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  • What the heck~

  • Hi guys!

  • I'm here with Rachel and someone new to introduce you to

  • Well actually lots of you probably know who he is

  • Because he's super famous and popular!


  • He hates it when I say that

  • I'm not popular!

  • This is Shine! He has a channel, check it out!

  • I'll link it down below

  • And today we're going to be eating some gross candy!

  • I've really been wanting to try this one

  • because it's kind of different

  • You guys probably know Neru Neru Neru Ne

  • I have two different kinds of those here

  • I'm sure you've seen these before

  • It's like this foam stuff that you dip in other stuff

  • I've never had it! It looks good

  • Really?? Ok, Rachel thinks it looks yummy

  • I like the rainbow colours

  • This looks good though

  • This is interesting

  • You make this mystery liquid stuff

  • and then you put a stick in it

  • and then you can pull gummy candy out of it and it hardens?

  • It looks like cotton candy

  • Yeah I dunno... I feel like if any of them have potential, this one does

  • All right, what one should we start with guys?

  • This one!

  • Ok, we're gonna start with the best one?

  • We should save the best one for last

  • Let's start with the neru neru neru ne

  • So it's got little ramune candies that you dip it in

  • So all you need to make this guys is some water!

  • And everything else it comes with apparently

  • Where'd you put the water?

  • It's right there

  • Maro!! Maro pass me the water!!

  • So prepare your water!

  • It's even got this cute little measuring cup

  • All right ummmm...

  • So take the #1 powder and put it in the big round circle

  • Okay

  • What's step 2

  • Put the other powder in there

  • #2? In to the middle of this one?

  • Okay, now we're gonna mix it

  • I think this one's like blue

  • Whoa bluuuue

  • Oh wait...

  • Oh wait?????

  • Guys GUYS we made a mistake

  • OH GOD

  • It says we have to put water in

  • Then put the #2 in...

  • Do you think it really matters??

  • I think it does...

  • All right guys, don't do what we did

  • Step 2 is actually...

  • You're the Japanese one! You should have read that properly

  • WHAT

  • You're making it my fault?!

  • I was about to get the water and you guys just put it in

  • Omg agh this is just a disaster

  • Okay where did the spoon go?

  • Look at it

  • It's green, it's supposed to be blue!

  • Ewwwww

  • Oooh look at it

  • You hear that sound?

  • Oh it looks so gross

  • Is it supposed to be like this?

  • It smells nice!

  • It's okay.

  • It's getting foamy!

  • Do I have to eat it?

  • Hey you're the one that said this looked yummy

  • I thought it was gonna be a solid

  • Oh you did!? No it's like a foamy slime

  • Do we have to eat it?

  • YEP.

  • All of it.

  • This is what we do for YouTube

  • Eeuuuuggghhhh

  • It's getting thicker and thicker

  • Let's keep mixing it until it's fluffier

  • It won't become fluffier I don't think

  • Yeah it will cuz if you mix something long enough you just add air

  • But I feel like it's gonna be more gross

  • No I think it's getting grosser. Let's stop ^^;

  • All right guys, step 1 is done

  • So these are the candies that you're gonna dip your slime in

  • Why is it slime?

  • I think Rachel should go first cuz she said it looked good!

  • I didn't think it would be like this!!

  • Are you ready?

  • Grab a big scoop of it and then dip it in the candies

  • You're stalling

  • I had it on my thumb!

  • The crunching sounds disgusting

  • I feel like the crunchy things are the best part

  • It doesn't taste that gross

  • Yeah it's like sour

  • Sour and sweet. It's actually kinda good!

  • Tastes like candy

  • lol as if

  • It's not bad

  • Oh it's kinda good actually

  • Yeah it's like sour and sweet. Really stereotypical candy flavour

  • It's like these rocket candies in liquid form

  • Just sitting here is making me feel sick

  • Your turn~♫

  • Do I have to eat it really?

  • Yes you have to eat it!

  • It's actually not that bad! It's better than I was expecting.

  • No? What do you rate it out of 10?

  • ZERO.

  • All right guys this is the next one

  • So it's similar to the one we just did

  • We're gonna mix it properly this time so it's pretty

  • and we get the 2 colours

  • Instead of dipping it into candies it's got shards

  • We should read the steps before we do it

  • That's where we went wrong! It woulda been swirly!

  • Yeah like pretty colours

  • This one is purple and pink

  • It looks pretty

  • Why are these all like bashed in?

  • Honestly this has been in my closet for like a year, so...

  • Ooohhhh did you hear that?!

  • She's making us eat this!

  • It's not expired I checked the date

  • Why can't YouTube collabs be nice?

  • As in, let's go dance!

  • Or like... let's go to a 5 star restaurant!

  • It's always like, let's eat something disgusting!

  • This even looks more disgusting

  • It smells super grape-y

  • Ew the texture of this one is weird. Look at it!

  • You still have to mix step 2, don't mix it too much

  • Now?

  • Yep

  • And then we just mix it?

  • Ummmm I think like gently or something

  • I wonder what the other one is

  • This one has lemon in it

  • Whyyy it's not pretty colours!!!

