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  • Now when I think of New Zealand, really only 1 word seems to come to mind:

  • Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu

  • [Geography Now! theme]

  • Hey everyone, I'm your host, Barbs.

  • New Zealand is one of those places where a few people have made a powerful image for themselves.

  • It's one of the last places on Earth to be discovered and inhabited by humans,

  • and when they arrived, it was unlike anything anyone had ever seen.

  • Mostly because there were these massive, 12 feet tall bird monsters.

  • We'll get into that in a bit, but first...

  • ♪♪

  • New Zealand is not only a key player in the ocean nations, but a geographic anomaly.

  • As in, half the time when you look at artwork or decorations or newscasts or even educational books,

  • New Zealand is forgotten from the map.

  • Kiwis even joke about it. Even their government website "404 Page Not Found" website pokes fun at it.

  • Anyway, New Zealand, or Aotearoa, is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean,

  • about 1,200 miles (or 2,000 kilometers) off the coast of Australia

  • and about 600 miles (or 1,000 kilometers) from the nearest major islands of Fiji, Tonga, and New Caledonia,

  • meaning technically, France is their closest neighbor.

  • The country is made up of 2 main large islands, aptly named the North Island, or Te-Ika a-Maui,

  • which makes up about 42% of the landmass yet holds about ¾ of the population,

  • and the larger yet less populated South Island, or Te Waipou-Namu, at about 56% of the land mass.

  • The remaining 2-ish% of the land mass is made up of hundreds of interior and outlying islands,

  • 33 main ones that are either around the main 2 islands like the largest one, Stewart Island just south of South Island,

  • Then you have the outlying island chains, like the northernmost Kermadec Islands,

  • the easternmost Chatham Islands, and the Subantarctic southernmost point, the Campbell Islands.

  • The country is a unitary state divided into 16 councils; 11 regional councils and 5 unitary regional councils.

  • The Chatham Islands act as their own special territorial authority.

  • The second largest city, Wellington, is the capital, the southernmost capital in the world.

  • However, Auckland up north is the largest city, which holds about a third of the entire population of the country

  • with the largest and busiest airport, Auckland International.

  • Otherwise, Christchurch on South Island is the third largest city

  • and holds the second busiest airport, Christchurch International.

  • But wait, that's not all! The sovereignty claim extends even further

  • and then you get the 3 New Zealand Realm territories and free association island nations.

  • These are Tokelau, the Cook Islands, and Niue.

  • Tokelau is considered a non-self-governing dependent territory.

  • It also has a territorial dispute with American Samoa over Swains Island.

  • Whereas the Cook Islands and Niue are labeled as self-governing states in free association with New Zealand.

  • Finally, you have the Ross Dependency, which is New Zealand's claim to Antarctica,

  • which of course under the Antarctic Treaty does not actually fall under their sovereignty, but you know.

  • A lot of people like to say they have something they can't.

  • Whoo! For a nation that doesn't even show up half the time on maps, there's a lot going on here!

  • But wait! If New Zealand is just an island in the middle of the Pacific, which continent is New Zealand a part of?

  • Ah, good question. That is a question that has kind of stumped cartographers for centuries.

  • In the simplest sense, categorically New Zealand is part of the broader region known as Oceania,

  • which is basically just Australia plus everything else in Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia.

  • Technically, Australia and New Zealand together are called Australasia.

  • However, it's weird because New Zealand doesn't lie on the same continental shelf as Australia.

  • This has led to the consideration of New Zealand belonging to a newer sub-region known as Zealandia,

  • classified by some dude in the 90s as either a continental fragment or a "microcontinent"

  • made up of a submerged continental crust shelf that expands all the way from New Caledonia

  • to an empty spot in the ocean just south of the Campbell Islands.

  • 93% of Zealandia is submerged, with New Zealand being the largest protruding segment.

  • Either way, however, you want to categorize it, New Zealand is kind of strange.

  • Wait! Go back to the self-governing island thing.

