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  • Look, It's the mother.

  • There she is now.

  • Hello, Mother.

  • All right.

  • I might be infected right now.

  • I have no idea.

  • Another beautiful day in quarantine, Rouhani.

  • Well, earlier, I spoke to Ben Cavanaugh, who is from Ireland and working as a teacher in Wuhan.

  • Well, where I am is usually quite a busy street.

  • Number one trending on YouTube in the world is my fat face.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Hi.

  • My name's Ben Kavita.

  • I live in Wuhan on Dhe today.

  • I'm going to go to the shop.

  • One mask, another mask.

  • Apparently this mask actually doesn't do much.

  • But two masks is always better than one.

  • Hopefully, nothing is getting in through my mouth.

  • Can't forget the most important thing and the silliest thing.

  • All right.

  • Oh, my God.

  • You got a big backpack?

  • I got a big suitcase.

  • Okay, let's go to the chef.

  • Don't expect to run into anyone today.

  • I'm not gonna touch them with my hand.

  • I need it.

  • No, no, I love it.

  • No one around.

  • Another beautiful day in quarantine.

  • Ruan.

  • It's so quiet.

  • Fruit still over.

  • That's a good sign.

  • There is my friend.

  • We're going to the shop.

  • I don't need to look left and right.

  • There's no cars.

  • Hello.

  • I'm well are you?

  • Well?

  • Your suitcase, please.

  • It's very large.

  • Let's go.

  • So this is Hong Kong road, usually a very, very busy road.

  • But obviously not today.

  • Not for the foreseeable future.

  • Great to bike, though one of the 6000 taxis deployed would rather not get into a booth, maybe prescriptions.

  • This is a city with a population bigger in London and it is empty.

  • I moved to China almost two years ago.

  • I finished university and I was looking for work.

  • I got an email saying you wanted to teach in China and is like All right, I'll go teaching Jonah.

  • I teach English and psychology.

  • The Christmas just gone was my second Christmas.

  • Not at home in our new Year was probably more fun.

  • It was just me and two other close friends.

  • It was just such a fun night.

  • We drank, we played games.

  • It was just a really nice way to bring in the new year.

  • I remember virus rumors.

  • I think itwas the 31st off December it was a fish market.

  • People who worked at the fish market, they were all taken to hospital.

  • Put My dad messaged me about it because he was reading the newspaper.

  • He sent me a picture on it, said SARS.

  • I break something in China, but I think I've heard of that.

  • No need to worry.

  • And then my mother message me seeing because she's hearing about it now in the news and I'm like, Don't worry, don't worry.

  • No need to worry.

  • It's nothing.

  • Just a little thing in a fish market on Look how wrong I waas.

  • Just like a horror zombie movie.

  • There's no one on the streets.

  • It's so strange, so surreal.

  • But that is something I never expected to see.

  • The punishment for driving is a fine on potentially losing your license, so these people must have good reason to be driving radio.

  • Little Puppy.

  • He's so cute, but we're not going to risk going near him.

  • Well, that was cute.

  • Under this eight lanes, 10 lanes, 10 lane road.

  • We were worried, but it is open.

  • We have arrived kind of all empty shopping center.

  • The supermarkets are full of stuff.

  • Fruit and veg of fresh stuff.

  • Oh, well stocked.

  • You love to see it?

  • I don't even know what that is?

  • Some sort of maybe a sting ray ever and survive and meet produce.

  • You gotta miss through.

  • Ah, loves ripped.

  • Whatever.

  • Yeah, yeah, We both got the same idea.

  • Bye bye.

  • Eggs.

  • Check everything else.

  • Check, Check, check.

  • Let's go check out.

  • Only way.

  • Okay.

  • We have finished in the shop.

  • Heavy chest.

  • Back out to a deserted city.

  • First, we have a spread of the deadly Corona virus.

  • There are now calls for the federal government to take drastic measures.

  • 56 people have died so far on the front line of a new viral epidemic.

  • Wuhan is a city now and lock down, cut off from the rest of the world.

  • I'm just making dinner.

  • Been passed up, the corn coming a lot dogs.

  • Probably some fruit as well.

  • And some peanuts just for a bit approaching.

  • Like I said, you're very basic.

  • This isn't Gordon around it.

  • Kitchen nightmares.

  • This is all stuff I bought the other day.

  • A car for Yeah, but I passed out a couple hot dogs thrown in as well.

  • Lovely job.

  • I want to put on a hood because it's a bit chilly down.

