Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles care. John. Wait. What? Yeah, yeah, I click it, but we can't. Yeah, yeah. Watching. Can I have? Yeah. Um, Danny, welcome back. Does that go? If you were here yesterday, you're here? Yes. What's up? I thought this spaghetti brood window. I'll see you, Tank those. Hey, that we have radar screen. Extreme since yesterday. Okay. Ever click the mouse so hard. Just a drifter and it's a drifter. Edits gave You won't play for tonight. You can you want? Dad? Can I have the screen again? No. Yeah. Hitting this probably. And then make it small. You use the scroll thing at the bottom left. That's the bottom left. I just think that very right. Where is it? Maybe do screens off more. There may be a way to know for sure. I have the street quality's better. You came for it. We'll bring that over more. Bring the wife thing from that screen up you two. But then we can't search just camera camera. Oh, it's down there. But then we can't watch what he's doing. Doesn't matter. Sound sound is splitting. Well, you make some songs again? No, Probably not. Okay, You playing X box one you forgot we won't forget about you. Yeah, the sound is glitchy. Bad audio is messed up. That Dad, I'm busy. I can't appear. People are saying that sounds That sounds messed up. All right. Desktop audio's meeting. That's why I need I needed to be muted. Scroll down. Do you see where it says? Turn that turn. The razor rips all down. This a little bit. Razor rips. All okay, is better. Hello? Is it better? It's a sound. Better sounds. Butchie says it may be. Maybe drop frames. It looks like we're dropping some frames. I don't know why I could be a lot of it. What is that sound is a sound fine or no? I figured out it's better. Okay, Sandra Dunmore. It's a lot better. Okay. Should I turn? Does it sound fine or No? It's the game audio. Not much. I'll take a look at We shall take a will. Get it? How are your sisters? So as I anymore, we can't hear anything Says you gotta be able to hear something, bro. The game on years on the game, only I turn the game on you. Uh, desktop audio Flex cam Yeti microphone game. All you do is raise a reversal on that should be get a life. Well, I'm not bad. I'm actually really good. I'm doing pretty good. One she stopped. So that just goes to show what? You know, go. Well, this is a no. I just got busted A body. It was not from the Yeah, Mike is not hooked up. So let me see this. I don't know if everybody's telling truth. Don't be lying. Desktop Audio's muted flex cam. We could turn that down. That probably rips all anyone to know how you are my guy. Okay, Right now he's okay. Faye's dropping a lot of frames, so no, You know what? I figured out. I was having problems yesterday. You two decide. That's good. What you did. Yes. Maybe for three hours. Oh, my God. All right. I don't know what you think. What you should do is you gotta pull it up when you're I try. I can't Globally. You were given a minute. We'll give it a minute to catch up. Y'all. It was having problems yesterday too. The party starts with you. You see? Only be better that way. No more. Keep me honest. I can hear you. But thinking is terribly good, G. I don't mind having yeah strings like we got 15.9% drop rates. That means watch your clothes on your back. Good one. No. Is that you're want? You said I want you back. But give Linda fucking time. Everybody. Attention, Linda Bucket is now being sent time. Now. Let's take a you know, a man he likes getting. You were dropping a lot of frames. Yellow bar. What is dropping frames? Means it just means that we're not uploading in processing or video as fast. What? Wait, so I don't know. You wait. I can't figure out it's going cream area over, but no, just refresh the top just because you're here. What did you use your own time? I didn't even read. And when spaghetti I did like yours. I thought goes was fun. Is this what's the stream quality like in there? That No, I mean, what's the show? Corey? What? I think you know, here. I have already over there for a while. Doing that again. Out. Dude, doing that, I have to give us some more time looking at the stream settings tomorrow for us to try to make. It doesn't drop. Please don't let this be a dream. I mean, pretty boring. Played all day. You're welcome, David. What are you doing? It like that? Why would you? Oh, my God. Give me that. Give it. Give it. Give it. You're going to keep working your way. Oh, my God, man. Yeah, they know, like a stream boom shot my teammate to get Oh, my gosh. No. Okay. No. Yeah. What year was wrong? My thought he was fine. Game.