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  • guys, we're going.

  • So what is conscious?

  • Creative?

  • It's creative.

  • That is non accidental.

  • And before I'm going to tell you how toe be creative, How tow influence your own creativity, how tow influence other people with your own creativity.

  • I'm gonna ask you who consider themselves creative.

  • Wow.

  • Great.

  • This is awesome.

  • So we are going to warm up of a very simple exercise that is going to stimulate your brain a little bit.

  • So you're gonna introduce yourself to someone you don't know with your name, and then rewards that each start with the same letter of your name, right?

  • So, for example, my name is Dorota.

  • I'm daring.

  • Well, I wrote determinate ID, and then my friend made me realize that would actually didn't exist.

  • So feel free to invite your own words, especially if you are not 90 speaker.

  • So determine and delicious, right?

  • Why not?

  • So turn to the person you don't know.

  • And please introduce yourself with three words and your name.

  • Come on.

  • Okay.

  • They create this, you can invent your own words.

  • All right, All right.

  • We're going to continue slowly, right?

  • How was that pretty fun, right?

  • So creatively work in a very simple way, like anything else.

  • Toe train, creativity that you actually don't train creativity like you don't trade happiness.

  • If you want to access happiness, you will train your gratitude.

  • You will train compassion.

  • You were put it into different sections, right?

  • So creativity.

  • Intellectual operations that involved in creative thinking belonged to six actually groups.

  • And that's abstract abstraction Operation Association that active reasoning, inductive reasoning, metaphorical thinking and transformation.

  • And so what we did today.

  • It was trying to find association, an analogy that not only actually create new pathways in your brain, but also help you to remember the other person name, and I'm not going to go deeper.

  • But if you would like to read more about heuristic technique and how you can actually train your creativity, these alters all of them.

  • Are wrote amazing books about this.

  • I highly recommend it to you.

  • So creative people show tendency off fourth in action that in most people are segregated, then then they contain contradictory extremes.

  • Instead of being an individual, each of them is a multitude.

  • What that means in the society were very often think.

  • We need to know that one thing that we will become absolutely the best at.

  • And that's absolutely wrong because that limits us.

  • We keep then and we block ourselves in finding over and over that one thing.

  • But you can't possibly find that one thing unless you try everything.

  • Because so in one, off the interviews, he was asked Are you a photographer?

  • Yes, I am.

  • Are you a writer?

  • Yes, I am.

  • Are you sculpture?

  • Yes, I am.

  • Are you filmmaker?

  • Yes.

  • He was doing everything and tanks toe that his imagination was so big.

  • So never limit yourself with You know, I need to have that one thing that I will that will represent me and who I am.

  • If I didn't try every possible thing in my life in art, I could not possibly be able to even hold position off creative director.

  • So what Influence your creativity.

  • Creativity is influenced by 33 things forced Think is your environment.

  • There was a very interesting study made out off to hunt 1200 people who are experiencing not symbolic consciousness.

  • And they talked to those people and the qualitative and quantitative assessment in the basket of cognition, emotion, perception and sense of self, and what they discovered is that people from the same tradition in different location have less in common than people from different tradition in the same location.

  • So whoever used to round yourself with and all your entire environment influence every single day.

  • Your creativity.

  • Some people say you are a multitude off five best friends, you know, Right?

  • It kind of works like this.

  • So if you want to stimulate your creativity, start with stimulating your environment.

  • Goto our galleries spent time with creative people is gonna influence how you think how you perceive worth how you express yourself.

  • So the second would be your perception.

  • We can control our lives by controlling our perception.

  • And the last one, your curiosity.

  • When someone emphasizes the technique over concept, they scout people with a curiosity.

  • They keep asking why how to be creative?

  • It's not Actually, that's difficult.

  • First of all, remain curious.

  • Every one of you, when you were little, you were crazy creative.

  • You have your imaginary friends were building castles out of sand and you have dollhouses and so on always happening in our minds.

  • And then what happened at the society actually learned us to leave either in the past.

  • So in the future, right?

  • How many of your esten your childhood?

  • Who would you like to be when you grow up?

  • All of us, How you can possibly know what you are going to do when you grow up in 20 years, it's impossible.

  • So by all the time learning toe and the program to live in the future, you actually unlearned to live in the present moment.

  • And that is what limits completely our creativity because creativity can only live in the present moment.

  • Right?

  • So all this society school parents, when they all the time ask you all this question about the future, they actually stress you.

  • They put the fear in your mind and that fear limits your creativity.

  • So remain curious.

  • Remind yourself how it is to be a child.

  • Have this child is brain and start to be curious about everything that is around.