  • That did not go up bit about her.

  • Carrie goes.

  • Actually, I don't know if I'm gonna say that.

  • And I remind Kevin goes just standard Chinese butter.

  • They're the job that Yeah.

  • So this is where I have been quarantined.

  • Lovely apartment.

  • There's a puzzle of totoro, my friend from the shopping video.

  • She did that on Christmas Day.

  • Ah, the bedroom on my balcony.

  • I would usually hang of washing and lily.

  • Lovely view of Hu Han.

  • Listen to the silence of a city of 10 million.

  • Hundreds of foreigners in Wuhan are returning home.

  • France and Australia have ordered evacuations 100 or so Americans from arriving in a military air force base.

  • The first deputy's evacuees arrived in Tokyo on Wednesday morning.

  • Quite a lot of developments today, uh, there's many, many talks about evacuations.

  • I'm not going to leave if the risk to others is great.

  • I don't make the decision to make the evacuation, but if it is an option, I think it makes sense to take it because we don't know how this situation will develop.

  • You're constantly getting updates.

  • That was, uh, that that's not my screen saver, by the way.

  • That's just what happens.

  • Just random stuff I know that looked weird.

  • Like I don't know, I might be infected right now.

  • I have no idea.

  • Because of the long incubation time.

  • I don't think I am.

  • I think I'm okay.

  • But we can't take that risk.

  • Also, it's my birthday.

  • Watch a fun birthday in quarantine, Wuhan, it's ah times at nine o'clock in the P.

  • M.

  • So I think after almost a week of quarantine deserve a birthday beer.

  • I thought Corona maybe not given the situation.

  • So I went with a different pair of Corona.

  • You go to good health.

  • Good evening.

  • The death toll increases.

  • The virus may be spreading even faster than previously thought.

  • Corona virus has gone global.

  • There is no cure or no vaccine Confirmed cases.

  • And now just under 6000.

  • The death toll has now jumped over 100.

  • I'm not scared.

  • No, no.

  • Yeah, I'm not scared.

  • And when I go to bed, your mind starts to wander away.

  • Oh, you know, when you're going to bed and you can't sleep, you start to think crazy things.

  • But try not to think about it.

  • It's not time to worry yet.

  • Not for me.

  • I'm not infected As far as I know, I just try not to worry about anything.

  • If I worry about it now and then it happens then I've suffered twice.

  • I've suffered when I worried and I suffer when it happened.

  • So no point worrying.

  • Good evening.

  • The World Health Organization has declared the Corona virus outbreak in China a global health emergency.

  • United Kingdom government has unveiled plans to bring back Britain stranded in China.

  • There is a seat for me on the British evacuation flights.

  • It's going to fly into an hour F base and then after that will be quarantined for two weeks.

  • So that's what I've always wanted.

  • If I was to be evacuated, it's still a very hard decision to leave this life behind because there's just always the worry that you won't get it back.

  • And obviously this is my house is where I live, so that is really affecting my decision.

  • But overall I think the health you gotta think of your health, so that's what I'm doing.

  • We're here.

  • We're here at the toll bridge before you go to the airport taking names, make sure everyone's on the list.

  • Chinese watching.

  • Everything's going smoothly.

  • Get ready to go.

  • Okay, I shall get on the bus.

  • Let's go home.

  • 3 a.m. Who waited on that bus for proof over four hours.

  • Now we're doing health checks.

  • This is the British flight evacuation flight.

  • I think it's also the Spanish one because I think it goes England first and then Madrid and any Irish who are leaving, like myself on that guy in the yellow.

  • We're on this flight to him will be quarantined, indignant.

  • Got tickets for the plane.

  • Strange system.

  • But you know the way to do it Looks like our boy getting us out.

  • Evacuation plane with British and Spanish and a few other nationalities.

  • So as you come onto the plane, you're given a seat.

  • Numbers.

  • I write down your name and your seat.

  • Just so if the infection spreads on this flight, maybe I get infected because I'm sitting beside this person who got infected.

  • No one else infected so we can narrow it down.

  • I asked the guy who was given seats for Allegra.

  • Hey, gave allegro lovely.

  • I love a good leg room, but it came at a price.

  • That price is by the toilets, so I don't know if that increases my chances of being infected.

  • George doesn't help.

  • None of the last week.

  • None of those days I felt like real days.

  • So this also doesn't feel like a real day if you know what I mean.

  • So tight.

  • And it's kind of just escapes you because just none of this feels really okay.

