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  • >> Hiya.

  • What's happening!

  • I'm really happy to be here, and to talk to you about a topic that is very close to my

  • heart.

  • Today, I want to talk with you about comics, and more specifically, I want to show you

  • some of the great things that I found on the internet, and how to create comics on the

  • web and the learning I had when I tried to create my very own web comic and how to make

  • this comic actually accessible, not only for a few or some but, actually, for literally

  • everyone.

  • This topic is so close to my heart because as many of you here in the audience, I'm a

  • great fan of comics myself.

  • I can remember when I was young, I would go to the comic book store, or maybe to the corner

  • shop and grab a magazine, sometimes like even hard-cover comic books, and try to learn more

  • about the stories and the adventures of my favourite protagonists and heroes.

  • I think most of you can actually relate to this.

  • Probably everyone can relate to this, don't you think?

  • I was thinking back then, when I was so enthusiastic about comics, it would be so cool to make

  • comic art myself.

  • Things turned out differently - I'm working as a software engineer, build web applications

  • and other things, but I like to draw in my free time.

  • I thought maybe I could make it a hobby or activity that I just pursue in my after-hours

  • after work, and I actually maybe create something?

  • So I had a look at what my options were.

  • I remember from back in the time that print comics like the traditional medium of comics

  • as we already know it for centuries, in fact, is something that might be worth pursuing.

  • And I looked at what the challenges were that I had to overcome to do this.

  • I realised that there were a couple of them that came into my realm as a comic artist.

  • First of all, I would have to find a way to publish myself, or maybe find a publisher.

  • I couldn't get ... to get my work out, which seemed like a laborious process.

  • Then I also realised that, when I actually wanted to make people aware of where my comic

  • is and what it does, I had to focus on print-based marketing.

  • Maybe I go to a fair, or tell me in person what this comic is about.

  • Last but not least, also I would have to go to this month or a year-long thing where I

  • actually draw everything, hand it into my publisher, and they edit, and they correct

  • it, and send it back, I have to reedit it, until I actually publish my first comic.

  • And this already seems like a bitch, but then I looked on the other side, how does it look

  • for challenge-wise for people who want to read my comic later on?

  • How do readers of my comic interact with this and what do they have to overcome?

  • I realised that first of all they have to have physical access to the medium, so they

  • have to go down to the book store, or at least they have to go to the door when the mail

  • order arrives, or pick up the package at the Post Office.

  • They also have to carry around the book and actually bring it with them.

  • They can't even go out with a whole library of comics.

  • They maybe take a book or two, and this is about it because of portability concerns.

  • But something that really struck me when I thought about it a little bit longer was something

  • much more significant, and, in fact, I kind of like didn't really consider that there

  • is this very kind of essential prerequisite that I have to fulfil when I actually read

  • a printed comic.

  • That is it actually requires me to have almost perfect vision.

  • I actually am required to be a sighted person to read a comic book from, I don't know, everything

  • funny - or my Mickey Mouse magazine.

  • This is something I found really odd to think about.

  • I was, "I didn't even consider this."

  • Because I looked like a sighted person all my life.

  • I never even bothered to think about it.

  • Then, after this, I was okay, but, actually, are there options?

  • Like how do you actually read comics when you're blind?

  • Or a visually impaired person?

  • I looked on the internet and I found a lot of interesting ideas of people who are already

  • putting into practice what I couldn't imagine even until this point.

  • People who actually tried to expand out of the visual realm of comics to other fields

  • of senses.

  • One project, for example, I found interesting was some that tried to explore haptic senses

  • and audio senses, so people who might have never had the ability to actually read comics

  • but also those who might have lost their vision during their life could go back and read their

  • favourite stories again as they used to.

  • One of these projects, for example, is called Live, by Philip Meyer, and he creates a Braille-like

  • comic book which shows the stories in a haptic manner.

  • You can touch the material in front of you to understand what is going on, and to understand

  • where locally and spatially protagonists are currently in.

  • This is an interesting web comic written by Christopher Wright who makes an intentional

  • effort not only to upload every single image of his strips on to his personal website,

  • but also includes right next to it a comic transcript that can be read by screenreader

  • users once they browse the website.

  • I think the most inspiring project in my opinion has been Comics and Power which is a comic

  • book store created for the blind which features several very popular comic books very well

  • that are narrated by a - generated by a single person in a fashion that creates this illusion

  • that you actually reading the comic, you're putting up the comic book reading from panel

  • to panel the text, but also the sound-like descriptions of any kind of noises.

  • And I found this really cool.

  • Looking at this, and actually trying to find out more about the guy who actually did this

  • to create this very immersive experience using audio-generated comics, I wanted to try something

  • similar myself.

