Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles before this video stars today I announced that my show the contest is coming to cinemas all over the world. Screenings will be taken. Place your local cinemas on the second and third of November and tickets go live on Friday, the fourth of October. All the information you will find at the link in description below www dot dan TDM Cinemark dot com Enjoyed the video. Ladies and gentlemen, today is going to be an episode of epic proportion because today I don't know where on the re beating, whether that's right. And today we're gonna be doing it without even touching him. I'm doing the Weems way to kill the weather today. Last time we created this beautiful, weakened structure, I always almost fall off of this when I start me intros up here. But last time we create this structure and I've added this to the bombs, right? Kind of finished the farm part of it at the bottom. Apart from the hoppers, I still need to get some more iron for the hoppers bar. Have that suit very soon. However, it didn't seem to you working right now. I feel like this is still one block too high, so I just need to bring that down. It seems to work better at night for some reason. Not sure why that is, but I'm gonna test out at some point. But today, guys, we are taking these with the skulls. Oh, and my my turtles appear to have just, like, escaped. I don't know where four of these came from. And two of these, They're just chilling ones on the tracks. Ones beached himself. Oh, there's a wiser a cat in there. Is that a cat that I have hold the foreign? That might not be a cat. We have a black cat with a white. Tell a black cat you have a white tail. I need to know desperately. You do not have a white tail. Okay. I think we might actually need that. Cats. I'm gonna quickly grab when I don't have any fish. Fish? Yeah, There we go. Right. Let's go and get this cat. Even though it's born inside my turtle sanctuary, which isn't good because cats destroy turtles. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, calm down. I didn't mean to startle you when you come here, Please. You might be the next one. in my collection. Look at it. It's causing a ruckus. It kitty, Kitty, you can't escape. You're gonna have to come here. At some point. You literally cannot escape. I don't think we have this 11233 That's the magic number, right? You need to get out now. Get out. Come on. You can't be in here. Get out, Kitty. Okay. Sorry I shouted you. I know. I'm sorry. Come on. You make it. You make a life hard for yourself. Come over here. Can I bring in the house? You can be watcher of items if you really feel like it. There we go literally face in there. I like it. Let's check the advancements. A We just see one Maur all that's glorious, absolutely glorious. And I've bean distracted quite heavily. I want to see if the farm is working and I work into Well, they do sleep, which is what they're supposed to do but doesn't quite let them. I think that's the plan, but ah, bugger isn't really doing a great job. They're just not sporting. I think I just need to move that down one and hopefully it will work. I made slight improvements. I change that from a slab to a trapdoor because that was the advice that I was given. Anyway, I'm getting distracted. Let's sleep because we got a big day ahead of us. We're gonna need to collect our with a skull on. We're gonna take them to the nether of all places. That's right. The place I really despise with a single piece of obsidian. Do I have what I need? I think I do. Still gonna let the cap. Don't know why I've got that is supposed to be used on the zombies last time, So I'm gonna put this on here. There we go. Enjoy your cap. What else should I take with me? I feel like I should take some precautions. I'm gonna take three of these, get just in case it could go really wrong out there. And I don't want to find out too quickly. If it's going to go wrong, I I am gonna find out quickly. It is going to go wrong. Is going to slash me in the face. I'm going to die if this goes wrong. Really. One piece of obsidian four soul sands on one single compass direction. And hopefully we can defeat the weather without even touching it. So I'm afraid I'm gonna have to dismantle this yet again. Here we go. Good bye. Sorry about that. Let's take these with us and see if this is gonna work. I need a piece of obsidian. I feel like there's a good place to get obsidian over here. You got this? Buddy with me is a little bit faster. Well, I was gonna make a potion as well. I need to look up how to make a potion of fire resistance, just in case. Never warts magma cream on a water bottle. Pretty sure I got magma cream or could at least make it. I think that's gonna be advisable, because today we got into the roof of the nether, not the top roof. You can do that. I don't want to try that at one point so you could get, like, above the bedrock. But we don't need that. We need to be just below it. So we're gonna try to hit the ceiling of the nether. My cunning plan should work, and it should take just a matter of seconds to defeat the weather and get. It's never start already excited to do this. I just hope it works. I'm sure that was love around here somewhere. There it is. What's good, buddy? Ways so satisfying. Oh, yeah, right. I just need one piece of this. I should probably be careful, just in case there's live or underneath. Then we could go to the nether and we need to prepare for going to the ceiling off its, which I've never done. I haven't done it in a creative. Why would you go there? This is literally the only reason. Right, buddy? Let's go. This could be the last time you ever see me. Should probably say goodbye to everyone, just in case this is risky. But if the risk pays off, it's going to be beautiful. Here we go. This could be it could have been our last journey together. No one knows what's gonna happen, but thank you for a glorious Gloria. Smooth ride. Slow horse. I'm sorry. I might never get to ride you again. You are But Samir Replacement. I'm sorry. We're gonna grab some food for the journey because I've now got a fully fledged carrot farm. And the guy has started producing wheat for no reason. Look, he's still doing it. I took away all your wheat and you're just regrowing it. This is not the purpose of the farm. I need him to run out of everything. Really. Police is producing some carrots. What else do I need? Oh, yeah, The fire resistance potion. The reason I want that Not because we're gonna deal with lava, hopefully, but just in case we do, because there could be pockets of lava hidden in nether blocks. So if I'm going all the way to the surface proof ceiling, you know what I mean? If I'm going all the way there, I could just run into random blocks of larva, which would be horrible. So we need to get this fire resistance potion just in case. I think one potion does three minutes, so three of them should be great. Looks like we already have a magma cream, too. I wonder which is the last cat we need to get 11. We've got the black one, which is the witch is one which I think is possibly the hardest to get. But maybe there's another one. I'm not too sure. Love that sounds really favorite sounds of Minecraft, right? Let's put the magma cream in there and they should make off fire resistance potion. And I think we can go. That's pretty much what we need. A couple of totems don't even need the lead. We need the obsidian souls, and I'm pretty sure that's it. I'm almost 100% sure we got some food for