  • Oh wait whoa whoa whoaaaaa

  • It all of a sudden changed colour!

  • Ok that's creepy

  • That could not be healthy

  • Oh because last time he put too much water in...

  • Ahh yeah we've got less water in this time

  • Are you blaming it on me???

  • Oh this is so pretty!

  • I like the colours!

  • We should buy these just so we can use the sprinkles for cupcakes

  • Just buy it separately!

  • Me first?

  • Oh gosh...

  • Cheers guys, cheers

  • Just as good as the last one?

  • He's not even swallowing it

  • Don't go spitting it out in the corner of my room or anything

  • Ew it's so thick this time!

  • It's like marshmallow. Like melted marshmallow.

  • Eugh

  • This one tastes like cough syrup

  • It tastes like grape

  • The pop candies are not popping

  • It's so old it's not popping!

  • I don't think they're supposed to be pop candies

  • No they're just candy chips!

  • It's so old it's not popping... lol

  • It's a weird texture

  • Honestly these Neru neru neru ne ones... they're fun to make and look at

  • and the colour changing part, that was fun!

  • But to eat, not so much

  • We didn't rate that one

  • Well because it was like cough syrup, the flavour was horrible

  • I have like aftertaste, it's like numbing my tongue

  • That's not good

  • I'll give it a 4 for tongue numbing

  • I don't have the tongue numbing problem so that's kinda scary

  • Maybe 5?

  • I give it -8

  • Why are you guys so nice?

  • Time for Gumi Tsureta!

  • Which means like Fishing for Gummies

  • This one has potential

  • I think we need to be careful to make this properly

  • I've never made this before so I dunno

  • It looks kinda complicated

  • Maybe you should read the instructions

  • So put 4 cups of water into the... why is there a straw?

  • Ohhh that's what you use to fish for gummies

  • Why not some small stick

  • 4 cups of water into the round thing

  • There is hair! There is cat hair on it!

  • MARO.

  • I'm afraid for you pouring water

  • I recommend putting a little bit more because last time was disgusting

  • Yeah it was too thick

  • I don't know... I think we should follow the instructions

  • It's such a mess

  • On this side?

  • Ummmm yes

  • Ok #1

  • Ok! Pouring #1!

  • And the bubble sauce on this side

  • Why is it so weird

  • Eww it's making like a soup

  • Oh stop it please. I feel gross...

  • Ohhh it's foaming

  • Oh that's not a good sign

  • Whoa it's foaming like crazy!

  • Ewwww it's like foamy~

  • I dunno, what are we supposed to do

  • Wait, what?

  • Put the bent straw into the goo

  • And then you pour all of it, do I pour all of it on?

  • This is too complicated!

  • All right guys, here we go

  • Ooo pretty colours

  • Then you just pull the straw straight up?

  • If we mess it up we only have one shot D;

  • This is a lot of pressure

  • Lift the straw slowly


  • WHOAAAA it's like a sheet

  • That's really weird

  • What the heckkkk


  • Ewwww look at it

  • What the heck

  • It looks like a... filleted fish

  • It looks like a tongue

  • Oh it's breaking OH GOD AGHHH

  • It can't go back in Sharla, save it!

  • Yaaaaaaaay! K who wants to eat it

  • Not me

  • This one actually kinda looks appetising

  • But you have to dip it in the...

  • No you don't

  • I'll eat this part

  • Don't we have to?

  • Yeah? Okay...

  • Because that's the whole thing ya know

  • WHY ME Why every time me

  • Ok I haven't gone first yet so I'll go first

  • Ewwwww

  • The texture... did you feel it?

  • Itadakimasu!

  • Not itadakimasu. There's no itadakimasu.

  • Mmm I like this one

  • Is it really good?

  • I don't like that

  • I feel like it doesn't need it. WHY.

  • It's just kinda gross, the foam

  • But the gummy part is good

  • The gummy part is good right?

  • It's just like a really soft gummy

  • It's better than -8 though right?

  • No. No....

  • I feel like this is definitely better than the other ones

  • Really???

  • Haha are you spitting it out?

  • If it was a firmer gummy I'd be ok with it

  • Ahhh it's not firm enough?

  • Oh god

  • Shine is dying in the background

  • So we're just gonna continue the program without him

  • I like this one the best

  • Which one? Really?

  • Yeah the first one

  • Yeah me too

  • And then -8, then what's this?

  • -30

  • Really? You don't like this one?

  • It's terrible

  • I kinda like the gummy part

  • No the gummy has this weird plastic aftertaste

  • Oh the foam is horrible

  • Like that does not taste edible

  • I really feel like I shouldn't be eating that

  • Thank you for having me today

  • Keep in mind, this is my first collab in Japan!


  • The foam THE FOAM

  • MY 3DS

  • Well I hope you enjoyed your first collab in Japan

  • I hope this was a great experience for you

  • It was a good experience

  • Byyyyye

  • Make sure to check out Shine's channel!

  • and Rachel's channel!

  • Thanks for watching guys! Bye! xD;

  • Ew did it pour everywhere??

  • I think it did

  • I need to get my glasses to see

  • What a disaster xD;

  • This candy is horrible

What the heck~

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