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  • okay?

  • Yeah.

  • I want to talk.

  • I'm all I'm all yours.

  • Hi.

  • Tell me.

  • I have been trying to act fine.

  • And like, Oh, this is just like a YouTube video.

  • But it is like it's like a lot.

  • Kathy Griffin doesn't have many people laughing with her latest stuff.

  • Even though we blow the image you're about to see, it still may be disturbing.

  • The president's family is firing back.

  • Everybody, it's me.

  • Kathy Griffin.

  • I sincerely apologize.

  • I made a mistake, and I was wrong.

  • CNN fired her.

  • She used to do every New Year's Eve with Anderson Cooper.

  • I may not agree with everything he says, but I love her.

  • Not everybody goes out for years.

  • Okay?

  • I stay home with my dogs.

  • I just wait for Kathy Griffin.

  • Now you take her away from CNN, and now she should actually come to my house with to CNN.

  • Kiss my Hey, you guys okay?

  • I am so nervous today.

  • My heart is racing freaking out because today we're doing something that I have been thinking about for like, 20 years, and I can't believe it's actually becoming so you guys know I love to surprise my mom sometimes too much.

  • Who's that more Should I say hi, Grandma Theresa?

  • I'm gonna cry because I know you're not Jesus, but I love Jesus so much so I know you're not got him.

  • Hello, screaming, Miss Jesus.

  • But the one person I have always wanted to surprise her with is her idol.

  • Now, I know a lot of you guys know Kathy Griffin because of that controversy with Trump Mask and that whole situation waas crazy and intense.

  • And as a Kathy Griffin fan, I didn't even know what to do or say about it.

  • She had the CIA and do every day.

  • She had the government thinking she was trying to kill the president.

  • It was a whole situation.

  • But that's not why I know her.

  • I know her because she has been somebody I've looked up to almost way induction a little game.

  • If you only knew, right.

  • Let's end this episode with one as well.

  • You'd love to collaborate with Kathy Griffin.

  • You guys already know I've said it a 1,000,000 times, but my childhood was rough.

  • And when it was just me and my mom and she was working all the time, I had a rough childhood, and I dealt with a lot of depression and definitely had to use comedy to kind of make myself laugh, make my family laugh.

  • One of the things that would bring us together was watching Kathy Griffin specials and watching her TV show every week, and it would just take us away from everything you know, like it would make us forget about our problems.

  • We would laugh together.

  • We would quote it like all week.

  • She really did change my life and affected me in so many ways.

  • I know I see a lot of comments from people saying, Oh, Shane, your videos have changed my life, are affected me or given me happiness because you taught me like laughter was the best thing, so that has helped me through.

  • I'm sorry I'm getting, but let's help me.

  • They're like middle school in high school.

  • That's what she is.

  • And it's so funny because if you actually like, think about it, there's so many things that I do and that I say and the way that I talk that is so similar to her and it's because I grew up watching her.

  • Where does Mommy keep her?

  • vicadin.

  • I like Mama T.

  • Where's her Vicodin?

  • You drink lots of points.

  • We're gonna be Oh, I'm gonna go to that book table, cover every single block, Know how did this get here?

  • That's so weird.

  • Even my channel now, like the way that we're doing the Siri's and going places doing things but always having some kind of heartfelt message in there.

  • Subconsciously, I think I got it from her because that's what she did on her TV show.

  • My Life on the D list.

  • Yeah, she was funny.

  • And she would like, show crazy things going on in her life.

  • But she would also get honest and she would talk about things that were affecting her.

  • She wasn't afraid to cry, and she would get emotional about things that happened.

  • And she said that they tried to rip revive chance once, but he had to which fluid around his heart.

  • So he didn't make it.

  • And she said he would peacefully and then she would do episodes where she would interview people who had real stories to tell, and she would talk to them and make them laugh.

  • I can't imagine how that feels to lose a limb and then feel like you can still feel the pain of that limb without having the benefit of using that limb from my job is to make a left.

  • So you know, I would never let them see me cry.

  • I just I hope the show is good and I just hope it makes him laugh.

  • That's all I can do, and that's exactly what I want to do with my channel.

  • And that's what I feel like I've been trying to do.

  • And I know she gets a lot of shit, especially right now with the whole trump thing, and I'm not political at all like I don't give a fuck about any of politics, even though I should.

