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  • Hey, hows it going?

  • Good, good.

  • I have this to offer you.

  • And this is?

  • This is the earliest sticker sealed Super

  • Mario Brothers Nintendo game.


  • RICK: That's pretty amazing.

  • I know some of them go for a lot of money.

  • Chum?

  • What?

  • RICK: Can you come over here and help me for a moment?

  • CHUMLEE: What's up, Rick?

  • OK, the guy has a--

  • I guess this is a really early one?

  • The earliest print, still sealed,

  • of Super Mario Brothers in existence.

  • CHUMLEE: Oh, wow.

  • Do you mind if I take a look?

  • Absolutely, sure.

  • CHUMLEE: Oh, this is the--

  • yeah, this isn't the shrink wrapped version.

  • This is the sticker sealed version,

  • which I don't know too much about,

  • but I know these are pretty rare.

  • CUSTOMER: This one also happens to be an incredibly high grade.

  • Even if the other ones are found,

  • there's no way it's going to come close to this condition.

  • RICK: All right, how much do you want for it?

  • It's a piece of history.

  • It's something that's hard for me to part with.

  • But I would sell it for a million dollars.

  • A million dollars?

  • Yep.

  • All right.

  • That's a lot of money for a video game.

  • I agree.

  • It is a lot of money.

  • I know there's video game collecting going on.

  • I know I've seen some recent auctions where

  • I was sort of shocked when, like, those video games sold

  • for $29,000--

  • Sure.

  • --for the cartridges.

  • But I didn't know the market exists

  • for six figure games, much less a million dollar game.

  • From all my research, WATA is the company that grades these.

  • These are the ones you trust.

  • So I'm actually going to go call them up and see if I can get

  • one of their guys down here.

  • I would really like to get their opinion.

  • But you know, no offense.

  • I mean, I just never heard of a video game

  • going for a million dollars.

  • And I just don't know if that exists or not.

  • OK, I will be right back.

  • OK.

  • I think Mario hit him on the head with a pipe wrench.

  • [LAUGHS]

  • So he wants a million dollars for this thing, which I think

  • is insane. DENIZ KAHN: Yeah.

  • I remember it.

  • And I know why he's asking astronomical money on this one.

  • This is probably the most significant piece

  • of video game history that's ever passed

  • through our grading company.

  • RICK: OK, and he also said that this was the best condition?

  • Yeah.

  • So what makes this special, there's

  • a lot of different indicators.

  • First, you're going to see this sticker.

  • So it's not shrink wrapped.

  • It's from the test market launch of the NES, as far as we know,

  • which was only in 1985 and 1986.

  • No one even knew who Nintendo was.

  • But back then, they were just another company.

  • So once they started mass producing these and sending

  • them across the country, they had

  • to have something that would last on the shelves

  • longer, which is also why seeing this in this condition

  • is just-- it's a complete anomaly.

  • This is the second print, and it's the earliest known.

  • There's no other second prints or even first prints

  • known that are still sealed.

  • So we don't know the exact number of copies that

  • were printed in the first test market launch,

  • but we're estimating it's somewhere

  • around the 10,000 print run.

  • And how many of those survived sealed?

  • One, as far as we know.

  • RICK: So if this went into an auction today,

  • your estimate would be?

  • It's really hard to tell.

  • It hasn't sold on the open market.

  • As video games are starting to be viewed

  • more as art and history, not just these relics of nostalgia,

  • this is it.

  • This is the one that started it all.

  • It's got the trifecta.

  • It's got rarity.

  • It's got popularity.

  • Everyone knows Mario.

  • And it's got significance to collectors.

  • But you know, with things like this,

  • it's high risk, high reward.

  • I know of firm offers that have been turned down at $300,000.

  • It goes up from there.

  • There's no ceiling, really.

  • RICK: OK, I learned a lot today. DENIZ KAHN: Absolutely.

  • My pleasure. Anytime.

  • Good luck.

  • Thank you.

  • Well, at first I thought you were crazy.

  • [LAUGHS]


  • I'm literally a little bit shocked

  • and a little bit speechless.

  • But realistically, what do you want for it?

  • I'm asking a million dollars.

  • There's a big business in these right here.

  • And I've just been looking into maybe

  • getting into it a little bit.

  • But I'm not going to get into it with this kind of figure

  • to start with.

  • I understand, I understand.

  • So have a great day.

  • I learned a lot.

  • And obviously, I have a lot of research to do.

  • Well, thank you for your time.

  • I appreciate it.

  • It's good to meet you.

  • All right, have a good one, man.

  • Thank you.

  • I'm OK that no offer was made.

  • I'm happy to keep the game.

  • And it's a piece of history, so I'm happy to have it

  • in my collection.

Hey, hows it going?

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