  • I wanted to dive deeper into what can you do with audio?

  • How can you tap the potential of audio-narrated stories and how can you make use of this quite

  • easily on the web?

  • I knew that screenreaders were a quite straightforward approach because I knew so many web pages

  • could be read by screenreaders if it was done right.

  • So I started out.

  • In my day-to-day work, I actually work at a consulting firm that also specialises in

  • helping clients with Ruby and Amber, and this would be familiar for me, I was thinking it

  • would be cool if it was like a JavaScript application with the Amber text stack because

  • this is familiar.

  • Also, it actually helps me later on because it's already a fully fledged single-page application

  • framework to scale my application easily with co-released and co-maintained dependencies,

  • like data library, a testing solution, or also routed solution out of the box to make

  • it easier for me.

  • I would know that two years and three years from now, this app exists, and it should also

  • work and be maintainable.

  • Last but not least, I also thought it would be so cool if it was like a proper JavaScript

  • application because then I can actually with all of this interactivity, interesting animations

  • for a sighted user experience that might also be very immersive and interesting to explore.

  • So, looking at the approach that comics Comics of Power provided, I wanted to have a similar

  • user story for screenreader users for those who use assistive technologies to browse the

  • web comic.

  • I wanted to write an embedded transcript.

  • I couldn't think about having the transcript right next to the page.

  • I actually wanted to have the experience that would be similar to someone coming to the

  • website and reading panel for panel.

  • I also wanted to include annotation for imagery, not only to translate text, so people actually

  • can get, like, image of the scene, and last but not least, yes, I actually wanted to create

  • this illusion that there is this inner voice that you have when you have read something,

  • and that is what it actually reading to you.

  • I think it would be really cool to have it all generated to have proper voice acting,

  • but for this first version of this application, I really wanted just to have an approach to

  • make it as easily and accessible as possible, and a screenreader approach seemed perfect

  • for me.

  • This storytelling that a is screenreader-driven I realised was straightforward to implement

  • once I took advantage of HTML and the powers of area.

  • In my application, for example, I have these single frames that you can see here on the

  • left side.

  • Here, for example, be you can see like a person on a boat.

  • They're, like, on the sea, and you can also see is a speech bubble saying "no" and just

  • like a sound word saying "splash".

  • Each of these images can be contained in several layers of images, so I can have an a background

  • image, a foreground image, and all kinds of other text bubbles as well that I embedded

  • in the single frame, and I knew that to actually make the whole scene be narrated as I would

  • see it as the reader, I wanted to have one single description of it.

  • I wanted to have one single tag, or one single labour for the screenreader to actually read.

  • I decided to make use of art attributes, or area labels, and this case, and, more specifically

  • in this case, with the area label, and the image roll, in my application to actually

  • make sure that everything that is told in this image, it's also available for the screenreader

  • users.

  • There is also a word of caution, though: you can use area labels when you want, if it is

  • necessary, if you realise that it really eases your development effort, but using area all

  • over your place in your application, over the use of using semantic HTML can also be

  • hard for screenreaders to actually read, and therefore they should only be used sparingly.

  • What you can also do if you know you have one single image, just use the alt attribute

  • of the image tag, and then you actually are on the best way to actually implement this,

  • because browsers are actually built in a way to support this straightforwardly with very

  • good support.

  • And 1&1 interesting thing I found with building this web comic is realising how powerful it

  • is to embed not only an image but HTML, but once I do so, it becomes the screenreaders,

  • and it's available just by default.

  • Don't have to do anything but it's already there in my narrative.

  • I will show you how I like to test this later on in my application to see what is actually

  • happening.

  • I like to use this specific screenreader called Chrome Box.

  • It's like a free screenreader plugin you can plug in Chrome, and in Mac Voiceover, and

  • Windows user - it's a popular screenreader in the blind community.

  • I think any screenreader you get started with is great for accessibility testing.

  • Let's see how it goes.

  • So, this is still a little bit quiet, I think.

  • Maybe let's try just how it goes.

  • Can you already hear something?

  • Here on the stage, it's a bit hard to tell.

  • Now we're we're on the website.

  • I have this frame embedded.

  • "Click here to maintain ...". With the screenreader, it can navigate the page and skip from each

  • interactive element to the next interactive element on the page.

  • Also, yes, described by the screenreader, and, most importantly, each single frame can

  • actually be interacted with as well, and it can actually be read.

  • "There is a person in a thick jacket sitting on the boat in a dark and stormy sea."

  • Image.

  • I'm not a recognised book author yet, but I'm getting there.

  • "The boat is rocking apply while the waves splash against it.

  • Image "Swoosh.

