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  • Hey guys! How is it going?

  • My name is Michaela, and I've been living in Japan since 2005.

  • It's a long time. But I don't live in Tokyo or Osaka or Kyoto

  • I've spent the last seven years in the southern island of Kyushu.

  • I've lived in Miyasaki Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture, and I've the last four years living in Fukuoka.

  • And some of you might know this already, but there's a surprising amount of people who don't.

  • And when they find out, they are always shock. Why don't you go to Tokyo?

  • But you know, I've always just felt more comfortable here.

  • My parents came to visit, and they stayed here for ten days.

  • And during that time, I showed them every aspect of Fukuoka and Japanese culture that I could.

  • It was like through watching them discover Japan I was able to rediscover why I felt so strongly about Fukuoka.

  • It sounds lame but it's actually true.

  • They were able to experience both the traditional side of Japan and Japanese culture and the modern twist that Fukuoka brings with its relaxing beaches and the chill people.

  • If you're planning on coming to Japan, Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto, they are great places but those are the tourist destinations.

  • If you wanna experience real Japan, you gotta go somewhere new, you gotta go somewhere exciting, and I challenge you.

  • Next time you're travelling through Japan, try to go off the beaten path because other cities in Japan may not be tourist attractions but they are still worth checking out.

  • There is more to Japan than just Tokyo, and for now, I have no plans to move to Tokyo.

  • I would rather stay in Fukuoka, and I plan to stay here for a long time.

  • So hopefully I answered some questions and gives you a little broader look into Japan.

  • Until next time, Michaela- dishta!

Hey guys! How is it going?

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