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  • Yeah, that's right.

  • Welcome back to totally accurate battle simulator.

  • Now, the reason I'm saying, welcome back because we have played this before But it was a very long time ago, and that was kind of a demo version.

  • But today, the full version almost the full version is finally out.

  • But if you don't know what totally accurate battle simulator is, basically you create two teams of wacky crazy individuals and just make the fight to the death and see who wins.

  • It's a lot of far that there is a campaign mode you kind of have to give you got limited resource is and limited amount of people that you can use to try and be a predetermined army.

  • But the real fun today is gonna land in sand box.

  • Ah, once we pick tribal tribal ceremonies, all that's cool.

  • I like that.

  • This is a menu you've got so normally there would be a predetermined army on the right hand side.

  • But we're creating our own wars today.

  • So down here you got different classes.

  • I'm gonna give you a loaded clubbers first, so that kind of like a like a realty cave man kind of class And if you got two swords Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

  • What is this?

  • What are they holding?

  • Are they holding fire?

  • You guys okay?

  • Just you get idea of how it works.

  • I'm gonna hit.

  • Start.

  • We have a slow mo button as well as being just kind of chill out and see what happens.

  • Check out all the action.

  • It looks like I might have chosen clubbers.

  • Ono always gonna get smacked.

  • It's straight down.

  • I think I've chosen a class which doesn't actually do anything.

  • Oh, my God!

  • This is so violent, So violent.

  • I've set them up for a massacre.

  • Look him getting chased.

  • Oh, no.

  • What have I done?

  • Eyes celebrating is what We're happy with himself.

  • Look at him or No, There's only two left.

  • These guys getting absolutely destroyed.

  • Here we go.

  • Get him!

  • Get him!

  • Jump!

  • Do it!

  • Try to run for the trees.

  • That is gonna walk.

  • Or maybe it will work.

  • You've fallen over the rock.

  • What do you do in, sir?

  • You're okay.

  • He's climbing the tree.

  • Okay, That did actually work.

  • He's confused, all of them.

  • And now he's confused himself.

  • I don't I don't think the Bard's do much in self defense.

  • He's got about 15 clubbers coming to club his head.

  • Here we go.

  • All he missed the 1st 1 Missed.

  • Yep.

  • Yep.

  • 2nd 1 hit, though.

  • Away.

  • Is that one more?

  • Where is this guy is he used the trees he has.

  • There he is now.

  • He's gonna die very, very quickly.

  • Quick, stab to the back of these.

  • Good.

  • So you get our luck's.

  • Now Let's create each side.

  • Let's have a look and discover One earth we have here.

  • We got cats, But will the king always massive, You know, up this to protect the king.

  • So the king's gonna be on either side on the furthest side of each of the arena's minor Zeus.

  • We can have.

  • Zeus is Well, let's give each one of Zeus.

  • Let's give each one of minor tour.

  • I thought minus was meant to be half human.

  • That guy doesn't look our human looks full bowl.

  • What else have we got?

  • Ice archers.

  • Let's have a row of each.

  • There we go.

  • Berserk is a couple of those around.

  • There we go.

  • I'm gonna try and make it kind of even.

  • Or at least try Thio shield bearers.

  • We could have a few shield bearers here in a few shield bearers here.

  • It's a little bit weak on the left hand side.

  • So let's go for stone.

  • A Yeah, OK, so they're a little bit more powerful in the left.

  • Let's hit start.

  • Whoa!

  • Okay.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • The juices are really powerful.

  • So is the minor tour.

  • The minor stories going in?

  • We've only got Zeus is minor tours and kings left other miners orders and by the king.

  • Oh, dude, Kings were actually really, really good.

  • That swords a huge.

  • They're having a little cuddle over here.

  • They're making friends.

  • Slap him!

  • Get him!

  • Oh, cut him from his legs upwards.

  • Dude, what have we got to Zeus is And two kings.

  • Is the Red King fallen?

  • He hasn't.

  • But the Zeus has always missed.

  • Oh, you got it in the toe.

  • Death by told.

  • Wow, that was quite the battle.

  • Jeez, let's change map that strange or different once we go ancient as to ancient sandbox.

  • What do you mean if you don't have the sandbox, All these like buildings and stuff.

  • Okay, that's kind of cool.

  • Wow, that's busy.

  • Oh, I like this one.

  • I wonder if they can fall off the edge.

  • Let's find out.

  • Let's do bone made.

  • Shawn's pretty good for majors.

  • 300.

  • What else is 300?

  • I can't want to go equals versus equals potions, Seller.

  • Let's do those.

  • So let's do a load of those and then some bone majors and let's see what happens.

  • Whites, hold on a second.

  • I need to play that back.