  • Do they belong to New Zealand or are they full countries?

  • Good question. It's kind of like this:

  • NEW ZEALAND: Okay guys, look, the British just kind of put you under my jurisdiction,

  • so I guess that means you're all New Zealand citizens, okay?

  • COOK ISLANDS: Yeah, but we all have our own languages and customs

  • and want to write a constitution for ourselves with free association status.

  • We're basically countries in our own right but under your overarching sovereignty, I guess.

  • NIUE: Like your military can come in for defense, but otherwise we got everything else covered.

  • TOKELAU: I mean, guys, I have less than 2,000 people on less than 5 square miles of land on 3 islands.

  • I think I'll just become a dependent territory state.

  • NZ: All right, fair enough. Two "kind of" countries with loose ties

  • and 1 dependent territory country with stronger ties. Got it.

  • TK: Plus, hey, I became the first completely solar-powered nation in the world.

  • NZ: Not exactly fully functional "sovereign nation state" by definition but yeah, good for you!

  • Some places of interest in New Zealand might include:

  • the world's steepest street at a gradient of 38°,

  • the National Museum,

  • Auckland Sky Tower (you can actually jump off of it),

  • the Rotorua geysers in traditionalori village,

  • Rainbow's End and Splash Planet,

  • the International Antarctic Center,

  • Hobbiton,

  • so many wine fields like the ones in Marlborough,

  • Ninety Mile Beach (which is actually only 56 miles),

  • Waitomo caves with glowworms,

  • Frying Pan Lake,

  • and the Meraki spherical boulders.

  • And honestly, I could go on and on with all the natural wonders of this country,

  • but that would take like 50 videos and we gotta cram as much as we can in this one.

  • So let's just talk about all the natural stuff of New Zealand. Shall we?

  • ♪♪

  • Now, New Zealand is an outdoors country, world-renowned for its mind-blowingly wonderful landscape,

  • displayed in a number of films and movies.

  • Fun fact: "The Lord of the Rings" gave them so much publicity and tourism money

  • that they even have a Minister of the Rings in their Parliament.

  • Oh, do they now?

  • You wrote the script for the episode and I'm just reading off the teleprompter, so I figured you would know that.

  • I did! First of all:

  • The country is located in the Ring of Fire on the convergence of the Pacific and Australian plates

  • that creates the mountainous Southern Alps of the southern island.

  • Here you can find the tallest peak, Mt. Cook, or Aoraki, at over 12,000 feet (or 3,700 meters),

  • whereas across the Cook Strait, the smaller Kaweka range can be found in the North Island.

  • This, in return, makes the country subject to earthquakes and volcanic activity.

  • There are about 83 known volcanoes of all types, and the largest active one being Ruapehu on North Island.

  • Otherwise, you can see other volcanic wonders like the dormant Banks Peninsula on South Island,

  • and the eerily perfect circular Mt. Taranaki on the west side of North Island.

  • Just a skip away you can find the largest lake, Lake Taupo, in the Taupo Caldera,

  • one of the largest super volcanoes on Earth.

  • From there, the lake is drained by the longest river of the country, the Waikato.

  • Now, New Zealand is interesting because due to its shape,

  • there is no part of the country that is more than about 80 miles or so from the ocean.

  • The flatter valleys on the sides of the mountains are where most people live and produce crops and livestock.

  • Skip a little further west and you get the least inhabited and difficult to access

  • but most breathtaking part of New Zealand, the fjordland.

  • Steep cliffs plunging into the Tasman Sea, with Milford Sound being the most popular spot

  • and the only one accessible by road.

  • New Zealand ranks as one of the topmost landform diverse countries on Earth,

  • having everything from alpine forests, glaciers, geothermal geysers -

  • they even have a small desert in the middle of North Island,

  • and on some of the coasts you have tropical beaches with magnetic black sand containing magnetite.

  • Seriously, I still have some. Check it out. This is from Piha Beach in North Island.

  • Whoa, it sticks on!

