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  • creating these classes requires equipment and service.

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  • If you appreciate this education, please think about going to Eli the computer guy dot com and offering a one time or monthly recurring donation.

  • Welcome back.

  • As you know, I am Eli, the computer guy in today's video, I'm going to be telling you what the best programming language for you tow learn is.

  • That's right.

  • You want to get into the tech field, you wanna become a Cody and professional in today's video, we're going to talk about what the best programming language is for you to learn now, in order to figure out what the best language for you to learn is.

  • I suppose the first place we should start is with Google.

  • So why don't we just go over to Google and actually do a basic search to see what the best programming language currently is?

  • So here we are at my computer, I have gone to Google, and I have plugged in the best program in a language.

  • We come down here, we can see that there are a whole bunch of different belong posts and articles telling us what the best program in languages are for us.

  • So it should be relatively easy to figure out what it is we should learn.

  • So we go over, we think it look at one of these, right?

  • So this is from the I triple E the computer society.

  • If we scrolled out, we can see what their options are.

  • It's a number one is Python number two is Scotland.

  • If we keep going down, number three is Java number four is Jonah script and no Js.

  • Number five is typescript.

  • Number six is go and someone and so forth.

  • You go down that you see swift.

  • But then we go over and take a look at the 90 best program languages from full stack academy.

  • And let's see what they have to say.

  • We scroll down, we can see number one position.

  • They have a job.

  • A script?

  • Wait a minute.

  • Wait.

  • Over here.

  • IEEE IEEE number one they said was Python.

  • Oh, what's going on here for?

  • Scroll down.

  • We take a look.

  • Number two is swift.

  • Now is that was much further down.

  • Unless from Tripoli, We keep going down Scala.

  • No, that wasn't even over here.

  • And I triple E C and C plus plus pythons down in number five.

  • Got Ph.

  • B.

  • We got Ruby.

  • Oh, this is this is starting a low confusing.

  • Okay, well, let's go over here.

  • So this is the 10 best programming languages.

  • So we go here.

  • This is Guru 99.

  • He's a guru s O Python is number one.

  • Here we go down.

  • Number two is Java, and we can start to see whether there are some similarities.

  • But then we got our what the hells are these people?

  • Never talk about our hell's all right.

  • Our is the number of number three position.

  • We keep scrolling down here.

  • We got C Java script.

  • We see Swift.

  • Okay, so we're starting to see some of the old familiar ones.

  • But then we see these random ones pop in like r and all this as we can see as we can see, different people have Ah, different coat.

  • What coding Languages in the number one position somewhere.

  • Python.

  • You know, somebody else was saying was a Java script over here.

  • That could be a little confusing.

  • So maybe maybe this is the wrong question.

  • Davis rock again when we use something like Google.

  • If you type into the wrong question, then by default, any answer you're going to get is probably the wrong answer for what you're looking for.

  • So what if we go to Google?

  • We type in most jobs for coding languages, right?

  • Maybe that'll be That'll be a little bit easier for us, right?

  • We're trying to get jobs here, so I clicked on a couple of options and we look at the most jobs.

  • 10 most in demand programming.

  • Probably scroll down here.

  • Oh, easy, python.

  • Okay.

  • Java JavaScript.

  • C c++ Ruby, Go, Kat, let again PHP Objective C and Swift Woo.

  • I wasn't sure what our waas, but here but here it shows us.

  • The top 10 are is nowhere there, So Okay, maybe I should pick one of these.

  • We go over and we take a look at coding dough, Joe for Cody boot camp and see Java python Java script C plus plus C sharp PHP.

  • And then we got Pearl.

  • Wait a minute.

  • What the hell's pearl?

  • +000 You thought you thought it was gonna be an easy video.

  • You got.

  • You thought this was gonna be an easy video from Eli, the computer guy Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • If you're expecting to come to you like a computer guy and get a simple answer, well, let's just say you're you're probably not going to be satisfied by this video.

  • So I take it a moment just to go over and take a quick look at Google.

  • I think that gives you an example of why it is so difficult to figure out what the best programming languages is to learn gets from so many people.

  • People email me and contact me, and they say, Eli, I don't want to get into the complicated stuff.

  • Don't don't teach me too much.

  • Don't ask me too many questions.

  • Don't don't poke me and prod me and try to figure out what problems I'm trying to solve.