  • I'm going slow.

  • Mo.

  • What happened then?

  • What did they do?

  • Is absolutely destroyed them.

  • They used the power of plants.

  • Wow, Guys, rip!

  • Okay, The bone majors are proving to be quite powerful.

  • Let's go for wait, Bo.

  • Meters three hundreds.

  • I think we need something with range.

  • Let's do some snake arches.

  • Snake arches first is okay.

  • That works.

  • That definitely works of the snakes of the snakes.

  • You're attacking them?

  • This yes, is like three snakes in his feet.

  • Are they got him?

  • Oh, are they constricted him that Bite him in the butt.

  • One's got him.

  • Square in the butt cheek.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • These snakes are taking over.

  • The reds won the snake arches, though.

  • They're pretty good.

  • I just want to see how they initially fire, though?

  • Do they just fire them out of there?

  • Arose.

  • They do, right?

  • We know those the most powerful.

  • Okay, Snake Archer's versus two minor tours.

  • I think this is gonna be the play right now.

  • Oh, they dash real fast, but the snakes are clinging on.

  • The snakes are doing their job.

  • Are they gonna fall off?

  • This one's dangling over the edge.

  • But if he's gonna let him go Oh, dude, no!

  • The snakes of powerful riel powerful.

  • They are grabbing him by the heads.

  • Though the minor towards air coming in strong.

  • I think they might fall off the edge, You know, I think they've won.

  • I think they want the mine.

  • It'll stay standing.

  • And they When do these guys are powerful?

  • Now?

  • I saw in the trailer somewhere, the weak and all.

  • There it is.

  • But you get a guy like that could be from the same family.

  • So let's pit two minor tours.

  • I just deleted 12 minor tores versus one mammoth.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • Oh, I think.

  • Oh, Mammoth, You okay, Mom, Before you doing your body slamming them.

  • What is this?

  • Mamma's?

  • Just crush them both.

  • I'm not even sure this guy is dead.

  • But y'all Jari is Yeah, he's definitely dead.

  • Okay, So how many, Mr.

  • Mammoth Bus Zeus.

  • Okay, Yeah.

  • Zeus has got no chance.

  • He just got absolutely plowed.

  • Why the mammals?

  • So good.

  • How many's juices does it take to take down a mammoth?

  • Let's do 1234 And then one of the bags do five.

  • Zeus is versus a mammoth.

  • That's pretty powerful.

  • The mama is tanking it his literary standing on all of them spies insane.

  • He's taken Zeus is lightning bolts and doesn't even care.

  • Touches him with the end off his tusk and kills him crazy.

  • How much is a mammoth 2240.

  • What else is that?

  • Powerful Zeus is a 2000 and he can't even beat fight and he can beat five of them.

  • That's insane, Scarecrow.

  • All these ones look hilarious.

  • Let's do a wheelbarrow.

  • Wait a second.

  • Wait a 2nd 3 for the price of one.

  • Don't mind if I do go into battle, My friends, Take down the mammoth.

  • Throw your tomatoes, take your Afros and destroy him.

  • Okay.

  • I think the mammoth Maya plowed through at least five of them.

  • Where you going, son?

  • No, no.

  • Where you going?

  • That's the wrong way.

  • I don't think these guys a red they're really know it.

  • That just throwing spot to him.

  • Oh, they want new apples and spuds.

  • And tomorrow's was so powerful.

  • Okay, Rip Mammoth like the wheelbarrows.

  • Grouchy.

  • Pretty powerful.

  • What about a whole team of wheelbarrows?

  • First is a whole team of wheelbarrows.

  • Let's go.

  • 8000.

  • 8000.

  • Let's do this.

  • Yes, this guy's flying over the top.

  • He's going for the aerial attack.

  • Afros collides, but it looks like they're doing pretty well.

  • They kind of deploy each other.

  • One has Forbes one have tomatoes on.

  • Then it just gets a little bit crazy.

  • This guy's just got off the edge, Uh, dead by where you going?

  • What's going on here?

  • By my goodness, people flying around all over the place.

  • I have no idea who's winning, but Blue keeps ramming himself off the edge.

  • This guy's really happy that he's just involved with the tomato.

  • Where did that come from?

  • Oh, what are you doing?

  • It's raining blue guys on red guys.

  • Never mind.

  • They're both as stupid as each other.

  • Is anyone alive?

  • Yep.

  • We got smarter guy the back through a tomato and just fell over.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, I think he's the last guy.

  • Look at him.

  • He's like a boy.

  • Would you say about my mustache?

  • Semi pros.

  • How was stupid?

  • Just cooperate in the back of the head with a tomato.

  • I'm not sure this is the best fight I've ever seen.