  • Now the one thing about New Zealand that set it apart upon discovery is that other than 2 species of bat,

  • the entire island had no mammals prior to human encounter.

  • Now this is usually the part where Noah comes in, but he had a scheduling conflict and couldn't be here today,

  • so therefore, I-sum-mon-random-Hannah!

  • [ethereal humming]

  • Hannah, take it away.

  • The country is a bird haven, with over 200 species, over half endemic to New Zealand.

  • And, the funny thing, many of which are flightless. It's like the flightless bird capital of the world.

  • Species such as the kakapo, the world's only flightless nocturnal parrot,

  • and they have more species of penguin than anywhere else on the planet.

  • At one point a long time ago, they used to have the moa, a 12-foot tall monster,

  • until it was hunted by the nativeori to extinction.

  • Then you have the national animal, the famous kiwi, a flightless bird which comes in 5 forms on both islands,

  • known for their hair-like feathers, long beaks with nostrils, making them some of the only few bird species that can smell.

  • Otherwise, with flying birds, you have the kea, the world's only Alpine parrot,

  • and if you see one, they are curious creatures, unafraid of humans, that love to chew on shiny objects or rubber.

  • Seriously, those guys tried to steal my stuff one time.

  • Outside of the bird world, you can find reptiles like the tuatara, which has a third parietal eye on the top of its head,

  • or the giant weta, the heaviest insect on earth. Eugh!

  • Resource-wise, the country is known for its huge dairy farming and livestock industry.

  • Jade, or greenstone, is a precious stone mined and sold here,

  • as well as often carved into jewelry or traditionalori tools and ornaments.

  • Besides all that though, much of the country makes money through tourism,

  • specifically outdoor tourism, specifically Queensland on South Island.

  • This place offers everything from skydiving, paragliding, and zorbing, which, by the way, the Kiwis invented.

  • And speaking of Kiwi inventions, food!

  • Kiwis are without a doubt seafood folk.

  • Native species like gurnard, hoki, hake, hapuku, paua, and crayfish

  • are made into numerous dishes: cooked, raw, smoked, steamed, battered and fried with chips.

  • If that's not your thing, some non-fishy Kiwi dishes might include things like:

  • roast lamb,

  • savory meat pies,

  • hokey pokey ice cream,

  • Kiwi-style burger,

  • manuka honey,

  • kumara,

  • L&P drink,

  • pavlova cake,

  • and one of the most traditionalori dishes, hangi.

  • And speaking of cultural tradition, we go to...

  • ♪♪

  • Thank you, Hannah. Feel free to follow her on Instagram.

  • No problem.

  • [whooshing sound]

  • Yeah, that's a thing now.

  • Now, this is gonna be the best part of the episode because the people of New Zealand,

  • known as Kiwis, are the biggest treasure you'll find.

  • First of all, the country has about 5 million people and often ranks

  • as one of the top 3 ease of business index countries in the world, with the least corruption.

  • At somewhere around 74%, the country is made up primarily of peoples of European descent,

  • mostly of English, Scottish, and Irish ancestry.

  • About 15% of the country is nativeori, 7% Pacific Islander,

  • and the rest are mostly Asian of various countries like China, Korea, and Japan.

  • Yes, by the way, it's pronounced "moe-ri." Not "may-ori," "mow-ri"....

  • They use the New Zealand dollar as their currency, they use the type I plug outlet,

  • and they drive on the left side of the road.

  • Now we all know that English is the most widely spoken language in the country with a distinct Kiwi dialect.

  • To outsiders it sounds just like the Australian one, but they swear it's different.

  • They have some distinct Kiwi words. Here's my Kiwi buddy, Jared, explaining:

  • Nonetheless, there are actually 2 other official languages of New Zealand: Māori and New Zealand Sign Language,

  • making New Zealand the first country to adopt signing as an official language,

  • even though only half of 1% knows it.

  • Now, let's talk about culture and the wholeori thing.

