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  • [Poki meows]

  • [Haku chewing on curtain drawstring]

  • [Poki meows]

  • Haku, stop.

  • [Poki meows]

  • [opens curtains]

  • [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • Morning.

  • [opens curtains]

  • [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • *too bright!* [Poki meows]

  • Good morning.

  • Hungry boys!

  • Haku!

  • Sh*t.

  • Haku, what are you doing? Eat.

  • "But I didn't do paw trick yet!"

  • [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • Bud!

  • Before we go to sleep we have to turn around this trash can.

  • Otherwise, Poki will go in.

  • While Rachel's feeding the cats, I normally clean the litter

  • because it ~SMELLS~

  • This is my favorite part.

  • Got it ?

  • Bye bye.

  • Aaand you guys switched. Like always.

  • The grass on the other side is always greener, huh?

  • [whispers] IT'S THE SAME FOOD

  • Does it taste better, buddy?

  • You done eating?

  • You done eating?

  • All right, bud. Get in here.

  • Hi Poki.

  • [Poki meows]

  • Hi, Poki the dishwasher.

  • Mmm, so clean I can see your face.

  • Hi buddy.

  • This is Nagi's favorite post-breakfast pose.

  • Laying in exactly this position with his tail swishing down.

  • Aww, he's so cute.

  • This is Haku's "I'm content/full" pose.

  • Hm?

  • What?

  • Oh.

  • Oh?

  • *dat pupil dilation*

  • Haku is really obsessed with this tube.

  • He figured out how to turn on the roomba by pawing at the start button twice

  • and if we're not playing with him enough he'll do this multiple times a day

  • and then run back in the tube

  • and wait for the roomba to come by and then attack it

  • from inside the tube. And it's really cute.

  • The thing is, the roomba doesn't really get to clean around the area when Haku's in it.

  • All right, I'm gonna start making smoothie and run the roomba now.

  • So this is the time of day where Haku starts telling us he's really bored and needs attention.

  • But the thing is he needs attention like 30 hours a day.


  • Hey Haku! Um, I don't think I brushed him yet.

  • Look at that fluffy tail.

  • Look at that tail!

  • So shedding season is over, but they still shed

  • and unless we brush them like every day they eat their fur and then throw up.

  • It's easier to brush them for some reason if we give them the furminator to attack.

  • If we try to brush them with the furminator they try to eat it.

  • So we give them that in advance and then we can brush them with the hand brush.

  • And now grooming.

  • He is a busy cat.

  • So, Nagi used to drink water normally.

  • But now

  • after he saw Haku put his paw in the water bowl and then lick his paw

  • he sometimes does that, too.

  • Nagi does a lot of things that Haku does, now.

  • Normally Poki spends most of his day sleeping

  • especially right next to the window where he can be in the sunlight

  • but I guess today Nagi's feeling a little feisty.

  • Poki's just like "I'm busy."

  • Jun's cooking lunch now aaaand he's got some buddies

  • watching him very closely.

  • [Nagi meows]

  • Oh, you wanna play now, too?

  • [Nagi meows]

  • [Nagi meows]

  • You're just done now?

  • You found a comfortable position and you're just done playing?

  • Look at this big fluff tummy.

  • Look at this tummy!

  • Haku...

  • We walk away for two minutes.

  • What did you guys do?

  • Haku

  • It looks like you're wearing a tie

  • What?

  • No!

  • Dangit, stop

  • You just gonna live with that on you forever?

  • Dammit Poki, stop

  • Get down.

  • I can't step away to film the cats for even a minute.

  • Oh. Oh! Haku, you did it!

  • Haku's in fight mode.

  • Poki, you better watch out.

  • Haku's gonna fight you.

  • This video is just turning into Haku Bullies Everyone.

  • All right, Haku's done with his bully phase.

  • It's time for baths and sleeps.

  • This is the drawer that has all the cats toys and Nagi knows, so every time I open...

  • I just wanted to clean the litter.

  • This one also has the cat litter bags, so. Sorry, baby.

  • So if we open one of the other rooms

  • of course the cats want to explore and see what's going on

  • so they follow us.

  • Especially Haku. Haku's very curious.

  • Hi Poki! Nagi's here now.

  • And Haku's exploring.

  • I used to have a fake bird on the branch but now... Holland!

  • Where's Holland?

  • He's on the top shelf.

  • There.

  • Is he okay?!

  • He's okay. This is really sad, Jun.

  • He's just...

  • He's in a safe place.

  • Nooo! He's... he's dead!

  • I'm concerned for his safety.

  • That's why I hid him.

  • Oh Uh oh

  • All the cats are going places.

