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  • [Jack] All right gamers, welcome to the ultimate running away from storm map. I'm here with my friend-

  • [Pewds] Wait, I'm not.. I'm not in the, Which one do I join?

  • [Jack] I'm here with my BEST gamer, pewtiepie

  • [Jack] You might have heard of 'em, he's an up and coming Fortnite streamer

  • [Jack] Smash like if you're exited for the next event in Fortnite

  • [Pewds] Subscribe to support him and his Fortnite endeavors

  • *Jack and Pewds screaming over royal free music*

  • [Captions filled by JayJam from 0:00 - 1:30, Please continue from there]

  • *Coughing* help him, he's gonna game end

  • Oh yeah, epic gamer time

  • [Pewds] HWooA

  • [Pewds] GAM-ING WEEK

  • [Pewds] Gaa... Gami- *asthma attack*

  • [Pewds] Day 3 baby! grab your G-fuel

  • [Pewds] Grab your gaming partner, jacksepticeye what's up dude?

  • [Jack] What's up gamers

  • [Jack] It's summer my hats on backwards and I'm ready to party.

  • [Pewds] make sure to subscribe and like, let's just have fun guys

  • [Pewds] "Have fun" It literally says it! *laughing*

  • [Pewds] Oh yeah, we're debating what the best title for this would be

  • [Jack] Yeah- [Pewds] The worst title

  • [Jack] The hidden Black Mirror episode...

  • [Pewds] Mom hacked my basement. No, wait..

  • *giggles*

  • [Pewds] *Choking on the best energy drink*

  • [Jack] This is prop hunt baby! We're Gmod now.

  • [Pewds] Gaming week baby, anything can happen!

  • [Jack] Don't forget to support a creator.

  • [Jack] Uhh, I don't know what my creator code is in Fortnite...

  • [Pewds] Pewdiepie *COUGH COUGH*

  • [Pewds] If you want more Fortnite content, be sure to leave a comment down below.

  • Ash a like button also the top 5,000 hundred

  • Comments for the first 30 minutes of this video. So I hope to see you there epic gamers

  • Can't wait to see what your egg gamers are gonna say if you guys are hyped about for tonight

  • Let me know down in the comments below. Hey, what do you guys think of the new for that update?

  • I'd have no weed input whatsoever. But do tell me update night update night. Okay? I don't know how this works

  • Yeah, we're playing a game the worst gamers. Okay, so you're hiding and I have to find you. Oh

  • This is how it works, okay. Alright jackaboy. We're okay prop ping

  • Ping's me right now and then I think I heard something over here

  • Does that mean I have to keep constantly switching position nearly? See you moving? No. Wait, that's a balloon

  • Shut up

  • Felix, alright, give me a hint. What do you smell like? I'm whistling at you

  • I don't know what the pings are doing. By the way, I don't know what the coins are

  • Anything works? Ok. It's definitely coming from here

  • Right is it?

  • No, it's coming from

  • here

  • Are you next to me?

  • You up there? Oh wait a soirée enter code jacksepticeye guys, where are you

  • Are you two buds are not the bus?

  • Well, hey, are you the soda?

  • Props won that round you killed yourself gamer week

  • That was a big boys locker room

  • Look

  • Me and the boys just playing prop hunt in fortnight. This is 2019 gaming

  • Were you the soda though? No, I would say little like cooler next to it

  • Oh my god, you shot the soda and killed yourself. Oh

  • Not a gamer way, bro

  • That's the gamer way. Ok

  • so guys Oh the way this works is that now is my turn to be the prop and

  • Jack has to find me if you want to join it to win an Xbox. Call me your favorite jacksepticeye video

  • Wait, do I have to damage myself to get out of here? Uh, I don't know how I just hit the barn doors

  • Yes, but prop won't you damage yourself by? Ok? Yes. Hi. Oh, there we go about baby. Okay, that's the Train

  • All right, Oh God guys. We have to be careful because now

  • Jacksepticeye is looking for except the guys on the hunt, baby

  • Jacksepticeye, okay found the until me challenge impossible question mark

  • Jacksepticeye is a fortnight hacker

  • Okay, let's keep an ear out for this ping I didn't hear it

  • I didn't hear Dukie the first time see I'd never hear the ping

  • What crazy this is so weird? Okay. What's the coin? Just I don't know you collect the coins. Apparently, I don't Oh guys. Oh

  • Well, I heard it

  • What did you hear? I heard the ping. You didn't hear anything

  • I'm so far away guys. Are you PewDiePie? I don't know

  • Guys this is epic

  • It's new master 69 here

  • Telling you to subscribe to all your favorite gaming channels doesn't even have to be me should be me though

  • Subscribe use your fortnight creator codes like use any of your favorite creators, but I'm really saying it's an use of you

  • Guys it's all about giving you have to be a giving person

  • Paris this game to me

  • You make fun of my accent. I'm a prop II boy right now. What am I gonna what am I gonna be gamers?