  • You don't put face things in the basket, Don't think automatically, and that will help you to be curious.

  • Then many idea are always better than one idea.

  • When we start to bake your creative, we often find this one idea and we become obsessed by this.

  • And then what happens is that we switch from our right brain that is creative toe our left side brain that is analytical.

  • And we start to conceptualize this idea.

  • We start to perfection, eyes this idea and become so obsessed that we can't even more objective about about this idea.

  • And when you do that, you're actually not training your brain to be creative.

  • You train your brain to be analytical, So in order to become more creative, you need toe.

  • Don't you can't be afraid to have as much idea as possible, and pretty much you should never be attached to them.

  • So I guarantee you, if you have 50 idea most, you are more like more likely to have a one good idea in all of this number off 50.

  • Then if you have one right, doesn't make sense, so don't be afraid to be in perfect now.

  • Imperfection.

  • Lee, to Somewhere Unexpected is a free from mistakes free from faults, and it's simply more interesting.

  • Great examples in Sergi art.

  • Some think broken that Waas united together with gold, created an effect that it's so much more powerful and so much more beautiful.

  • So don't be afraid to be perfect.

  • To be an perfect and try different things.

  • Try toe, try to break, try to destroy, try to decompose things and you might be surprised by the results that can actually bring you embrace in permanence.

  • The only way to make sense out off change is to plug into it, move women with it and doing the dense.

  • It all goes away.

  • Eventually everything goes away.

  • I become.

  • I became really fascinated with something that is called ephemeral design.

  • Ephemeral design is a design that is created just for a short moment.

  • And then it's gone, because that would not only trained me in not becoming obsessed with everything that I have ever created, but I wouldn't be also afraid of making mistakes if that happened.

  • What I found is that actually the result what was much more perfect that I would actually expected This is one of my art.

  • I did, for one off the music video, a design that was created just for a moment.

  • Just for instance, it looked like something that probably you could say I worked on it for four days there and conceptualize it, not it out.

  • It was created in 10 minutes and it looks so beautiful.

  • Another one.

  • This is a dress made out of toilet paper that I did that I created in 15 minutes.

  • It looks pretty damn perfect, right?

  • Because there was not know fear behind it, to destroy something, to make something that will not look good because it won't.

  • It won't exist anyway.

  • It's a beautiful training to your mind, to create things and actually destroy them afterwards.

  • Another one.

  • It's a dress made out of paper again.

  • It was destroyed with the pain up after five minutes and and and I find that such a powerful expression in something that actually is part off a process off disappearance because you said you have to know where to finish.

  • I think in art we always have that problem.

  • We don't know it went to finish When the art becomes you know this piece we want to keep forever enjoy the process more than the final results do Usual thinks in the usual way.

  • So when you think about this and we talked about this automatic reaction to everything we have been programmed since childhood toe have this automatic reaction to everything one time they actually test in the office environment, they change the placement off the printer and they taste with the camera.

  • How many times people would make a mistakes to go to the old place?

  • Before that, the mind would actually learn to go to the new location.

  • 18.

  • 18 guys.

  • So what does it mean that we most of the things we're doing, we're doing them automatically and we don't even think about this.

  • We have a certain reaction and we don't even question why we're acting in a certain way.

  • We don't question that.

  • Maybe one time in the childhood he has been programmed to react in a certain way, and it was so much coded in their mind and that we just do it without questioning it.

  • And so, if you don't question how you do, thinks you're never going to be creative, So try toe, try toe every day, do something differently, choose different way when you go to work, brush your teeth with left hand left, hand it the friend food.

  • Try different clothes, try to react in a different way.

  • Try to contradict yourself If you if you are terrified of speaking on stage.

  • Well, how would you know that you are actually terrifying before trying.

  • And in the first in the even more important question where that fears come from, what kind of believe created that fear?

  • That you are afraid of speaking on stage.

  • And then you believed in that thing.

  • You cultivated it over years and it became your personality.

  • Personality is just combination or whatever you think about yourself.

  • Nothing more.

  • So do usual things in the usual way.

  • Be stopped, Burn about compromise.

  • Plan to have more accident.

  • Be mature enough to be childish and contradict yourself more often.

  • I absolutely love this quote.

  • I think it is described perfectly what I wish.

  • Everybody here should do.

  • Challenge everything.

  • There is no right or wrong way to do things.

  • No rules.

  • Attitude is so much more important than capability when you think about this.

  • If Einstein didn't actually question Newton, we wouldn't have a terribly off red relativity.

  • If better than believe that motorists way off playing was right, he wouldn't have composed nine symphonies.

  • If, for example, let's say vision like Yanni believes education Will was right.