  • But I do know what it's like to feel like so many people hate you.

  • I've been through so many controversies and things where I wake up, and I feel like the whole world is against me.

  • Another day, Another new report of a YouTuber who you blissfully didn't know existed prior to watching this video.

  • This time it's Shane Dawson who and it's hard.

  • But it's also why I relate to her, because when she goes through things like that.

  • She bounces back and she keeps on making people laugh and doesn't want to get her down.

  • So today I'm going to pick up my mom and she has no idea what's going on.

  • And we are going to go to Kathy Griffin's house and surprise my mom with a day when I say I have been thinking about this forever.

  • I am not exaggerating.

  • I remember sitting with my mom after we all got fired from our jobs.

  • Well, I got fired from my job because I made a video at work.

  • So they came into my work today, fired me.

  • Then they went to my mom's work and they fired her.

  • Then they went to my brother's work and they fired him.

  • So way were crying.

  • And we turned on a Kathy Griffin special to make us happy again.

  • And I turned to my mom, and I said one day way are going to see Kathy Griffin in person and tell her, thank you, and we're just gonna talk shit and laugh with her and it's fucking happening.

  • And I believe it.

  • And it's so crazy.

  • I know it, doesn't I?

  • So here we go.

  • I have no idea how we're going to get my mom to her house without her knowing there's a lot to figure out.

  • But let's do it together.

  • Who's that?

  • Who is that?

  • I Okay, all my clothes were dirty, so I just got new ones also.

  • Look, this is a mosquito.

  • It's a mosquito's for 800 times magnification in the cool cares.

  • That's beautiful.

  • Hi.

  • Way doing today?

  • Okay, Andrew, Anything?

  • It's been really know little pieces.

  • I'll never do this.

  • Okay?

  • So you know how we like to surprise my mom?

  • Yeah.

  • And you know how we haven't killed her yet?

  • Wait.

  • My God, that's a title way.

  • Kathy Griffin, as you guys know, is not only one of my comedic euros, but my mom's, like, actual literal hero slash twins.

  • So I contacted the Griffin.

  • Actually, she contacted me.

  • We were jamming on Twitter on She wants to meet my mom, surprised her, and not only that wants us to come to her mansion.

  • I put pictures up.

  • She was next ticket in contact.

  • She lives next to her house is like 10.666 point $5 million.

  • Are you serious?

  • Yeah.

  • I've never been in a house that much.

  • Good thing I wore my Guccis.

  • I really think I don't know how to do this.

  • I don't know how to make my mom not know what's happening.

  • I told my mom we're gonna take a pampering day.

  • She was like, We're not getting a solid.

  • It'll make me throw up.

  • I don't know what that thing is like, We're gonna meet like I think you're going.

  • Yeah, that's kind of crazy.

  • Why?

  • It's just hitting me.

  • I told me to wait.

  • Now you're making me nervous to be in ER visits.

  • Get the Griffin.

  • I am so ready for a mansion tour.

  • Oh, look up movie she's been in.

  • She's been in the funny ones like Casper.

  • Two or three things is for my mom.

  • Okay, let's go to the couch.

  • Is we need to figure this out?

  • No, she's pretty.

  • How are we gonna trick my mom into thinking that we're not going?

  • She was in Shrek forever three D.

  • What's he gonna do?

  • Flute those ogres a lullaby way?

  • Tell my mom Oh, we're going to this rich neighborhood because we bought a house.

  • Oh, here's what you do.

  • You say like we're taking you to a really nice like facility way.

  • Say, like, we're going to a really crazy, like, high concept, like spa thing to where it is literally the most premier thing in the whole world.

  • Like it's in a mansion like, kind of like lay into a little bit.

  • So we don't love it.

  • We also need to figure out what we're gonna do, because when we get to the gate, their security, we're going to be like, Oh, we're here.

  • Does he got the Griffin?

  • Give me the car.

  • All clap my hands over your ears.

  • We could make her get out of the car.

  • Yeah, she walked behind it.

  • Also, Kathy Griffin shaved her head, so I don't know how recognizable she is right now, And my mom might think it's just a person about to give a weight related.

  • That's offensive.

  • She shaved her head cancer.

  • Her sister, Kathy, buzzed off her locks in solidarity with her sister Joyce, who's battling cancer way Sister died of cancer, so she shaved her head.

  • And why did you shave your head?