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  • 32 on his big chunk today, bro.

  • Big chug it.

  • Verses?

  • Yeah, that's obnoxiously big.

  • I'm, like, three times your size.

  • Yeah, that's ridiculous.

  • You hit box has to be bigger.

  • It's little Bain like it is.

  • I don't always want to keep a lady.

  • Yeah, all right, huh?

  • That Yeah, they laid it.

  • You have another one, or you just want to be I love you down the wood room.

  • Jump down.

  • I got him.

  • That's five shots with attack.

  • It's a pleasant rush.

  • It texting.

  • I would have each other.

  • I don't know how he doesn't have more viewers onto it.

  • The bomb?

  • Yeah, man, he's so good.

  • Yeah, it's, you know, So it's not about that.

  • Yeah.

  • I honestly think you you drive a lot more mixer.

  • At least a few more 100.

  • We hit him up him up.

  • We got time to get a dozen.

  • We do?

  • Yeah, for sure.

  • You having a delayed today?

  • No, no, no.

  • You're good.

  • Just first Sunday, you know, Malka, what's up?

  • Thank you.

  • Keep you.

  • Thank you.

  • Yeah.

  • 19 looking good on you.

  • Never looked better, man.

  • Look better on someone.

  • Thank you.

  • All the llama She waited way too far.

  • You know, I actually got to battle Beth.

  • And 433 or 432 I didn't remember.

  • This goes out to your chat, Malik.

  • I shat someone or someones got red eyes, by the way, just now my chat and everyone and all you guys, what is your least favorite thing that happens to you and you're sick for me?

  • It's when I start a lot more aired.

  • What?

  • I'm sick, So Oh, my God.

  • I hate that.

  • So I'm always just like so much gas.

  • You're burping.

  • It's, you know.

  • No, I don't like I'm not live yet.

  • Know the worst thing is like a small agent.

  • Cool.

  • Yeah.

  • So we got to get those Ruby Rose.

  • I don't like your whole body exhumed Body X right now.

  • I can handle the pain up to ever lifted away.

  • Yeah, in your life, You know, junk mail.

  • Uh, I went to the gym like, after months, and I thought I broke my left arm.

  • You broke your arm.

  • Did you do that?

  • I guess more muscles break his arms.

  • No, no, I couldn't move it like four days.

  • I thought I broke a lifting weights That's why I never went back again.

  • Uh, I guess it's not for everybody.

  • You're straight.

  • You're making kids.

  • Did I was testing if I could hit him through the Soccernet.

  • And I did fatty blow noses.

  • I get to you, I feel you.

  • I just I'm not I'm gonna keep it real with you.

  • I usually just Well, it's not rocket.

  • I just snort everything.

  • It's not rocking.

  • The shower is the greatest.

  • Yeah, it is.

  • For me, it's just got to be there.

  • It's gotta be the sore throat.

  • Every time you swallow, it hurts.

  • And then, yeah, bad on top of, like, swallowing air, ripping all the time.

  • Team, team, team A child.

  • Yeah, that was saying they didn't.

  • They employs a Purple Heart rocket.

  • Right?

  • I'm gonna keep my sniper actually strip.

  • I was at my a p 90 actually.

  • Screw that.

  • Peanut is the greatest purple fast, and I'm ready to upgrade.

  • This is well again.

  • I see the other duo, they just got out there, about to hold us.

  • Nice, Mr.

  • I just shot one of these kids about another boat and risky.

  • I just got out with these.

  • Yeah, I did.

  • We gotta go.

  • Max is he's, like, pushing on it's laser.

  • Maybe you just ate too proper things.

  • Good for him.

  • The guys in risk an island or white when you're right.

  • Self less.

  • Just came on shore looking at you.

  • I guess I'm the face of a second then.

  • Oh, my blame you for that.

  • Nice.

  • I got snake.

  • This kid's 50 hp three white.

  • What?

  • He's built good.

  • Full teams of my Northeast.

  • 144.

  • Another guy.

  • Find us.

  • I don't know what happened in computing.

  • We're gonna help the Southeast and behind this is bad.

  • We gotta go.

  • You're literally mid fight.

  • You're getting pushed, Your shooting.

  • You know, it said that boat.

  • Where's it going?

  • I have three floppers.

  • I'm gonna kill these kids.

  • Money, Lou Kid holding deep on a break.

  • Ground knockers can knock this kid right here on my mark.

  • Headshot.

  • I don't have any healing, so I'm just this guy's clothes.

  • He pushed up close.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • 50.

  • No shield.

  • He dropped one for white.

  • All that nice.

  • Muted.

  • Yeah, I was calling out the whole time.

  • All dead.

  • I'm running.

  • Yeah, Run That kid dropping in the water right here.

  • I have four coppers should be good.

  • I'm a stoke dish.

  • Casual to 42 meters night cash.

  • Customs.

  • Wait.

  • I just like to Oh, my God, man.

  • You good?

  • You good?

  • I think I see him.

  • Not here, huh?

  • Yes, sir.

  • Right there.

  • You know why I'm driver Jarvis?

  • 20 speed.

  • He got out.

  • Not them.

  • The driver's late.

  • I'm just hitting all boat.

  • Thank you.

  • Oh, my God.

  • For blue, actually in trouble.

  • 36 blue.

  • Why are you doing this to yourself?

  • Yeah, they did some of the water when I pop kloppers slippers right here on my danger.

  • Mark.

  • Okay.

  • Were you like you, like, get stocking, you freeze, You get stuck in the water.

  • I know what you mean.

  • Like right in the middle of a building.

  • That's that's been like that.

  • I think it's when you're I think when you hit the ground like hit the ground.

  • But you do because it happens a lot when you're in shallow water, Maybe.

  • Yeah, camera angles.

  • I know there are a lot We're going in hot cranking blue.

  • Oh, my God doesn't shoot like I got three limbs and meet me a different guy.

  • Wait.

32 on his big chunk today, bro.

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