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  • God.

  • It's caresses, Miss, uh, giving myself a headache.

  • Okay, here's the thing, guys.

  • I love Christmas.

  • Okay, Christmas.

  • You could be kind of a Grinch Sometimes.

  • You don't even know about Christmas traditions.

  • I know about baby Jesus.

  • I know he did magic.

  • Here's the thing.

  • I love Christmas.

  • I love the idea of it.

  • I love Christmas movies and music, but actual Christmas I don't really care about I don't really celebrate it.

  • And I don't really have any joy in my heart.

  • But now that I have a child that I hired, I thought I should throw him the best fucking Christmas ever with my boys.

  • So I'm gonna need you guys to help, because I don't understand anything about Christmas.

  • First of all, we have Uncle Drew here.

  • Who's gonna meet his nephew for the first time?

  • Hi.

  • Hi, big guy.

  • So, with your staff, I think you grew a mustache for the video.

  • It looks really good.

  • I thought I was gonna come in and everyone was gonna bust off their chairs laughing.

  • Uncle Drew's gonna meet.

  • Oh, it's Alex's know Christopher.

  • Christopher.

  • I love him.

  • Daddy.

  • Ryland, You love Christmas.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I grew up loving Christmas.

  • I decorated this whole house.

  • Garet, you're gay.

  • I feel like you love Christmas.

  • I'm a true Christmas boy.

  • Most people know that about me.

  • I have some Christmas activities that looks like what my mom uses to talk to God.

  • Do you want a little teaser?

  • Okay.

  • I mean, I'm on Christmas with my son.

  • What are we doing today?

  • Things we might be doing is going to the mall to visit Santa, cause the kids love.

  • That's an American tradition.

  • No, for so many reasons.

  • Going to just sit on Uncle Drew's lap with that way.

  • Just do it here.

  • We're going to the movies tonight.

  • Starbucks has a gingerbread house.

  • I figured we'd stop making everything a brand deal.

  • Wait to go Caroling who?

  • Wait.

  • I like that because we could, like, surprise my mom and Carol at her house.

  • Oh, we're gonna have a wonderful Christmas evening altogether.

  • And maybe you can end with us giving each other some gifts under the tree.

  • I don't know.

  • Christmas is not about What's it about?

  • Okay, My son's on his way.

  • I'm really, really excited.

  • His mom said he's gonna come on Christmas, eat up I don't know what that means.

  • I hope he looks like an elf.

  • But no, I wanna stay and very nervous because I feel like there's a lot of pressure.

  • I need to make sure he has a good Christmas.

  • This is our first Christmas together, and I just want Alex to know I love him.

  • Christopher, I'll figure out his name by New Year's.

  • She's here.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Get ready.

  • Here.

  • His name is seriously, What does he know about my mustache?

  • Is you're gonna be, like, scared completely by accident.

  • Retweets.

  • Do you wanna wait?

  • I'm gonna put something up to the O only alcohol.

  • Yes.

  • I love you.

  • You from your fake Someone come in.

  • My brief.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • First of all, she's very slow.

  • So me with him this'll I love my son.

  • Buys cheddar.

  • Popcorn stops moving.

  • I'm eating the whole thing.

  • First we have to introduce you to your uncle.

  • So, Uncle Drew, this is a Christopher, and he's my son.

  • You do figure out Q very soft.

  • Oh, very.

  • You know, your Christmas gear.

  • I love my son has no rhythm, just like his daddy.

  • Okay.

  • I love that.

  • My son is in denial.

  • Just like his daddy.

  • All right, let's sit down.

  • So we got us alcohol drinking that later or now.

  • That was like a fake Christmas movie last.

  • It's food.

  • You know, your daddy so well for something like this.

  • To shame from your YouTube son.

  • Because you're bad.

  • You know what?

  • Wear these basalt ballerina song.

  • What made you think of me?

  • Okay, put him on your the game, Dad.

  • All right, Kristen, time for my I didn't buy you anything because that's what I'm gonna do today Way are wanted for you.

  • The best Christmas.

  • We're gonna take you to the mall.

  • We're gonna meet Santa.

  • We're gonna buy you things I'm gonna feed.

  • You were gonna Karol.

  • Taking some for the journey is that when we see Santa today, can you act Santa Thio get my videos monetized again?

  • Thank you.

  • He literally brought the same outfit is me for a picture with Santa?

  • Wait, Chrissy, Baby, I'm gonna explain something to you.

  • So your old mommy is coming over right now to show us her baby.

  • But it's not really It's just for you to use.

  • I was with Mommy before I was with Daddy since I know you.

  • Let's do it.

  • Christmas is about family.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I'm so triggered.

  • That looks so really.

  • This is what our lives could have been high.

  • This is our son.

  • Will your step, mommy?

  • Because I love you.

  • Daddy is refusing yet more modern family hug.

  • Welcome to the modern family.

  • You can't really Do you want to put you together?

  • Sure.

  • Be fun.

  • Ready?

  • No.

  • Careful, buddy.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • 123 E i e like this is going to be Oh, that's I mean, that's what is your new life, dear?

  • Have a new life is while the exact opposite That craziness Super gayness.

  • Awesomeness!

  • I think I love you.

  • Okay, son.

  • Uber's here.

  • We're gonna go see Santa got this fall.

  • You're right.

  • Do you have any, like, fun Christmas traditions that you did in your old family?

  • That you want to incorporate your new family?