  • Is not that epic on smashing his head?

  • You missed.

  • You missed Robot!

  • What is he doing?

  • The oh, the uppercut.

  • And then he just dies.

  • Is used all his energy in the upper gut.

  • You idiot!

  • Oh, no!

  • Oh, no!

  • Henry Henry's clinging on for dear life.

  • He doesn't quite know what to do.

  • Eric is gone as well.

  • He doesn't away.

  • Did he die?

  • Yeah, I think he just gave up or he took an apple to the dope.

  • Not too sure This game is chaos.

  • Look at this foreign.

  • It's called farmer is godlike crops and stuff everywhere.

  • Let's choose What haven't we done yet?

  • This d'oh chieftain Looks like he's swinging the double axes.

  • It's with some spear for us at the back over here.

  • At least a Okay, that is that is quite the spear.

  • You're going to throw it.

  • These guys is ready for a look at him.

  • He's not ready to go.

  • Okay, I match your long spear with five long spears.

  • Hay baler.

  • Oh, come on.

  • Come on now.

  • At least they're being constructed with their Hey, I mean, it could be worse.

  • Let's also put them with a team of scare crows.

  • Hold on a second.

  • I think they're floating.

  • Gregory.

  • Really power there?

  • 11,000 on the left.

  • We need something more powerful in the right.

  • Priest.

  • Priest could work.

  • Let's do some priests over there is put a catapult right at the back.

  • Oh, this is turning into quite the epic battle of wits and weapons.

  • Val Khoury, this person, Val Caries over there.

  • Whoa!

  • We employed angels.

  • It seems pretty imbalanced, but let's hit.

  • Start and see what?

  • Oh, what is happening here?

  • Why they attacking their own thing?

  • Take down the emails.

  • The Valkyries are coming in the scare.

  • Crows are pretty much the same as the Valkyries.

  • I have no idea what's going on, but there's literally bodies everywhere.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • Scare crows on even doing anything.

  • Wait!

  • And they just like straight up scare crows.

  • Dude.

  • Okay, it was unbalanced, but the blues have won easily.

  • Easy mode.

  • Why they zapping their own catapult?

  • Half of the team were attacking themselves in the still one.

  • I want to try out the long ship as well.

  • It's too long.

  • Ship versus long ships.

  • See what they do.

  • See how they handle things.

  • Okay, They throw each other and then it it is crushes them all.

  • Good job, guys.

  • Well done!

  • That was a terrible fight.

  • Get out of here for this one!

  • We're using the Viking sandbox.

  • I want Ascend!

  • Where are they?

  • Where you at the head, Butters?

  • I want to do like a team of head butters in a line against a team of head butters in a line.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • Here we go.

  • I need some epic music.

  • This guy has a massive head and we go, Oh, they're going in there about magical powers.

  • They just fly towards each other.

  • Oh, this is a mess.

  • Go!

  • People have died.

  • I think the blues have got this swinging with their hands as well.

  • A red comes in out of nowhere and they get back.

  • Wow!

  • How about instead of having them like that, we have them in two lines.

  • This is like some game of Thrones stuff.

  • Right here.

  • Wait for me.

  • Wait for me.

  • Wait for me.

  • Wait for me.

  • Don't launch yet.

  • I want to see it.

  • Here we go.

  • Here we go.

  • Beautiful.

  • Absolutely beautiful.

  • They got up as well.

  • I thought they killed each other.

  • This is insane.

  • This out She doesn't like.

  • Game thing is crazy.

  • If only the fights and the big war against the white Walkers and everyone else was as epic as this.

  • Good job, Reds.

  • What's a jaw?

  • He's wearing like the head of something.

  • He's beheaded.

  • I guess so.

  • Anything crazy?

  • We kind of haven't tried, I guess.

  • Like some ice archers would be good nights.

  • We haven't tried the night.

  • They're looking pretty cool in a barn on each side just to cheer on each other's team because they they don't do anything else.

  • I'm gonna put one bone major over here because I feel like the bone majors are actually really strong.

  • Yeah, he's frozen.

  • He's been It's all okay.

  • The poem made has been taken out instantly.

  • These nights are crazy.

  • Their shields are so big, they just flip people.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • Took him out by the legs.

  • Watch this.

  • Here we go.

  • Here he comes.

  • He's swinging.

  • It's one toe hard.

  • It's one too hard is completely missed His chance.

  • What are you doing, sir?

  • He's just going to stand there and take it.

  • Here we go.

  • Oh, right in the back.

  • There.

  • Anyone left?

  • Oh, no.

  • It's the Bard.

  • The bards will by himself.

  • He has no weapons.

  • He doesn't even wanna fight.

