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  • now to the race for the White House.

  • Three big wins last night for former vice president Joe Biden taking Florida, Illinois and Arizona.

  • Biden widened his lead over Senator Bernie Sanders, who says he is not suspend suspending his campaign but is having conversations with supporters in the days ahead.

  • NBC's political director, Rick Klein, joins us now with more Rick.

  • So what?

  • Sanders strategy.

  • Moving forward.

  • Lindsay.

  • The race is effectively over Joe Biden, very likely to be the nominee, and the Sanders camp knows that the math is stubborn.

  • The question is how soon he decides to do something about that.

  • There are conversations we understand they're gonna be going on between his camp and Biden's camp at some point to try to negotiate what can be done from here.

  • We also know that spending a lot of time working on the response to the Corona virus.

  • He's going to be in the Senate himself these next couple of days, working sometimes with his former rival, perhaps Senator Elizabeth Warren, to try to craft this government response.

  • But realistically speaking, he has no shot at becoming the nominee, and he can't even really campaign.

  • All campaigning remains suspended on.

  • There may not even be any voting of any substance for at least six weeks.

  • So right now the campaign is a bit in limbo.

  • But Joe Biden emerging stronger Bernie Sanders without a path.

  • And just moments ago, we learned about the first congressman to test positive for Cove in 19.

  • Tell us more about that.

  • Yeah, this is a big headline.

  • Enough.

  • Congressman Mario Diaz Balart.

  • Ah, veteran lawmaker, Republican from South Florida.

  • Ah, part of the story.

  • Diaz Balart, Family in Florida, Cuban American politics.

  • He tested positive.

  • Hey, has said that he was self quarantining since Saturday, when he started to feel ill.

  • Came back with that positive test today.

  • But here's the thing, Lindsay.

  • He was voting in the House of Representatives overnight Friday into the early wee hours of Saturday morning.

  • They were more than 400 members of Congress on the House floor, plus assorted staff.

  • This is going to send a chill through the halls of Capitol Hill, where they're continuing to work on legislation even as they deal with the potential exposure that information like this means.

  • Alright, Right.

  • Klein, Thank you so much for that.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking on ABC News YouTube channel.

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  • Thanks for watching.

now to the race for the White House.

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