  • I was the 1st 1 to open the presents.

  • What was that?

  • A mouth pop?

  • Have you been learning mouth up?

  • Okay, That wasn't I love bonding with games.

  • We're not family time.

  • Double cross street, family music way.

  • All those kids in their plane wait a minute.

  • And that's a workout you're eating.

  • Yeah, that's why I'm a trainer.

  • A mouth trainer was put in together Christmas.

  • I love running my Children's health.

  • Look, it's our uncle.

  • You like fish?

  • That's not Christmas fish mus.

  • Okay, so we're gonna do Santa first.

  • I made an appointment online because I'm a good dad.

  • You contact Santa online that Santa's Twitter and Facebook.

  • He's really Garrett.

  • Wait.

  • See if they have Daddy's book.

  • If they don't have daddy's book, you know what you're gonna do?

  • We're going to go to a different store, something I love the way your brain works.

  • But no, I was gonna say we're gonna talk to them and say, You better get daddy's on.

  • You're gonna do it.

  • You know, this is not daddy, and that's all that matters.

  • The nice lady that's selling book.

  • Shane Dawson just had a question way, Children section.

  • You should get it.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I didn't know you were just gonna get our teeth.

  • This book and we're gonna go.

  • Do you have thought of the oppressed?

  • Oh, wait to see your grandma tonight.

  • And your grandma loves Jesus more than she loves me.

  • So let's pick out a Jesus book for Grandma.

  • You heard that one or that way Might need a new Bible, cause for tears have ruined my God.

  • That's me actually mean Five years.

  • You brought the popcorn.

  • Share it with you already have candy today.

  • But have it again.

  • Sam.

  • Which one should we get?

  • Uncle Drew?

  • Do you want to come help us?

  • Yes.

  • What are you thinking?

  • I have no Great.

  • We're getting this one.

  • We're just gonna take me.

  • Oh, really?

  • I didn't know.

  • Is this policy just for kids?

  • I mean, I wouldn't be object.

  • Changes everything.

  • Who is she?

  • Okay.

  • Were bold body rolling now?

  • You think so?

  • Daddy is on the dot But do you think Daddy should splurge and Daddy deserves it?

  • Okay.

  • Good job.

  • Oh, that's good, guys.

  • What's happening?

  • Tony said he liked my outfit and he gave me a free cinnamon baby.

  • Okay.

  • I mean, I'm kind of mad because, like, already set you up with Alex and I don't know where that's going.

  • Way finding another person complicated.

  • Stay with you.

  • Just set me free.

  • I'll go with the guy who gives me free candy, which I think is Tony at the booth?

  • There was good chemistry.

  • Really?

  • Gonna check this out.

  • So he's already Wait.

  • No, don't do that.

  • What are you doing?

  • Another Tony.

  • What's this?

  • Cool?

  • How heavy.

  • I could lived it.

  • I'm strong.

  • Thanks, Tony.

  • Wait.

  • Uncle Garrett's trying to get another exactly Inside.

  • I could get Tony's number.

  • I could get us some.

  • I could get out of here.

  • That's nothing.

  • I can prove it.

  • That's easy.

  • It's like T shirts.

  • You liked it?

  • Oh, my God, He's perfect for you.

  • Make it happen.

  • I'm so scared.

  • But I like doing this with no.

  • Why is he doing well?

  • I I asked.

  • I don't even know if you're gay and he said, Yeah, I am.

  • But I just don't give my number out.

  • Let's go to the next Christmas thing Tree spinning around my anxieties.

  • There you go there and tell them to buy.

  • I don't want I hope I have never dealt with like dad homophobia like I want somebody to walk by me.

  • You shouldn't have that, Gary.

  • He's gonna say, I'm gonna hear a lot of world.

  • I'm not nervous.

  • I don't think I've ever sat on Santa's lap.

  • I was always too big.

  • He was afraid.

  • You're scared.

  • What if he's like, mean to me?

  • What?

  • It was like?

  • You and I like you.

  • She has the homophobe person you were talking about.

  • Santa's like his dad's off my life.

  • That's like, That's, like all over for Christmas.

  • Is America great again?

  • Video games?

  • And what else did you want to ask him for?

  • A camera?

  • No, I want Daddy's videos monetized to You're gonna do that?

  • You're gonna make the monetization happen.

  • You are.

  • Make the monetization happens.

  • You sound like YouTube.

  • That sounds like sit down.

  • What?

  • Lunch?

  • Never missed it once.

  • I was old school.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I was so nervous.

  • I was literally so nervous.

  • Look how much sweating you touched it.

  • That you really love him, don't you?

  • Chain kid got stuff way I'm getting followers on instagram.

  • We're gonna take my car, get him something expensive that shows that we know we know what he wants.

  • What?

  • And on every card numbers memories going perfect.

  • He wants a camera like blocking.

  • Are you serious?

  • What else did you want to ask for?

  • Can I don't know where you find that.

  • Here, though No.

  • Here's what we do.

  • We're all hungry, right?

  • Yes, Always.

  • So.

  • We're gonna go get food, right?

  • While we're getting food, Somebody's gonna go sneak into Best get him so he doesn't know what happened.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • Tonight unwrapping presents crying.

  • That's amazing.

  • I love best.

  • Same.

  • I need you guys to go find a camera.

  • Do you know where best go?

  • I was thinking we should surprise my mom like Christmas carols presents.

  • So Christmas, obviously presence.


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