  • No, Eli, just tell me the best programming language to learn.

  • Oh, then I get migraine, and for a while I've been saying very snarky comments, and it all goes downhill from there.

  • So the big thing that I want you to understand is genuinely when I say there are a ton of programming languages, I'm not saying there's a ton of programming languages, you know, when in the entire scheme of programming languages.

  • So if if you include Kobol and if you include Pascal.

  • And if you include basic eso buddy programming language, I'm not saying that.

  • I'm saying in actual use right this second, there's a crap ton of programming languages and apparently Pearl.

  • Apparently, they're saying, indeed, has 13,000 pearl jobs.

  • I was surprised, Color me surprised I was.

  • I was, in fact surprised by that one.

  • I didn't know Pearl was still that popular, and so that's That's one of the issues you get into us.

  • Also, a lot of folks to go out there and they say, What is the best programming language?

  • And then they expect an answer, and it's It's that whole problem of Well, it depends.

  • It really, really, really depends.

  • So the first thing it depends upon when you're you're thinking about going out there and learn your programming language is again What is your situation?

  • What problem are you trying to solve?

  • This is one of the biggest issues I have with newbies, especially folks that you know don't code.

  • Don't do anything is if you have absolutely no problems are solved and be very, very difficult to tell you what you should try to learn because you're not actually playing around with anything again, as I say with my little are we know projects, right?

  • So we're gonna be keep picking up the wrong one.

  • That's where is it?

  • That's it, right?

  • As I've been doing, these aren't we know projects, right?

  • So we'll be doing more of these.

  • We're going to do a video shortly.

  • And so there's a little Arduino, you know, And so this is what's called a microcontroller.

  • So you can attach sensors to a or you can have it trigger physical actions like turning on fans, turn on the pumps, that type of thing.

  • And so what I want to do is I want to create a whole little infrastructure using these Basically created an I o.

  • T.

  • Infrastructure.

  • So since I know what I want to do, I want to put temperature sensors.

  • I want put humidity sensors.

  • I wanna put moisture sensors.

  • I want to do that.

  • And I want those to be able to program it.

  • Clea trigger physical actions that happen.

  • Water pumps to turn on fans to turn on that type of thing.

  • I have an idea of what problem I want to solve on.

  • So it's pretty easy to learn languages again.

  • Uh, the artery.

  • No, I e.

  • Using what's called an Arduino i d.

  • In order to code for this basically uses a derivative of C.

  • Um, it's kind of one of those things that programming languages programming languages, and they grab parts of it.

  • Anyways, it's see ish, see guess, But it's it's hard.

  • We know there's a language for Arduino.

  • Then, when this connects to the network, it needs to send its information up to a server and in the server, basically what this could do.

  • Is it consent?

  • Post information you don't know.

  • I'm talking about whatever basically consent the values of variables using something called Post.

  • And then when it sends that to a server, you need a language.

  • You need a script up there to be able to take that post data, be able to read it and then be able to do something such as put into a database or whatever.

  • So with me, I need what's called a server side scripting language.

  • In order to do that, I already know PHP like pH be so I'll use PHP for that, then, in order to actually put the information to a database so PHP can take the Post data, but then it has to write it somewhere.

  • And so, in order to write it somewhere, I want to write it into a my sequel database table.

  • So in order to write into my secret database table, you need to use the language called sequel structure query language in order to do that.

  • So PHP will basically send a sequel statement to that database to to write the data.

  • Then, when information needs to be read out.

  • Basically, in reports or whatever trigger events that happen, PHP will be able to grab that.

  • Then what if I wanted to show up on a Web browser or something like that?

  • Then I know I need to know HTML and you do know CSS.

  • And if I want fancy little graphics or animations that happen, I need to know something called Java script.

  • Right.

  • So because I have an idea of the problem that I want to solve, it's very paint by numbers.

  • Okay, I need the code for this.

  • Here's a question.

  • What language?

  • I used to coach for this.

  • Oh, I use artery.

  • No, I d eat.

  • Okay, Now, I know that I need a bit of send post data, so Okay, figure out the post.

  • Okay, So I need a language to be able to grab that post that and do something with it, And then I can see what languages are able to do that.

  • And then I can figure out what language I prefer.

  • That is, I OK.

  • I grabbed that data.

  • Now we need to put it somewhere, and I put it into a file, and I put it into a database of my you know, doing whatever else.