  • Theori traditionally come from about 100 or so iwi, or tribes or peoples spread throughout both islands,

  • most in the north part of the country, the largest being the Ngā Puhi at over 100,000 people.

  • Their culture is a huge, integral factor that plays into what it means to be Kiwi.

  • I mean instead of "hello," you'll often hear theori word "kia ora" as a greeting.

  • Most schools teach theori language in elementary years and there are immersion schools as well.

  • In addition, they have a few television channels and radio stations that speak almost entirely inori.

  • Today, the majority of native speakers are found in the North Island,

  • most heavily concentrated in the Northland and Gisborne and Bay of Plenty regions.

  • And speaking ofori, we cannot do this episode without talking about the haka.

  • Almost everyone on the island knows 1 form of the traditional war dance performed by both men and women,

  • known for its aggressive movements, loud chanting, and intimidating facial expressions.

  • Very often it's performed at sporting events.

  • The haka is not only used at games or as a means to intimidate, though.

  • It can be used in a variety of situations, ranging from birthday parties, funerals, even weddings,

  • where the people celebrate the union of two people happily

  • and everyone takes part in it, whether you are ethnicallyori or non-Māori.

  • It's a tradition that really unites everyone on the island, regardless of race. Pretty cool, right?

  • And now, let's talk about tattoos and, actually, let's have another co-host do this.

  • Uh, let's see, which options do I have? Who can I select? Let's see, Hannah already did one...

  • Ah, why not Ken?

  • [high-pitched electronic noises]

  • All right, Ken take it away.

  • You might occasionally come across someone with kiri-tuhi, or skin art, or ta moko, which are face tattoos.

  • There's so much information that goes into this, but basicallyori tradition did not have a specific written script.

  • Instead, they use a documented information and history through a series of wood carvings and tattoos.

  • No two are alike, as each person's tattoos told a specific story of who they were.

  • Generally, the left side is reserved for the father's lineage and the right side the mother's.

  • The patterns can describe everything from tribe, rank, work, expertise, athletic accomplishments, and so on.

  • In other news, Kiwis are pretty athletic. You cannot talk about New Zealand without mentioning rugby.

  • They are 3-time World Cup championship winners and often, when they don't win, they place in the top 3.

  • Thank you, Ken! Feel free to follow him on Instagram.

  • [high-pitched electronic noise]

  • And now it's time to talk about history. In the quickest way I can summarize it:

  • bird island, no humans,

  • ori come in from Polynesia maybe sometime around the 1200s,

  • ori Pa settlements established,

  • moa bird is hunted to extinction,

  • tribal battles for land,

  • Abel Tasman becomes the first European to come in contact,

  • they kind of forget about it until the British come in by like 100 years later

  • for a while they just kind of traded with theori,

  • inter-tribal wars with the new weapons that they acquired by the Europeans,

  • missionaries,

  • British colony,

  • New Zealand Wars,

  • Treaty of Waitangi (controversy with mistranslation),

  • self-government within the British Empire,

  • women's suffrage,

  • massive immigration wave,

  • World War I, they play a role in Pacific warfare against German-occupied Samoa,

  • World War II, they play a role again in the Pacific but this time against the Japanese in Papua New Guinea,

  • Statute of Westminster Adoption Act,

  • Muldoon years,

  • 1980 reforms,

  • 1990s and early 2000s, business really starts to boom,

  • earthquake in Christchurch,

  • and as of writing the script for this episode, the recent unprecedented terrorist attacks in Christchurch of 2019 occurred,

  • which shocked the entire nation and the world.

  • Although horrific and terrible, it must be mentioned and addressed and not glossed over in this episode.

  • Some notable people from New Zealand or of Kiwi descent may include people like:

  • Hone Hika,

  • Hone Heke,

  • Te Puea Herangi,

  • Maui Pomare,

  • Potato Te Wherowhero,

  • Ernest Rutherford,

  • Kate Sheppard,

  • Sir Āpirana Ngata,

  • Sir Edmund Hillary,

  • Sir Peter Jackson,

  • Jacinda Ardern,

  • Russell Crowe,

  • Jonah Lomu,

  • Sir Colin Meads,

  • Dame Whina Cooper,

  • Flight of the Conchords

  • Bruce McLaren,

  • Katherine Mansfield,

  • Lorde,

  • oh, and the meme page Dolan Dark, I was told?

