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  • (upbeat music)

  • - What's up, guys?

  • It's Peter here

  • and today I want to share

  • a very interesting story with you.

  • So, the other day I was sitting down with SiFu

  • and we're having a chat,

  • we're actually talking about, anime,

  • right?

  • Specifically,

  • "One Punch Man."

  • And I told him the story

  • and he was really fascinated with it

  • and he wanted me to share the same story with you guys,

  • because it relates directly to your success

  • and how you guys are gonna be succeeding in life.

  • If you have not watched "One Punch Man" yet,

  • *Spoiler Alert*

  • plan on watching it,

  • click away from the video right now,

  • and give you a second to do that.

  • Okay, good. Alright, so if you don't know what

  • "One Punch Man" is,

  • it's about this dude named Saitama,

  • who can basically just punch anyone with one punch

  • and completely obliterate them, right?

  • So these would be monsters like 32-stories high,

  • and he would come in

  • he's like a five foot six guy, just like me,

  • throwing a punch

  • and he's just absolutely destroyed

  • everyone in the show are wondering,

  • what the Hell is this guy doing?

  • How is he so powerful?

  • How can he beat like anybody with

  • just one punch?

  • Right? So today

  • I'm going to share with you

  • the secret that was shared in the anime.

  • There's one apprentice.

  • His name is Genos,

  • and he's just the android

  • he burns up shit

  • he destroys cities

  • in like in a flash

  • but he's not as strong as Saitama

  • and he's always just wondering,

  • how is Saitama Sensei so strong?

  • So he follows him around everyday

  • takes down notes in notebooks

  • he listens to every thought,

  • everything he says,

  • everything he does

  • all taken down in a notebook.

  • And one day he asks Saitama,

  • "Sensei how are you so freaking strong?"

  • And Saitama says,

  • "Three years ago I started this regimen."

  • And I've been doing it every single day.

  • If you watch the show,

  • you know exactly what it is.

  • It's a hundred push-ups,

  • a hundred sit-ups,

  • a hundred squats,

  • and ten kilometers of running

  • every single day.

  • A hundred push-ups,

  • a hundred sit-ups,

  • a hundred squats,

  • ten kilometers of running

  • every single day.

  • Now you're probably thinking

  • that's way too simple of a physical regimen

  • to become the one punch man,

  • that can destroy monsters with one punch

  • and that's exactly what Genos thought.

  • That's exactly what every character

  • in the anime thought,

  • they're like uh...

  • that's not true

  • that's not a secret.

  • There must be something else,

  • there must be something else to his strength.

  • There must be something else to how

  • he's able to defeat these monsters

  • with just a single punch.

  • The truth is there's not,

  • there's not much else to it.

  • That's all Saitama knows,

  • that's all he did,

  • that's all he did

  • to become that strong as he is.

  • So how does this relate to you?

  • Why am I talking about the story?

  • Why should you even care?

  • Well, because it is exact same thing

  • with SiFu Dan.

  • Everyone asks, "SiFu Dan,

  • how are you so rich?

  • How are you so successful?

  • How are you so on the present?

  • How are you everywhere?

  • How'd you get to where you are today?"

  • And SiFu Dan always tells you,

  • "First, you gotta develop your high-income skill."

  • "Then, you gotta create a scalable business.

  • And then you focus on high return investments."

  • If you know what that is,

  • that's actually The Wealth Triangle.

  • That is the high-income skill,

  • scalable business,

  • high return investments.

  • Alright. And everyone listens to this,

  • they're like, "Oh that sounds like a neat concept."

  • But they never, never follow it.

  • Right?

  • They always jump around

  • between scalable business,

  • so they start different businesses

  • they mess around with different investments.

  • Almost no one,

  • for some reason,

  • they don't focus

  • on the high-income skill.

  • If you're making

  • less than $120,000 a year right now,

  • number one thing you should be focusing on

  • is the high-income skill.

  • Right?

  • And that's what SiFu tells everyone,

  • but almost everyone ignores it.

  • So the moral of the story is

  • sometimes the secret to success

  • is a lot simpler

  • than you think.

  • Right?

  • So if you want to succeed,

  • first focus on a high-income skill.

  • Then, move to scalable business.

  • Then, move to high return investments.

  • Alright, so what we prepared

  • for you guys today is actually

  • a high-income skill quiz.

  • You can click on the link below to take it.

  • What will happen

  • is you'll be taken to a quiz

  • where you can fill out some questions,

  • and we'll figure out

  • what the best high-income skill is for you,

  • for your traits, your strengths,

  • so you can start rocking it in life

  • just like Saitama.

(upbeat music)

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