  • But he's the last one standing.

  • The nights I kinda slow Heart is like the worst, most anti climactic chase ever.

  • Goodbye, Bart.

  • He's met the wall.

  • See you later, buddy.

  • Yep, Yep, yep, I'm doing it.

  • I'm doing it.

  • And he's got to like 10,000 and something.

  • They were equally side Hay bales collide because it's so lucky, So lucky.

  • A lot of message haters slapping each other in the face.

  • What is this one doing?

  • You okay?

  • Oh, no.

  • They're falling.

  • They're starting to fall.

  • I think this guy, this guy's had too much.

  • Oh, the blues dominated that.

  • How the job, lads.

  • Well done.

  • You bundled your hey tighter than everyone else.

  • We didn't really see the potion near that much did way.

  • Let's do potion.

  • Airbus's potion there.

  • Only three of them.

  • So I want to see what happens.

  • Okay?

  • Just it just depends on who hits the other one first.

  • It has died.

  • Is he taking?

  • He's taken like poison damage.

  • This is the worst dodgeball game I've ever seen.

  • Oh, what a hits Blues.

  • The dead's took him out, though.

  • What a shot.

  • Wow.

  • Okay, so they poisoned.

  • Good to know.

  • What if I put loads of them here and then grab myself a single mammoth?

  • Go on, take these potions and they come.

  • Oh, he's turned into a whole pile of green.

  • But I think the mama's got this.

  • You know, after one wave, he just comes in and stops.

  • The more mammoth is Opie, he's He's going through it.

  • Okay, Maybe not.

  • He's dead that the mammoth is dead.

  • And just to finish things off, we go in Mammoth Army versus Mammoth Army.

  • I'm still not quite sure how these guys attack, but we're gonna do it anyway.

  • There's gotta head.

  • But that guy, the middle was well squished.

  • Oh, no.

  • What have I created?

  • None of the ones at the back can get through.

  • This is awful.

  • I don't like it.

  • It's kind of making is unsettling me.

  • This guy's on top, though.

  • This guy's flipped out, though.

  • They're all just lying on top of each other dead.

  • This guy just got crushed in the madness.

  • This guy has no idea what he's doing.

  • Whoa.

  • How do you do that?

  • This isn't even on slow mode.

  • I'm not touching anything is just the slowest fight ever as they head by each other in the face.

  • I think this Yeah, Reds have done it.

  • Guys, I need to do this as my final thing.

  • I think I've said that like, five times already.

  • Where are the ones who?

  • What?

  • Halflings.

  • I want one halfling versus the mammoths.

  • You've got this, buddy.

  • You're half the size of everyone else, But you couldn't do it.

  • You've got this.

  • Oh, God.

  • Is he died instantly.

  • What about whole team of them?

  • That's right.

  • Ah, whole team of tiny people.

  • Don't underestimate them.

  • I'm gonna put up to the same amount of points, and here we go.

  • It's gonna be a little bit lagged because there's a lot of tiny people here.

  • Oh, No, they're flinging themselves at them and just dying instantly.

  • Yeah, I think they're all dead.

  • There's one guy that backs to having a great time.

  • Oh, no, It's one Verses.

  • Five again.

  • It was good knowing you.

  • What about two teams of halflings?

  • What do they even do?

  • Do they even do damage is kind of flop each other and die and then slap each other about a bit.

  • I mean, what is going on here?

  • They're floating, grabbing each other.

  • Remind me of gang beasts and look at their feet.

  • What's going on with your war?

  • What are you doing?

  • What do you do in how you floating like that?

  • They look at their feet ill.

  • Oh, man, It's like a mosh pit.

  • These guys, these guys are going off.

  • See you later.

  • What is happening?

  • I think the blues have got this.

  • There's only three reds left.

  • I don't know how they're killing each other, but they did it.

  • Well done, Blues.

  • There you go.

  • That is totally accurate.

  • Battle simulator.

  • I haven't seen anything more accurate than this.

  • If there's any like war heroes out there looking to plan their next move, the next attack definitely use this and see what what happened.

  • Especially if you're coming up against people with wheelbarrows.

  • Apples, giant Momus.

  • Then this is your program.

  • You're good.

  • You'll be fully prepared.

  • Guys, have you enjoyed this?

  • Revisit to a game that is now just launched.

  • The link to it is in the description below.

  • It's still in the early access phase, so they're gonna be adding more things.

  • There's currently three classes in here that don't have any troops.

  • It also they're gonna add those soon.

  • If you enjoy this video, then please people like that greatly appreciated subscriber, You are brown news.

  • You don't miss another video by me, and I will see you guys in the next one.

  • Good mama.

  • Candle campus full.

Yeah, that's right.

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