  • Splash."

  • [Applause].

  • The person in the boat is sitting on it motionless.

  • Image.."

  • every element can be read to you by the screenreader.

  • Also, the text bubbles that might accrue.

  • "Their face still unrecognisable in the darkened half hood of the cover of their jacket.

  • Which way?"

  • I found this impressive.

  • This comes out of the box.

  • Yes, I don't have to do too much effort.

  • HTML is already on my side.

  • This is is really great.

  • Let's just like it in.

  • [Applause].

  • Thank you.

  • Something I find super striking every time I go on to Reddit or see demonstrations of

  • blind users showing how they interact with the web is that the zoom feature is so - yes,

  • so obligatory for an experience on the web for them.

  • Being able to not only on your desktop but also on your hand held device, to go in and

  • tap in and zoom in with your two fingers is essential.

  • What you might have seen in some of the applications that you've wrote, yes, I'm guilty of this

  • myself, is something like that.

  • So this actually sets the maximum scale of the whole screen to one, meaning you cannot

  • zoom any more, and this is something I sometimes implement because there a user request that

  • every time I tap into an input field, suddenly, the whole page zooms and I can't do anything

  • any more.

  • You add this, and the issue is fixed.

  • It also introduces a major bug for anyone who has a visual impairment and can barely

  • see what is on the screen, so things are too small, or the images are a little bit too

  • blurry, had too low contrast.

  • What is so essential for preserving this capability is being able to zoom and not provide the

  • maximum scale.

  • I find it important to note out to actually pay attention to making this possible.

  • Font sizes should be legible.

  • Use 60 pixel or larger and you're good to go.

  • Having a rich contrast, having like favourably dark colour on a light background is also

  • preliminary for a great user experience for anyone who is visually impaired.

  • In my comic book, I was thinking it would be cool to have fancy animations.

  • I wanted nice eye candy for anyone who is sighted and wanted to enjoy the experience.

  • So, I was thinking, okay, like anything I have to take care of.

  • And in this instance, I actually remembered one very specific incident called the Pokémon

  • shock incident.

  • This actually occurred, maybe some of you too young to still know this, but it's happened

  • around, like, 20 years ago in 1997 in December in Japan, where suddenly, at like a certain

  • time of December 17th, almost 700 children were admitted to the local hospitals, and

  • everyone was surprised.

  • It is, "What was going on?"

  • It was happening all over the country.

  • The kids had symptoms like nausea, dizziness, some even had seizures.

  • Later on, it actually occurred to everyone that just recently, a new episode of Pokémon

  • has been aired on TV.

  • It seemed there was a correlation.

  • The episode got taken down.

  • The agency broadcasting the episode went on an investigation to find out what is going

  • on.

  • They actually came to the view that this one specific scene might have been the cause of

  • this very adverse effects in so many children all over the country who watched the episode.

  • So, in the episode, I won't show the scene, obviously, because it's not safe, but in the

  • episode, there's one particular scene where you can see two different specific frames.

  • I'm showing the frames, which is totally fine.

  • First of all, the creators of the episode showed a very bright red frame right next

  • to a very bright blue frame in high frequency interchangeably for around six seconds.

  • So, this created a very strobe-like effect, and in people who have photo sensitive epilepsy

  • or those who are prone to seizures caused by strobe-like effects, this can have adverse

  • health effects, and this is something that really taught me that it's so important to

  • also watch out for this, and, in regards to strobe effects, I also realised that so many

  • people are actually out there who don't even know they have the condition because they're

  • ever exposed to any kind of lighting like that.

  • The only safe measure that you can take for making sure that no-one gets harmed is not

  • to use any of these kinds of strobe-light effects at all.

  • This is when I realised that this is what I wanted to take care of, and, last but not

  • least, make sure that animations are not autoplay by default but can also be set this way.

  • There are many other things that I as a developer can actually reassess before I can say, this

  • web application is really now accessible.

  • It's key part of accessibility to actually make place for screenreaders or users who

  • own interact with the keyboard to go through the application, but colour contrast, semantic

  • HTML, are so critical - correct heading RHD to allow people who are not sighted to navigate

  • the page and actually explore it in a very natural way, and also landmarks are one of

  • these things.

  • One other aspect I want to go into to is page navigation route changes.

  • Many of us are building these single-page applications or JavaScript applications that

  • have their very custom routing solution where a lot of things we don't get out of the box

  • that we might have had with a server-rendered app, and, in my application, this was also

  • the case.

  • If, like a user, for example, just navigated to another page, for example, to a new chapter,

  • they wouldn't get any feedback on the screenreader.

  • Instead, they might further explore with a screenreader what is going on in the page

  • but go like, "I think I changed the page," but not really sure what actually happened.