  • That's a big my last video for a while, you know if there's any more updates.

  • More than 80 Britons have bean flown back from Wuhan in China.

  • Waiting for them at Brize Norton were medics and police fleet of horsemen branded coach.

  • It's as if the scene wasn't already apocalyptic enough.

  • They're going to be kept in quarantine away from their family for the next 14 days.

  • Almost there, enough traffic said.

  • Stop for US.

  • 83 Britons and Ari Parker Hospital in the world will be kept in quarantine in a separate accommodation block, right?

  • Yeah, all right, ever.

  • I've quarantined.

  • All right.

  • So it's like I felt, uh, what are just arrived at quarantine in the barrel dice.

  • And now I was We were all worried.

  • We had no idea what to expect to know.

  • It would be like an actual hospital.

  • But I think I think this is nurses accommodation.

  • My room for the next two weeks.

  • Quarantine.

  • All right?

  • Like it's all right, Grant Grand, Some allergy free sweet and sour chicken.

  • No, I wouldn't be too hard for two weeks.

  • I don't know if you can see those people.

  • They know we're here.

  • They know we're here having a look and a lovely friendly neighbors.

  • It's close to 40 hours anyway, since I left my apartment.

  • Hopefully, that's not the last time I see it.

  • Hopefully, I get to go back when this is all over.

  • Uh, but Jeff definitely need a shower.

  • That's one good thing about the masks.

  • You can't smell anyone else, even though we will be probably all smell disgusting.

  • Probably a good choice to come on.

  • Let's just hope we can all get through this.

  • And let's hope everyone in move man stays well, and the people that didn't come home and China's you could live there.

  • Hopefully, everyone would be okay.

  • Wait for the next two weeks.

  • No one's that until we're all clear.

  • So that's exactly what we wanted.

  • Here we see all the cards on flowers.

  • People have been sending in the community.

  • Special shadow Thio She zaara on Callum for some lovely drawings.

  • Bit of entertainment as well.

  • Grand, I've been told.

  • Actually, I've been wearing the mask kind of upside down some of the video.

  • What I was doing was wearing it like this.

  • I thought I don't read journeys.

  • I thought maybe that's the top.

  • Was running like that jubilee, are you?

  • Use a little wire.

  • You put it on the right way.

  • Don't do stupid things like I did.

  • Wear the mask right way constantly.

  • Wash your hands.

  • Make sure you got all that.

  • If you're worried about the virus yourself, anywhere in the world just got a shipment of deliveries.

  • Lovely thing is the most important thing now we can stay in quarantine for a CZ long as necessary.

  • Doesn't matter.

  • We get sick.

  • We have the cure right here.

  • That ogres There's no cards in the thing.

  • I'll probably do a little video of during poker.

  • Only when I have good parents get away from my mother.

  • My mother lives in Liverpool.

  • Where in the world they're just froth.

  • Ben, tell your mom Hi for us.

  • She raised a good man.

  • God bless her God blesses our God bless us all in this situation.

  • As far as I'm aware, none of us are showing.

  • Symptoms were all ground.

  • But even so, I sneeze, like, three times yesterday, and I'm like, Oh, no, this is it.

  • Lovely.

  • Now turn this into a delicious breakfast sandwich.

  • Not this, though.

  • This is this is handsome.

  • Oh, good Lord.

  • That baby Emily dropped me off a package.

  • She sent me Irish next Irish.

  • Next.

  • You love to see it?

  • Thank you so much to Emily for that last night.

  • Wednesday will also be a poker night.

  • And I think on that night, a lot of people will come just to enjoy last night.

  • Well, hopefully our last night.

  • You're recording out.

  • You know, I can edit this post.

  • I actually actually ended up asking if you're good at midday today.

  • It'll be 14 days we arrived.

  • So time to go home is the earliest of broken up.

  • Got a neat about so bad.

  • This is their list.

  • I've woken up days.

  • I don't know.

  • The clock is nervous, but it has been a while since I saw nine o'clock.

  • Okay, I'm packed.

  • Hello.

  • Time to go grand just checking under the bed.

  • I haven't put this jacket on in two weeks.

  • This junket I came in and I looked in the pocket.

  • Good.

  • Taking off the mask.

  • Get out.

  • We're ask up.

  • Oh, well, they're area proper.

  • Look, it's mother.

  • There she is now.

  • Hello, Mother.

  • All right, All right.

  • Well, I been happening here in Liverpool with my mother guarding with the famous pints.

  • All is well.

Look, It's the mother.

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