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  • - Here we go baby, Vanderbilt game.

  • This should be a W.

  • Here we go defense,

  • nice way to start it off. (clapping)

  • Can't believe Luke Del Rio is starting.

  • We might lose.

  • Glad to see our offense still sucks.

  • How was that four points of pressure?

  • I only see two.

  • Put Toney at quarterback!

  • Decision making is why Luke Del Rio is starting?

  • That's his best trait?

  • Really. We're going for it

  • on fourth down?

  • Let's go! (clapping)

  • Perine!

  • First down! Del Rio!

  • Way to avoid the sack!

  • (clapping) Nice throw to Goolsby!

  • Another first down?

  • This is a first.

  • We got Cece Jefferson at tight end?

  • Push the pile!

  • Touchdown! Let's go! (clapping)

  • This is gonna be easy. They're Vanderbilt.

  • Vanderbilt's like one step above Kentucky,

  • and we don't lose to Kentucky.

  • We're gonna let them march right down the field defense?

  • Defense! What are you doing?

  • If we lose to Vandy,

  • I'm not watchin' anymore football.

  • It's so simple, just give the ball to Toney!

  • Michael Wayne has the same record as Steve Spurrier?

  • Don't do that. Don't make that comparison.

  • It's disrespectful.

  • Del Rio! Okay! A little escapability!

  • Wow. Receiver drops it.

  • Woulda been a holdin' anyways.

  • Let's go defense. (clapping)

  • How was that not a block in the back?

  • Three and out. I'll take it.

  • Why did Vanderbilt just grab the punt like that?

  • It was gonna roll for like 15 more yards.

  • Every time Toney touches the ball

  • he gets at least six yards.

  • What are they not seeing?

  • Just give him the ball every play.

  • Look at the quarterbacks since Tebow,

  • it's not even funny anymore,

  • it's just sad.

  • Oh my gosh, if Toney woulda broken that he woulda scored!

  • Run that! Oh cut back!

  • Touchdown!

  • (clapping)

  • Let's go! (clapping)

  • Defense, if you could not let 'em score as easily

  • that would be ideal.

  • You're really gonna give up that many yards on third down?

  • On a screen?

  • How are they catchin' these throws?

  • How are they catchin' these throws?

  • How is he threading the needle like this?

  • If we lose to Vandy,

  • bro, never thought our defense was gonna be our weakness.

  • Del Rio took a hard hit on that.

  • Ohhh what a hit on the punt!

  • Woohoo!

  • That was a fumble! Fumble!

  • We needed that.

  • Oh sack him! Sack him!

  • Oh that's sack, sack, yep.

  • Face mask?

  • Illegal participation?

  • Where's the face mask?

  • No face mask?

  • How do they keep catchin' these passes on third down?

  • He pushed off!

  • That's a hold. Bring that back.

  • Good stop defense, good stop, take a time-out.

  • What are we doin'?

  • Take a time-out.

  • Are they going for it on fourth down?

  • Illegal participation.

  • Make their field goal easier.

  • After a time-out, too.

  • Five yards didn't really matter,

  • he woulda made that anyways.

  • That's his shoulder.

  • It looks like a shoulder for Del Rio.

  • That sucks.

  • Feleipe, next man up.

  • Now we wanna take a time-out.

  • Wow.

  • Oh my gosh! What a throw to Cleveland!

  • The Feleipe-Cleveland Connection.

  • It is something serious.

  • Oh my gosh, that was almost intercepted!

  • And our receiver almost caught it.

  • Be smart Feleipe.

  • Oh that's a touchdown!

  • But it was outta bounds.

  • Oh he's open, oh, don't fall down! No!

  • Is time gonna run out?

  • Oh, we don't have a time-out?

  • Oh we have a time-out?

  • Do we fake the field goal?

  • With the way our defense has been playin'

  • I'll take 17-17.

  • Here we go offense,

  • outta halftime, let's see what you got.

  • Did Toney just throw the ball?

  • Three and out though.

  • Is Feleipe injured now?

  • Great punt Johnny. (clapping)

  • What is on Vandy's quarterback's helmet?

  • Oh, that's his mouthpiece.

  • Nice sack Polite! (clapping)

  • Pick the ball up, that's a fumble!

  • Hmm, maybe it wasn't a fumble.

  • That's too close.

  • They don't have enough to overturn that.

  • Throw the ball Feleipe.

  • Okay, reset, reset, reset.

  • Throw the ball! All that for a one-yard run.

  • He's wide open!

  • Go Malik Davis go!

  • Touchdown! Oh no, oh no, he was out.

  • Malik Davis from the one. (clap)

  • They can not stop the jumbo package.

  • Their running back just ran over someone.

  • Who was that?

  • Chauncey?

  • Tell no one. Are we about to go

  • three and out again?

  • Oh, Cleveland let's go! (clapping)

  • First down! Third down and one.

  • Did we false start?

  • We false started again.

  • We almost got the first down anyways.

  • Just go for it. First down!

  • Oh! Oh my gosh!

  • Running sway! Off the tip!

  • Woo! Where was Feleipe throwing that?

  • What type of snap was that?

  • Pitch to Perine.

  • Touchdown! (clapping)

  • We get it, our running backs haven't scored

  • since a long time, okay.

  • You can stop saying it now.

  • Chauncey!

  • Intercept that.

  • Good stop defense, good hold.

  • Run the pile!

  • How you gonna fumble like that?

  • How you gettin' tackled

  • by Manti Te'o's girlfriend like that?

  • Lead the clock.

  • Face mask on Vandy!

  • Yep, we get a holding call.

  • Give the yards right back.

  • Are we trying for a field goal?

  • 55 yards?

  • Eddie, this is your moment.

  • Delay of game?

  • Good call on the punt.

  • Third and ten, defense let's go.

  • Yeah, he caught it, but it's fourth down.

  • That was triple coverage, how did he fit it in there?

  • Cece Jefferson! What a hit!

  • Woo!

  • Another long pass for a first down!

  • Can we give up another score?

  • Okay.

  • Knowing our offense this game isn't over.

  • Great onside kick recovery Dre Massey.

  • That's game. Why did you go

  • outta bounds, Perine?

  • Of course, we get a holding call.

  • Freddy swayin'?

  • Where's the hold?

  • I don't see a hold!

  • Fourth down and one.

  • Oh Malik Davis! First down!

  • Touchdown!

  • (clapping)

  • That's game. That's game, baby.

  • Forget that, score a touchdown.

  • Don't go down. I wanna see some points.

  • We have 471 yards of total offense?

  • Fourth down. Incomplete.

  • Now we get to take a knee anyways,

  • so please shut the heck up.

  • I'll take the W baby.

  • We needed a win like this.

  • Even though it was Vandy, I'll take it.

  • It's great to be a Florida Gator!

  • (upbeat music)

  • I'm a grown man.

- Here we go baby, Vanderbilt game.

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