  • Yeah, quite a few cool Kiwis out there,

  • which brings us to our next segment, the Kiwi crew... their friends... the friendzone.

  • ♪♪

  • Alright, diplomatically speaking, New Zealand, for lack of a better term, is basically like Australia's Canada.

  • They get along with nearly everyone and unless if it's a rugby match,

  • it's hard to harbor any animosity towards them.

  • And even if it is a rugby match, it's like, "Okay you guys can win. Just do that haka thing again."

  • First of all, as part of numerous international organizations,

  • New Zealand has harnessed an international network of alliances since its inception.

  • For one, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile have had close links

  • as members of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

  • These 5 nations kind of act as like the southern gateways to Antarctica,

  • and they hold a high level of responsibility when it comes to monitoring the south seas.

  • China has an interesting, kind of good but kind of controversial relationship with New Zealand.

  • Not only have Chinese immigrants been living in New Zealand since the 19th century,

  • but in 2008 a bold move with a free trade agreement was established,

  • and today they are the second largest import and export partner.

  • The problem is the housing market. Many Chinese investors have bought out property in metropolitan areas

  • that remain unused and empty, for the purpose of real estate appreciation.

  • This has left many Kiwis unable to live in the houses in their own country.

  • This has frustrated many of them for a long time,

  • leaving them to ask the government for reforms in foreign investment policy.

  • As a former British colony, they've always been closely linked to the UK,

  • and UK citizens, often Scottish, choose to migrate and live in New Zealand.

  • Problem is... distance. New Zealand is one of the furthest members in the Commonwealth from the UK

  • and over time, the UK relations waned as the UK paid more attention to the EU.

  • Nonetheless, they've grown up, don't need to hold Mommy's hand anymore, and they can handle their own affairs.

  • Then we get to the quadfecta, the USA, Canada, and Australia.

  • There is somewhat of an unspoken, unbreakable bond between these 4.

  • New Zealand has fought alongside the US in almost every major global event from the 20th century and on.

  • There was a slight hiccup in the ANZUS security treaty in the 80s

  • in which they decided to initiate a nuclear-free zone in their territorial waters.

  • Nonetheless, relations are still strong and they are considered one of the closest allies.

  • Canada and New Zealand are very close, though.

  • They both think very similarly and are both Commonwealth nations

  • with the same Queen as their technical head of state.

  • Both share similar views on a variety of issues,

  • both are the smaller versions of a bigger neighbor that gets all the attention,

  • business, trade, and tourism is strong between them, and in a way they kind of love each other for all these reasons.

  • When it comes to their best friend, however, as much as they love to poke fun, mock, ridicule, and spit on each other,

  • they cannot deny that Australia is the closest.

  • Australia even has a clause in its constitution that allows New Zealand to become a part of their country

  • if they should ever want to for whatever reason,

  • although New Zealand is like, "Thanks, but no."

  • Australia is not only the largest trading and business partner, but also has the closest history and culture.

  • The two have a unique Trans-Tasman agreement that states that citizens of each country can migrate and have automatic residency.

  • The two go hand-in-hand.

  • However, when Australia isn't looking, Canada kind of slips in and they kind of go off on secret dates.

  • In conclusion, as humanity's last major expedition, you can imagine how the first settlers must have felt

  • when they approached on this unknown world of glaciers, volcanoes,

  • glowing caves, geysers, and giant 12 foot tall bird monsters.

  • You don't need Lord of the Rings. New Zealand already is a real-life fantasy.

  • Stay tuned, Nicaragua is coming up next!

  • ♪♪

Now when I think of New Zealand, really only 1 word seems to come to mind:

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