  • Oh gosh


  • nononono

  • Okay

  • Ah god Okay

  • Poki is a killer.

  • He's a natural born killer.

  • Jun stop!

  • Nagi, what are you doing?

  • Making it smell like you?

  • You're gonna fall.

  • Careful!

  • You're gonna fall!

  • Is there cat nip over there?

  • I don't think so.

  • Are you sure?

  • Yeah... my cat nip plants are outside.

  • But... I guess he's tripping?

  • They're still exploring.

  • Nagi...

  • Nagi!

  • He's so cute.

  • Lookit his squishy little fluff face.

  • Are you having a good time?

  • All right. I've gotta work on the recipe for my video.

  • Enjoy. Have fun, kitties.

  • Ope.

  • Haku's found a spot.

  • Okay.

  • You can help me work on my recipe for the video, baby.

  • blah blah blah blah

  • It's past 5pm now

  • which means Poki's going to keep meowing for the next two hours until dinner.

  • [Poki meows]

  • They eat at 7 but he starts meowing at 5.

  • Every day.

  • [Poki meows]

  • No.

  • Doesn't matter how much you meow at us

  • [Poki meows]

  • you don't get to eat until 7.

  • Otherwise you'll wake up really early and eat all our plants.

  • [Poki meows]

  • I smell too much like shampoo and not enough like him.

  • This is just something we have to deal with every time we shower.

  • Oh god, bud.

  • You're gonna fall.

  • Oh god he's gonna take my hair with him

  • It's now 6:06.

  • [Poki meows]

  • It's 6:11. [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • It's 6:14.

  • [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • Excuse me.

  • Nope.

  • Excuse me. No- all right.

  • It's 6:26.

  • [Poki meows]

  • Come here.

  • What are you doing?

  • [Poki meows]

  • What're you doing?

  • [Poki meows]

  • Come on!

  • It's not dinnertime yet!

  • [Poki meows]

  • Still got- nope, you got 33 minutes.

  • Ya gotta wait.

  • Like everyone else.

  • Isn't that right! [Poki meows]

  • Look who's being patient!

  • It' 6:37. [Poki meows]

  • [Poki meows]

  • Poki, what are you doing?

  • Huh?

  • PO~KI

  • [Poki meows]

  • What time is it?!

  • Is it 7?!

  • Is it food time?!

  • [Poki meows]

  • Are all the kitties hungry?

  • Nagi

  • Give me your paw. Oh! Haku? Okay, you go first?

  • Gimme your paw, please.

  • Haku, one more time.

  • Okay, gimme your paw.

  • Paw

  • Haku, jump

  • Haku, jump

  • Woo!

  • Okay

  • Other paw.

  • One more time.

  • Other paw.

  • High five!

  • Yaaaay good boy!

  • Poki!

  • [Poki meows]

  • We feed Poki in the hallway because normally he comes back and steal other kitty's food.

  • [POKI MEOWING] He's guiding us

  • [POKI MEOWING] He's letting us know where his food bowl is.

  • [POKI MEOWING] Yeep.

  • [POKI MEOWING] Marching. Marching. Yep.

  • Poki, gimme paw.

  • The other one.

  • One more time.

  • Oooh, good boy.

  • God damn bud, slow down.

  • All right. Everybody's done eating.

  • Nagi's got the post-dinner sleepies.

  • Aaaand

  • Haku

  • What are you doing?

  • Are you over here waiting for Poki?

  • Let's let Poki back in!

  • All right, buddy! Come on!

  • What are you doing?

  • He's hunting for people food.

  • What are you doing? You gonna go in the trash can?

  • You gonna pretend like you weren't gonna go in the trash can?

  • And wait for me to turn around?

  • All right. It's nighttime now so let's shut the curtains.

  • As soon as I'm ready for bed, every night when I turn out the lights

  • [Nagi meows]

  • [Nagi meows]

  • What?

  • You wanna play?

  • What do you wanna play with?

  • Come here.

  • What do you want?

  • Which one?

  • That one?

  • All right.

  • Playtime is over. It's time for bed.

  • This is how Poki sleeps every night.

  • He's making me jealous.

  • He's my cuddle buddy.

  • Good night, Poki.

  • And this is where Haku sleeps.

  • Which is Rachel's feet area.

  • Hi baby.

  • We have same futon same bed

  • but Haku always prefer on Rachel's side for some reason.

  • I'm shorter than you. There's probably more room.

  • Oh, he knows? Okay.

  • And Nagi always sleeps right next to my pillow.

  • Right here.

  • Hi baby. Are you purring?

  • Yes, you are.

  • Okay. Goodnight, Nagi.

  • Good night!

  • Thank you to Audible for sponsoring this video.

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[Poki meows]

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