.

  • I don't care about seeing this menu again.

  • All right, folks, that does it for toss boy today.

  • Look forward to seeing toss on YouTube again soon.

  • I'll actually be uploading the other episode today, which would be really fun.

  • But his adventure continues.

  • He looks very, very cute.

  • I like him like it's not so much hell anymore as it is fun loving time.

  • But it turned to hell again.

  • Soon I am for the next one.

  • I am absolutely just going to figure out how to kill Sherry.

  • I'm gonna figure out how to get rid of her, and that's gonna be our goal for the next one for the next episode.

hang tough.

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