  • Quick guys down in the comments. Let me know what I should be

  • Good guys, he's coming

  • So annoying, oh

  • Okay, guys, I think I heard a whistle over here here he comes

  • Did you just throw a boogie bomb at me you threw a bogey bar back at your favorite gamer

  • That's what it's gaming week

  • Everybody smash like if you're excited for gaming the title of this video should be how can we make the most generic? Obnoxious? Let's play

  • Another wish I think I would make it what it actually is

  • It's their boobs it fortnight verbs in finite does boobs. Okay, but don't trick me

  • Alright, you can't trick on gamer week

  • Where you're dancin buddy, wait, are you dancing too?

  • Okay guys now ah, oh my god, oh my god worried see

  • Bite me. Alright guys helped me to find jacksepticeye. Right? No. No

  • That breath sorry about that brides gaming week, I'm sure you understand. Did you just did you just have a gamer moment?

  • Watch out PewDiePie this gamers coming for your number one spot

  • Oh, I see you time for the jacksepticeye. Shout out number three

  • You gotta earn it bruh. Oh I heard ping ping comes from this direction Oh,

  • Amateur didn't even close the door after him

  • He did a swore he did a swore. Oh, please

  • I peed he'll never find me. Are you here PewDiePie? Oh, ah

  • Wait, wait, wait, wait, what will we wait? I'm not waiting for nothing. Okay

  • Oh god, I'm scared Bros Bros. What do I do?

  • What do I do bro

  • Okay, go hide again

  • It's because I can hear footsteps. Alright, you'll never find

  • Gamer I'll never dance for you Jack you here somewhere, uh

  • Yeah, you heard me oh crap no, I'm

  • Less do fortnight portal crossover

  • Okay. Okay, that sounds epic. Alright gamers. Let us know in the comments if that sounds that big

  • Alright guys, if you have not subscribed yet. We're doing a subscriber challenge

  • So join the broski's can you subscribe for 24 hours challenge?

  • whoever subscribes for the most times gets

  • $10,000. Oh

  • Man I'm not allowed to play with you Jack. That sucks, bro

  • Pro this is not game where I'm going back to the hub. Okay. Do you wanna do you wanna just do this?

  • Oh, heck yeah, bro. Let's let's freakin do it. Oh

  • Yeah. Oh

  • Let's just jump in

  • Okay, I'll get it. So you glide into this hole?

  • Bro, I have no idea where you are tonight

  • Over here. I'm here. Oh, you're all the way over there. I'm the complete opposite side

  • Come here. Brat. Come on gamer. Okay, I'm coming in dropping hot is this tilted mid rolls every one minute. Oh, yeah

  • That's my gamer boy. Yeah

  • Press B

  • No, no freakin way

  • That's not the right song though you got to do it again that

  • Is the right one if this video gets a hundred thousand million likes. Oh no

  • Wait, that's too much. If this video gets a million likes me. And Jack will do a four-night IRL challenge

  • All right jack

  • Oh god, all right you really good at this deck you're not

  • Big

  • Dude I

  • Thought no else who's your favorite custom map creator in?

  • favorite every creator, you know what this these custom apps are really good real estate in Fortnight custom maps

  • I'm thinking about buying a housing for tonight smash like to take out a mortgage

  • To buy B bucks enter code beautiful free ebooks for anyone who has a fortnight real estate

  • I think oh I'm willing to take give out a loan of

  • 500 beat books

  • 500 Amazon gift codes. All right. I have not seen you do we both just die instantly

  • Yeah, I think yes jumping I think the momentum has to keep going or something. Well, you have to wait for a game

  • Are you letting let me know?

