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  • - How long 'til I have to get ready, guys?

  • Guys?

  • Oh, Vogue!

  • Didn't expect you so soon.

  • I must've been having a nap.

  • How are you?

  • I am, if you can see, in LA at the moment, really excited.

  • Tonight I'm gonna be premiering

  • my new collection with Puma and Balmain.

  • There's lots to be, there's lots to be done!

  • [upbeat hip hop music]

  • Okay, so no styling can ever be done

  • without the help of Marielle here.

  • We've been working together for about,

  • let's see, I don't know.

  • - Seven years?

  • - Seven years?

  • - Right?!

  • - But I'm not that old.

  • But basically, many - all the Met Balls,

  • all the glitz, all the glamor.

  • I just don't get changed in the morning

  • unless she's present.

  • That would be sad, that's not true.

  • The process of styling a look,

  • I always think it kind of comes pretty naturally...

  • - It does.

  • - With us.

  • So obviously this is my collection

  • so it's a little different.

  • I'm, ya know, very much aware of all the pieces.

  • This is a reversal, I would wear this all the time,

  • but then when I'm eating,

  • put that on because I always spill stuff on white.

  • - [Marielle] That's true.

  • - That's for all the messy eaters out there,

  • thinking of you guys.

  • If I didn't have such brood legs.

  • - Maybe if you did fishnets underneath, it could be cute.

  • - Oh, that's really cute, I like that.

  • I wanna feel, just ready to go at any time.

  • Ready to dance, ready to fight, ready to love.

  • And also, my favorite part was,

  • so I did also come with the new Puma thingy,

  • and in my mind it was like a - kind of - not,

  • it was like a 69ing Puma, basically.

  • Which, obviously it's not really meant to be that,

  • but in my mind that's what I like to think of it as,

  • but it's not that.

  • [door opening]

  • Swapped over the jacket for this side.

  • This is definitely my favorite side, I'm not gonna lie.

  • This has also been one of the nicest experiences

  • because, I mean, Olivier.

  • I've gotten the opportunity to spend time with someone

  • who I literally would never be able to hang out with

  • unless we worked together.

  • That's why we like to kiss all the time.

  • How could you not wanna kiss him?

  • Look at those lips, I mean, seriously!

  • Seriously, next time you see him, check it out.

  • So we kinda mapped out what we like, what we don't like,

  • but I think we have to come back to it

  • after hair and make-up.

  • So, if you wanna come and get glam...

  • look, I'm running, you see?

  • Okay, bye!

  • [upbeat music]

  • - [Stylists] Hello!

  • - Okay so this is my team, team say hi.

  • - Hi!

  • - Introduce yourselves

  • - I'm not doing it,

  • because you don't know our names.

  • - No it's just like last names.

  • - No, no, no she's not introducing us because -

  • - This is Mary, this is Danny, and this is Twig?

  • [laughing]

  • - It's only been 7 years.

  • - It's only been 7 years!

  • - But no worries.

  • - We're gonna go for a high ponytail.

  • You know, what happens when you...?

  • - I haven't had Botox.

  • - Exactly.

  • - So basically I like to scrape it all back.

  • - I didn't want to say that.

  • We call it the pony snatch.

  • - Snatch.

  • - Because it snatches the skin here,

  • and then it gives her a little bit of a...

  • - Oh God, oww!

  • - Face lift.

  • - So I never fall asleep in interviews, that's what happens.

  • - Yeah, and so it's like,

  • she could where this for three days in a row,

  • it doesn't even come out.

  • - I want to bring that little edge to it.

  • - Ooh, edge!

  • [laughing]

  • - So currently right know, I've just flown to LA.

  • I was in Prague.

  • I'm filming season two of my Amazon Prime TV show

  • called Carnival Row, which is really, really exciting.

  • Before I started modeling, I was a better actress

  • 'cause I have no idea of the camera

  • or how I looked in front of the camera.

  • And that's the thing with acting,

  • you have to forget about the camera, forget that it's there.

  • But in modeling,

  • you are trained exactly to know where it is,

  • what angle you look at, where the lighting is.

  • So to get back into acting again took me a long time,

  • to not be self conscious in front of a camera anymore.

  • [singing]

  • - Did you tell them about our band?

  • - We have a band.

  • [laughing]

  • - [Danny] You laugh a lot.

  • [scoffs]

  • - At you?

  • - [Danny] Yeah.

  • [laughs]

  • - So we're back.

  • We still haven't decided what outfit we're wearing yet,

  • but look at these nails as we're working.

  • We've got the black and gold,

  • so I feel like we're probably very close

  • to the black and gold outfit.

  • I think all the people that know me well enough

  • know be very well for my neck pillow or my pillows.

  • I like to have a pillow wherever I go, 'cause I like sleep.

  • I could talk about neck pillows for a long time.

  • But right now, I have this amazing eye mask,

  • which is like this eye mask

  • but it's also a massaging eye mask.

  • When I went to Korea recently,

  • there's this company called Breo - ahh.

  • And they do all these different massaging things.

  • So they do like, head massager - oww!

  • Neck massager, a hand massager, a knee massager.

  • You could basically buy a full body of body massages

  • and just lie there like someone's touching you

  • but they're not.

  • One of my favorite things to do

  • are escape rooms wherever you go,

  • especially if it's in another language

  • just to really make it hard.

  • I still have only escaped - not escaped once.

  • And that's my agent's fault, who's in this room right now.

  • Thank you, Alex.

  • I usually get quite anxious about events and parties

  • and things, 'cause it's overthinking them,

  • especially if I'm in the chair,

  • and everyone's busy doing working and I'm sitting here

  • and I get in my head a lot.

  • So I like to kind of do a little,

  • just breathing deeply.

  • Just feeling my feet and feeling my body.

  • Just do a little hum and what you...

  • - [Mary] Should we do it all together?

  • - We could, yeah.

  • [humming]

  • You can do it high.

  • Try go lower.

  • Just try like, sit it low.

  • [humming]

  • And then like, really pull your throat down, so go,

  • [humming]

  • - I feel it!

  • - I felt it!

  • - Tonight the party's at Milk Studios.

  • There's gonna be a performance element,

  • which is gonna be really fun.

  • We didn't want it to be like a normal fashion show.

  • So once this one takes her finger off the knot,

  • we're gonna finish glamming and move on to the outfit.

  • So, this is the final look.

  • Da, da, da!

  • We're running a little late, so we have to go.

  • But this, if you can see, we kinda mix and match

  • a few different things

  • and I've decided to take the jacket as well.

  • So yeah, let's go.

  • Let's get to the party, guys.

  • Whoo-hoo!

  • [upbeat music]

  • Guys, thank you so much for following me on Vogue.

  • - Such a pleasure.

  • - Obviously you know Olivier.

  • But thank you so much for following us.

  • - Enjoy the night.

  • - See you soon, bye!

- How long 'til I have to get ready, guys?

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