  • I actually found that, in the ecosystem that I work in, there is an add-on, like a plugin

  • that I can snore in my application called document title that helps me update the document

  • title of an application every time the route changes.

  • This is a pre-requirement for the other solution I wanted to also have in my application which

  • is called "accessibility announcer" which is a simple component I can drop into my route

  • application template, and this will then keep track of changes of the document title, will

  • observe this, and every time it does change, it will make sure that screenreaders pick

  • up on the change, and can actually feed that back to the user.

  • This is now Amber-specific, but I'm very confident that, in whatever ecosystem you are building

  • an application - or be it like a vanilla JavaScript application, there's already a straightforward

  • community solution for you there that you can also as easily install, and if there is

  • not, I can also highly encourage you to start building one and maybe ask the comment that

  • you're building in it for help.

  • Interestingly, just like getting into the details of how to make that app accessible,

  • I also want to learn more about how in general we actually make apps accessible.

  • In her very informative talk called Don't Break the Web Melanie Sumner goes into detail

  • how the app is not accessible to some audiences and what we can do to make it better.

  • I think the most striking number, or the most striking summary I took away from the talk

  • are the following numbers.

  • There's been this kind of survey like this investigation of the web AEM who actually

  • explored the accessibility of one million home pages, and, more specifically, of the

  • one million most popular websites and their home pages, thinking that it is the very first

  • page anyone sees.

  • It's probably the page where you put most effort into that everyone can actually exit

  • from and further navigate from it, and looking at the popular ones to have an estimate of,

  • okay, this is like how people usually experience the web, because these are the most popular

  • websites everyone visits.

  • If you now look at this pie chart, you can see there is this one number, which is a large

  • 97.89 per cent and the other one is around two per cent.

  • And looking at accessibility, the one to I understood - they want to find out, like,

  • how many of these web pages are actually functional?

  • Don't have any accessibility errors?

  • It would be so great if you could say, most of them actually are accessible.

  • Most are functional, like the most popular websites, probably put so much effort into

  • making it functionable for screenreaders and other kinds of assistive technology, but the

  • truth today still is that these two 2.2 per cent that we saw on the chart are the ones

  • that actually work according to the accessibility guidelines, and the other striking amount

  • of 98 per cent of sites accessibility-wise are broken.

  • What does it mean broken?

  • Mostly, a colour-contrast issue, so someone who is visually impaired can't read the text

  • properly or explore the elements on the first page of the website.

  • It has a lot to do with images that actually are informative but don't have an alt attribute

  • next to it, and also broken links, or empty link tags that, for example, have opened up

  • a model but actually don't lead Anne anywhere.

  • As a screenreader user, you might want to navigate to a link like that but once you

  • hit it, you realise I'm not sure, not getting back from the screenreader.

  • So what is going on?

  • And honestly, it's some kind of work, and we have to do something to actually improve

  • the situation.

  • There are things like we can install in our test suite to make it possible to actually

  • automate the process of testing our applications for accessibility, but also other tools can

  • help us to get a better feeling for it.

  • But most importantly, I think, we actually have to practise empathy and get a better

  • understanding about what the experience for other people who are not as sighted as us,

  • or not as, like, motor-skilled as us, actually experience the web.

  • Therefore, I would like to encourage you to actually get a screenreader running, and actually

  • do a real manual accessibility testing, because this is how I see it.

  • Like, if you had had like a CSS-style bark on your website, saying this is happening

  • in Firefox, you would say, wow.

  • I'm going to reproduce it this Firefox.

  • I'm going to check manually in Firefox as well if it actually works to make sure that

  • it is functional again.

  • I think a similar thing might apply to accessibility testing.

  • Getting a screenreader, reproducing what the page actually does, and then, most importantly,

  • if you're a sighted programmer, unplug your screen.

  • See what is happening, how you can actually experience websites, see if elements are missing

  • or gone or you can't find them any more.

  • See if you're confused about the content they want to explore is, and then figure out what

  • can it actually do to improve the situation?

  • In the end, I believe it's really about trying to create great things on the web, and this

  • doesn't only include comics, this doesn't only include art, this includes so many other

  • great things that you already build on the web, and I believe it would be such a great

  • promise in the future if you can make it accessible to literally everyone.

  • With that said, thank you so much.

  • I would also give a special thank you to Guy from Comics of Power who helped me with reviewing

  • my web application just for free, which is great, and all these great other inspiring

  • people who speak on accessibility.

  • If you're interested in the topic, follow any of them.

  • I can assure you, you will learn so much.

  • With that again, thank you so much.

  • [Cheering and applause].

>> Hiya.

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