  • Let me know if you wanna see

  • Also that adds wait I get it this is just trying over and over and over head yeah, I'm already bored

  • You gotta jump at the very last second. Oh

  • Man

  • I'm just gonna be over here eating epic popcorn dude. You took an L. How does that feel? I

  • Take Noelle's

  • You said jump in the last second bruh

  • Bruh no, I want to do it because it's gaming week and gaming. Oh my god

  • I'm just I'm just gonna leave you have to support a fellow gamer is this what gamers actually want to do in fortnight right now?

  • Yes

  • Ohio Brook Brook I did it

  • did you I

  • Don't believe you okay

  • Have you waited for your fellow gamer you wouldn't know

  • Dude, I'm too busy taking elves over here. I don't have time to oh

  • Yeah

  • The secret is to glide to the second one. No, bro, that's I dunno fuli's know fully

  • There's something beautiful about watching you just for wait, are you still down there? Oh

  • No

  • Right, come on

  • Please make it out. Make it out. You can bait the traps. Oh really? Yeah

  • Alright watch I got to do this one for my bros. Oh, yeah. Oh

  • I made it. I'm up here. Did you die? Yeah, I left. Oh

  • Alright gamers let's finish this off with style. Let's let's play the wall. All right guys, we're playing the wall

  • It's a new challenge in fortnight

  • It's pretty yes video gets a million likes ninja will join us. Why are we shooting that?

  • You see the orange ones oh

  • Oh guys is a new challenge in fortnight. Oh wow. This is so cool

  • So we're like shooting the machines and stuff. That's really awesome. No. No, this is so cool. Oh shoot, dude. I got a mini

  • Alright guys, this has been epic for night time with my friend

  • Jacksepticeye what it's not over yet. Okay. Well keep

  • All right, guys, let's remain positive here. It's gaming weak support you enter. I don't know

  • I don't even know where you went. Now you tell you who tell me

  • I didn't I didn't change anyway, right guys, here. We are in the new fortnight portal. Oh, yeah, whoa

  • Okay, so this is cool. So like I'm in the four nine portal

  • Okay, Oh, have you guys played before - that's one of my favourite game? The cake is a lie

  • Aperture Science, I have all their merch. Oh, I hate you

  • We're not leaving the game. We're just even creative for like two seconds. And then we're gonna drop drop Jaime Hilton its gaming week

  • It's game take you out of my life. All right, Jack. Look at me once again

  • All right. This is me every day of the year Wow during gaming week. Is that is that your face? Wait the joke

  • My face where my friend is dancing in fortnight, this is me when my I inherited

  • Money, this is me when I'm at my granddad's funeral and I don't want to just dab. I want to do a gentleman's dab

  • See that's respect gamer is face

  • My granddad's for all

  • Okay do for a cop adventure oh

  • Yeah, so I was shooting me that's not ps-aguié desu, oh I think you have to shoot him for me

  • We have to work together. You're naming me be higher gamer. Oh, wait, wait. Wait I got

  • I need to help you. Okay, go over to the wall and it's gaming way to the very edge. This is good

  • No, this is gonna be epic. Alright, what what?

  • Okay, okay, okay when the bomb lands, okay

  • Three do what

  • Gaming we're all about teamwork with your friends. I'm gonna get into this super-sick go-kart that my mom bought me

  • Oh you can get in as well. Oh we're together. Now. This is gaming week Wow. How do I

  • Do I actually have to wait what?

  • Okay, alright, so this is how you do the driving week style

  • Gaming wig. Oh you want to get that porta? Fortress, dude? Oh heck. Yeah, but always a gamer bro first

  • There's so many doors

  • This is so cool. Like which door is it gonna be and then next time what doors are gonna be after that one

  • like what I

  • Gotta use the main menu and select back to hub to return there. I don't want to return there

  • So it's the middle right here. Oh, wait, is this expose it on it shows it on the map. Oh,

  • The map of the top, right

  • This is me when the chat is gonna be not stop harassing

  • Alright guys looks like we didn't through the challenge but gate smash likes he wants part to invest. No we should continue

  • This is me. When all my when I get a million likes on the video

  • What you never played tuber simulator

  • You know, it's fun, right?

  • I'm not supposed to give my opinion but give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good or not

  • Not convinced yet. Okay. I'll cut you a deal

  • The game is available for free and that's a great price

[Jack] All right gamers, welcome to the ultimate running away from storm map. I'm here with my friend-

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